Kaido’s seal was reinforced several times later.

In fact, Lins must not have expected Kaido to lose in this way, when it comes to seals, Lins has only a few understandings of the Hokage, the wooden seal between the thousand hand pillars, the ghoul seal that exchanges life for life, and Nagato’s earthburst star.

And the Earth Explosion Celestial Star is estimated to take six levels to seal Kaido, where would he have thought that with Onoki’s outbreak before his death, Chakra, who gathered I-Aira, Shouzuru, Tsunade, and nearly 10,000 ninjas, could also seal Kaido.

After the news reached Lins’s ears, it seemed that the latter would also be a little wary of this.

The combined power of ninjas against one person alone can really be a so-called miracle.

In fact, the biggest thing Kaido was defeated was that he didn’t know the mystery of ninjutsu, but the reverse is true, and ninjas don’t know much about Kaido, a madman.

The atmosphere after the war fell into a subtle silence, and the ninja arranged the remaining pirates captured alive one by one, and also began to clean up the battlefield and sort out the number of dead people.

Four shadows plus a two-tailed human pillar force (should be shadow level) besieged Kaido, two died, one seriously injured, and the remaining two were still exhausted.

Fortunately, it was a battle on land, and I Iroh’s advantages could be maximized, and Tsunade was obviously going to lose some of his lifespan by unlocking the Hundred Heroes Forbidden Technique.

In a temporary camp on the battlefield, Tsunade is treating Terumi, who is seriously injured.

Terumi’s injuries were serious, and fortunately Tsunade did not die at Kaido’s hands, otherwise he would probably have died of serious injuries.

“The price is too great…. This is only one ‘Four Emperors’, what about the other three? Although the four emperors are already hostile, even if they come one by one, they have the same strength as this monster, and our situation…” Terumi said weakly to Tsunade as she lay in the tent.

Tsunade looked solemn and careful in addition to treatment, but also replied: “Your concern is very right, in fact, we also have hidden enemies, and the situation is indeed very bad.” ”

Tsunade is naturally referring to the secret Xiao Organization, but because of the pirates’ affairs, it is not easy to say whether the Xiao Organization’s plan will be delayed.

For a while, Tsunade’s mind was submissive to the naval forces hostile to the pirates.

The situation found, among them, the ambitious evaluation of the naval leader Lins also made Tsunade jealous, not afraid of 10,000, what if he joined forces with the navy to solve the pirates, and then the navy backtracked against the ninja continent?

The strength of the navy can be even more terrifying than that of a single four emperors.

The damage of the ninjas this time is not too exaggerated, because the enemy is only Kaido, but if it is the number of navies…. That must be a bloody situation.

This matter…. Tsunade thought about it for a moment or two, and put it in his heart for the time being.


“I didn’t expect that Kaido to be defeated in this way, and it seems that the water of the New World will churn again soon after.” Not far from the ninja battlefield camp, a tall figure silently watched the previous scene, and couldn’t help but mumble at this time,

It was Kuzan, and after Kuzan voluntarily resigned, Lins did not keep him, because because of Robin’s affairs, Lins did not look at Kuzan well. I just didn’t expect this guy to come to the Ninja Continent.

Kuzan silently looked at the group of ninjas for a long time before he let out a long sigh and disappeared in place.

At the same time, Lins’s intelligence officers had already returned to report the matter to Lins.


Kaido was defeated, and all parties moved.

Among them, the remaining white-bearded pirate group led by Ace entered the Ninja Continent under Ace’s insistence, but Ace’s character is not to invade, he just wants to verify whether there is really something left by Roger on the Ninja Continent.

Blackbeard was killed by Lins, and the hatred of the Whitebeard Pirates could not be transferred at all, perhaps the members of the Whitebeard Pirates would blame the naval government, but they also knew that with their current strength to engage Lins was tantamount to killing themselves by hitting stones.

Whether Ace’s strength has reached the level expected by Lins in the nearly three years after the battle at the top depends on whether Ace has awakened and no longer insisted on letting Whitebeard be One Piece, but becoming One Piece himself!


A few days later, all nations, floating island.

“Hahahaha~ I really deserve it, Kaido that madman was defeated? In this way, his territory I Golden Lion accepted unceremoniously. Little ones, this banquet has been opened to Lao Tzu, and in a few days I will kill Kaido’s remnants! ”

Upon learning the news of Kaido’s defeat, the Golden Lion immediately held a banquet in Wanguo.

The ambition of the golden lion should be the largest of the four emperors, this guy used to be the sea overlord pirate governor, now if he swallows Kaido’s power again, then the number of pirates under his command will surpass the past and become the first pirate force worthy of it!

As soon as Whitebeard dies, the strongest pirate group will naturally fall into his house.

Similarly, the golden lion is jealous of Lins, so he will not rashly start a war with Lins, his first step is to rectify the new world and include all the pirates of the new world, at that time, he will be recognized as the One Piece of this era!

On the other hand, Lins is actively looking for the whereabouts of Shanks, and is also secretly following the movements of Kidd, the figure he chose to become the puppet pirate Four Emperors.

If Kidd can’t do it, then Klockdar, there is never a shortage of ambitious people among pirates, this kind of alternate puppet four emperors, Lins can find as much as he wants.

Even that Edward Wieble was among the candidates for Lins.

Lins may end the era of pirates, but it is impossible to completely eliminate pirates, without thieves, where will the soldiers be?

Control, control, to ensure that the pirates are not extinguished, but the scope of strength is controlled in their own hands, and they can kill if they want, which is what Lins wants.


In the Admiral’s office, Lins looked at the intelligence subordinates in front of him with extreme shock, and asked unsurely:

“You just said… Did you see the shock ability in a ninja with watermelon hair? ”


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