In the marshal’s office, Lins looked at the expressionless Vice Admiral Rockaberry Navy Headquarters in front of him, and said with a faint expression: “Vice Admiral Stopcabery, there is a task that you need to do now.” ”

“Your Excellency Marshal, but it doesn’t hurt to say.” Stopcabery seemed to be born with facial paralysis and did not have much expression fluctuation.

This person once personally invited Lins to go to Mary Joa to meet the five old stars after Lins returned to the naval headquarters after rectifying the West Sea.

In the first year after becoming a marshal, Lins did not have any specific big moves, everything was secretly closing the net, it is worth mentioning that the performance of the first and second legions of the Night Legion did not disappoint him, and the ‘daughter body’ of cruciformis can give a great boost to the already good quality of his subordinates.

But one hidden danger is that if you completely stimulate the ability of cruciformus together and are not strong enough in terms of willpower, you will be completely reduced to only know how to kill. The monster of the killing, this case has appeared three times, once the first legion and the second legion, but the chance is small, so it is not a big problem overall.

“Edward Weibull, this man claims to be the son of Whitebeard, he is a potential threat anyway, I know that Lieutenant General Stopcabery is strong enough to solve Weibull, this is the matter of calling you here, I hope you will capture Edward Weible or kill him directly within three months.” Lin Si said slowly with a smile in his eyes.

Stopcabery’s expression still did not change much, but there was a clear fluctuation in his eyes.

How can his strength deal with Weibull, who was a freak who once removed one of Zefa’s arms, and his strength is not something that he will be able to match in this department.

If Lins didn’t have a brain problem, he should know that Lins was clearly going to let him die.

If the marshal’s order is opposed, Lins can immediately remove the position of lieutenant general of Stopcabery and find a small place to arrange it.

The main thing about Lins’s move is not to kill Stopcabery with a knife, the latter is just a small person, where to use Lins to spend his mind against him, Lins is ready to close the net against the five old stars of the forces began to clear up.

This time, it’s just to take Stopcabery to test the reaction of the five old stars.

After all, the five old stars have ruled the world government for so many years, it must be normal to have hole cards or something, it is a good thing to be able to force it out, if you can’t force it out, then directly follow your own plan and completely wipe out the five old stars’ in the navy in a short period of time.

“As far as I know, Mr. Zefa was once defeated at the hands of Edward Weibull.” Stockcabery said tentatively.

“It is estimated that Mr. Zefa is careless, a little confident in himself, I believe you can, Lieutenant General Stopcabery!” Lins said disapprovingly, with an undoubted meaning in his tone.

When Stopcabery opened his mouth to say something more, Lins’s eyes suddenly became a little cold.

Lins’s sudden change in expression had an inexplicable invisible pressure on Stopcabery, and he said without further ado, lowering his head slightly: “His Excellency the Marshal will never be disappointed, and will arrest Edward Weibull as soon as possible.” ”

“Good, let’s go down when you’re okay.” Lins waved his hand.

After Stopcabery left, Alden walked in with a somewhat subtle expression and said directly: “Lord Lins, a monster has appeared in this conscription. ”

“Monster?” Lin’s eyes lit up and he became interested.

“Well, to say that it is a monster is to mean his strength, this person’s name is Kate, and he burst the 10,000 power test instruments with one punch!” A real monster. Alden nodded and explained simply.

Dao power value test, ten years ago, Lin Si did not use armed color domineering punch to punch about 6,000 Dao power points, and now it is not difficult to transform into the Last Inquisitor to hit 60,000 Dao power points.

However, the highest test degree in the Navy is 10,000.

“Did he use domineering?” Lins asked.


After hearing this, Lins laughed completely.

Here it comes! That green cow ….

Sure enough, as Lin Si expected, it was different from a smile but a strong man of physical skill, and some exaggerated in terms of strength, the ordinary human strength value was 10, and he was directly a thousand times more than ordinary people.

With a strength of 10,000 Dao, he is qualified to become a new general based on physical skills alone!

“Where is he now? Where did you recruit this person? ”

“Now in Marin Fandor, he recruited this man in some small country in the New World.” Alden replied succinctly, and he and Lins were straight to the point and not talking nonsense.

When Lin Si heard this, he got up and said, “Very good, take me to meet him.” ”


Immediately, the two came to the square of the new barracks, and Lins’s arrival caused a lot of commotion.

Alden quickly brought Nakate to Lins, who looked carefully at the man in front of him.

He is stout, slightly taller than the red dog, and has slightly black skin, a small explosive head that is not too exaggerated, and a sunglasses that cannot see clearly, and looks like he is forty or fifty years old.

Before Lins could speak, the power monster called Kate spoke directly to Lins: “I am bound to get the position of the fourth admiral of the Navy!” ”

“You seem to have some unknown origins,” Lins said with a smile.

“I’ve been wandering around for decades to exercise myself, and I’ve almost forgotten everything in my hometown.” Kate gestured her fist towards where Lins was in front of her.

Alden frowned, seeing that Lins did not care about the other party’s rude behavior, but did not say anything.

“Good, that’s a good reason.” Lin Si nodded after hearing this, and then touched his chin slightly, his eyes flashed, and said,

“It’s okay to be a general, but you have to defeat someone to be a general.”

“Is that you, Your Excellency Marshal?” Kate looked at Lins, her eyes solidified.

Lins shook his head, he was ready to let a smile try this Kate’s strength!

Let Yixiao compare with Kate’s force to compete for the position of general, and it can be regarded as a smile to apply for an explanation for the general.


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