Suddenly, Ji Lingyun thought of the characteristics of the slashing knife in the God of Death, so he asked the system: “System, isn’t the slashing knife only available in the spirit state?” Do I also need to be out of my soul to be able to use the slashing knife? ”

The system said: “The host’s worry is superfluous, the ability of the hand slashing knife selected by the Blade of Death system, after the transformation of the system, does not need to be in the state of the spirit body to use the slashing knife, and the power will not change.” ”

Hearing the system’s answer, Ji Lingyun breathed a sigh of relief, and valued the Death Blade System in his heart.

Shanks and Bucky had been staring at Ji Lingyun, and just when they were curious about Ji Lingyun’s actions, they suddenly saw Ji Lingyun pull out the ancient long sword, and then saw a sharp glowing long knife.

The sword qi stretches for three thousand miles, and one sword light chills nineteen states!

Shanks was startled, exclaimed, and quickly flashed to the side, and Bucky’s reaction was not as fast as Shanks, he was directly slashed by the sword light, and his body was split in two from the waist.

If a normal person is cut in two, he will definitely not survive, but strangely, after Bucky was cut in two, instead of falling, he shouted in surprise: “You little ghost, you actually dare to cut Uncle Ben.” ”

However, at this time, Ji Lingyun did not pay attention to Bucky’s shouting, but seriously looked at the Senbon Sakura in his hand, as he remembered, and after pulling it out, the original handle of the Death Blade also changed, becoming the hilt of Senbon Sakura, to be precise, from the moment the sword was drawn, except for the scabbard, the rest changed.

Qianben Ying held it in his hand, Ji Lingyun felt a pressure, the weight of this sword is not heavy, but the length is not short, at least for Ji Lingyun, who is only eight years old now, it is not easy to swing, but it gives Ji Lingyun a spiritual connection, as if this sword is like a part of his body.

Ji Lingyun knew that this feeling of spiritual connection should be the reason for the Blade of Death system, and from the moment he pulled out this sword, he was the master of Senbon Sakura.

Recalling the sword just now, the lethality of that sword was still very strong, and if it weren’t for Bucky being a torn man, I am afraid he would have died a long time ago.

Ji Lingyun held a thousand cherry blossoms, and his heart was full of pride, and he said to Bucky in a domineering manner: “The sword just now is the sword you just sneaked up on me, if you still want to fight, I will accompany you.” ”


When Bucky heard Ji Lingyun’s words, he was half dead of anger, he was actually despised by a little ghost, how could he stand this breath, he shouted: “Little ghost, look at the knife.” ”

Bucky also didn’t care about his lower body, and flew directly over his upper body towards Ji Lingyun, and the sailor knife in his hand slashed at Ji Lingyun.


Bucky’s movements were not fast, Ji Lingyun easily blocked his attack, but Ji Lingyun was only eight years old after all, and his strength was still very weak, although he blocked Bucky’s slash, but his hands were numb with shock.

“Ring the bell…”

Bucky kept waving the sailor knife, and every time he would be blocked by Ji Lingyun, but discerning people could see that Ji Lingyun blocked very hard, and the gap in strength made him suffer.


Suddenly, Ji Lingyun shouted, used the strength of his whole body, and quickly retreated, and then he stood Senbon Sakura in front of him and drank lightly: “Scatter, Senbon Sakura!” ”

With Ji Lingyun’s light drink, the long knife in his hand suddenly underwent a strange change, and I saw Senbon Ying’s blade body slowly disappear, decomposing into countless flying petals, rotating around the water cloud.

“Eh? This is? ”

This sudden change made Bucky very surprised, and also caused many pirates around to look over curiously.

Under Bucky’s surprised gaze, the petals surrounding Ji Lingyun suddenly floated towards him at an extremely fast speed, and when they came to him, the speed of those petals suddenly became extremely fast, and they also emitted a cold edge.



The petals became blades, Bucky was like a target, all the blades hit Bucky, cutting Bucky continuously, and after more than ten seconds, the petals slowly disappeared, returning to the handle of Senbon Sakura, and restored the original form of Senbon Sakura; Bucky, on the other hand, was cut into countless pieces that looked like minced meat was floating in the air, the only difference being that no blood was coming out.

Of course, Bucky will not die, his fruit ability is simply the nemesis of a swordsman, but being beaten so miserably by Ji Lingyun is simply a great shame for him, his body that has been cut into countless pieces slowly converged and returned to its original appearance, and then he shouted angrily, and the sailor knife in his hand stabbed at Ji Lingyun.

“Bucky, don’t.”

Shanks, who has been watching the battle on the side, was shocked when he saw Ji Lingyun using Senbon Sakura’s ability at first, but now he saw that Bucky lost his mind and wanted to kill Ji Lingyun, and suddenly all three souls and seven souls were lost, this boy was taken on the boat by Whitebeard at such a young age, which shows that he must be very favored, if Bucky hurts him, it will definitely stab the sky, so how can Shanks not be shocked.

Shanks wanted to stop it, but his speed was simply too late, so he could only let out a loud drink to stop Bucky, but how could Bucky hear him at this time.

In fact, everything that happened here did not escape the eyes of the pirates on both sides, but before they all thought that they were messing around with children, so they didn’t pay attention to it, but they were very surprised by the Senbon Sakura Origin ability that Ji Lingyun had just used.

Especially the Whitebeard Pirates, they didn’t expect that the sword that they couldn’t pull out all the time was actually pulled out by Ji Lingyun, and it had such a weird and powerful ability as soon as it came out of the sheath; But the most surprising thing was the foil bista, Senbon Sakura’s ability to turn into petals was somewhat similar to his sword skills, and he thought that Ji Lingyun had learned his moves.

However, when the people of the Whitebeard Pirates Group saw that Ji Lingyun’s attack was ineffective against Bucky, and Bucky dared to continue attacking, everyone was stunned, and the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates roared angrily.

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