Looking at Lins’s expression, Luo knew that ‘three years old’ was Lins’s bottom line, but there were no longer a few Draco imps over three years old and under ten years old, and most of them were accustomed to the extravagant life of Draco like Dover when they were children, and they were accustomed to calling slaves, I am afraid that they could not be corrected.

Lin Si walked to Luo’s side and patted the latter’s shoulder: “Don’t have any psychological burden, after all, human beings are just a group of beasts that do not know how to enjoy without sacrifice…. Others sacrifice, we enjoy! ”

Saying that, Lin Si walked out of the room, looking at the Draco people who were lining up to let Luo check their bodies, the corners of Lin’s mouth outlined a cruel arc, he glanced at a large number of Draco imps, and then withdrew his gaze, without meaning to change his mind.

If you cut the grass without removing the roots, you are burying hidden dangers for yourself. For Luo’s sake, the three-year-old baby Lin Si had to set up an orphanage and adopt them for care.

The era of Draco’s world rule is coming to an end, and it will be up to Lins to take over the entire world government.

Walking out of the luxurious building building of the Charles Holy Family, Lins came to the outside of the building, but he noticed that a line of sight was staring at him, and he calmly went in the direction where his gaze came, and found that it was the old man in kimono who had the first generation of ghosts in his arms among the five old stars.

Lin Si looked at the bald old man, who had some strange meaning in his eyes, and then stepped forward.

Lins turned around and watched the other slowly walk in front of him.

“This plague event came suddenly.” The bald old man spoke.

“Natural and man-made disasters, isn’t it inevitable?” Lins replied succinctly.

The bald old man shook his head in disapproval and said, “Is this really the case… How does the old man think that some of them are secretly making trouble? ”

“Huh? How do you say this? ”

“Didn’t Marshal Lins think about someone deliberately spreading the plague? Just then, Charles St. has passed away… His body we prepared to hand over to Vegapunk for careful study. The bald old man looked at Lin Si with deep meaning and said meaningfully.

Lins didn’t reply, just nodded to himself.

After a while, Lins interrupted the conversation with the bald old man and returned to Marin Fando.

Luo’s work is going very smoothly, Alden on the side is also responsible for supervising him, except for babies under the age of three, almost all Draco have been infected with Alden’s plague, this scene was clearly seen by Alden, just wait for Lins to give an order, he detonated the plague, so that the Draco people died in three days!

Compared with two years ago, Alden’s performance is very calm, and behind Lins, Alden already knows that sooner or later the world will be Lins’s. If successful, he Alden will gain great power, and he will be able to be given a long life by Lins and live forever!

People want to live forever, even though they don’t think about what loneliness it is to live forever.

Lin’s arrangements are all ready, but the five old stars do not believe that Linsi naturally does not believe Luo too much, Luo is Linsi’s person after all, how can the five old stars dare to give the lives of the Dragon people to Luo to judge.

After Luo’s examination, the five old stars gathered capable doctors all over the world. Draco contracted a specific disease and spread for a while.

In fact, after this news spread, almost all the people who hated the Draco were very happy in their hearts, and their hearts cursed the Draco people for dying early and reincarnating.

But those who do know that this is a once-in-a-century opportunity, and doctors from all over the world have arrived in Mary Joa almost in a short time.

So many doctors can naturally see some clues, and the fact that the plague virus is hidden in the body of the Draco is exposed, and the Draco is once again in panic and anxiety.

Many of these slaves also contracted the plague, and these slaves became ‘test specimens’ for doctors around the world.

All in all, the situation is still under control, and doctors have only detected the plague but cannot eradicate it.

But after all, it is doctors all over the world, and some of them have discovered a temporary way to deal with it, and they have invented a potion that can strengthen the body, and strengthening the body is the best way to fight off the plague virus.

Alden looked a little anxious, afraid that his plague would be solved.

Lin Si is very calm, is secretly closing the net, in fact, directly slaughtering the Draco on the open has a bad impact on him, but it does not mean that he can’t do it, the worst plan is to directly slaughter the Draco and the five old stars, and then suppress all the world government allies in a short time.

It’s just that there is too much uncertainty for Lins to choose this approach as a last resort.

But Lins still missed some calculations….

On this day, Vince Mock Gaji, who has always had a secret contact with Lins, took the initiative to appear in Marin Fandor for the first time, and brought his daughter Vince Mock Rejiu.

After the two arrived at Lins’s office, Lins’s expression instantly became gloomy.

“If it’s just a plague or a virus, my daughter should be able to relieve the so-called Draco-sama crisis!” Gaji did not know that the Draco crisis was planned by Linsi, and at this time, he opened his mouth to Linsi.

Lins looked at his daughter Lei Jiu next to him, Lei Jiu seemed to be able to absorb toxins, but whether he could absorb the plague Lin Si was not sure, and he had never thought about this before, but now that Gaji brought it here, I am afraid that nine times out of ten he could absorb it.

Lei Jiu’s drug addiction ability Lins has always thought to be Magellan’s nemesis, but he did not expect to be Alden’s nemesis.

But fortunately, Gaji first contacted Lins instead of the Five Old Stars.

“What do you want?”

“North Sea! The whole North Sea! Kaji’s face straightened and he was straight to the point.

The North Sea had previously been under the military rule of the Vince Mock family, which was also Gaji’s long-standing wish.

Lin Si didn’t answer immediately after hearing this, but just looked at Lei Jiu, not knowing what he was thinking.


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