
Not to be outdone, the golden lion stared at the white beard and shouted, “If I wanted to kill this little ghost, he would have died more than a dozen times.” ”

Whitebeard roared: “Kill Lao Tzu’s son in front of Lao Tzu, Shi Ji, you don’t have that ability yet!” ”

The whitebeard and the golden lion released their momentum at the same time, like Mars hitting the earth, sparks splashed, and Ji Lingyun, who was around the two, was like a small sailboat in the waves, constantly swaying.

However, although Ji Lingyun was very uncomfortable, he still gritted his teeth and insisted, if he couldn’t even bear the momentum of the two strong people, how could he talk about becoming a strong man in the future?

It is indeed very uncomfortable to bear the momentum of the two strong people, but his mood is very happy, because through the collision with the golden lion, he has collected all the opening conditions of the Pisces theory and unsealed the initial solution of the Pisces theory, which is his purpose.

“The host gathers the blood of the Great Fast Sword Twenty-one Gong and the Double Sword Hao, and the Double Fish is unsealed!”

“Since the conditions for the unsealing of Pisces are unknown, the host can bypass the unsealing of Pisces and directly open the next slashing knife!”

“Congratulations to the host for getting the slashing knife: slashing the moon; Initial solution: As the strongest slashing knife, it naturally needs the strongest blade to open, one of the supreme fast knives; Explanation: Unknown! ”

“Chop Moon?”

When he heard the system say that the new slashing knife he opened was actually the slashing moon, Ji Lingyun’s whole person was not calm, this is the slashing moon, the strongest slashing knife, he didn’t expect his luck to be so against the sky, and he actually got the slashing moon.

But then Ji Lingyun asked suspiciously: “System, why is the solution condition for the moon cutting is unknown?” ”

The system said: “Because the host directly opens the new slashing knife by bypassing the swastika of the Pisces theory, the new slashing knife can only see the conditions of the initial solution, and only after the host completes the initial solution, can the conditions of the slash be known.” ”

“So it is.” Ji Lingyun nodded, but he secretly cursed in his heart, this system is really stingy, picking words.

The communication between Ji Lingyun and the system is only a matter of a moment, and the battle between Whitebeard and Golden Lion is still continuing.

At this time, the golden lion and the white beard are at the peak moment of their lives, judging from the momentum alone, neither of them can overwhelm the other, obviously the golden lion and the white beard are also aware of this, so neither of them made a move.

In the end, it was the golden lion who snorted coldly, and he said: “Whitebeard, I didn’t come to you today to start a war with you, let me ask you again for the last time, would you like to go with me to the naval headquarters to save Roger?” ”

Whitebeard flatly refused: “Impossible, Golden Lion, you don’t have to talk in vain, I absolutely can’t go with you to save Roger, Roger he has his own path, we have our way, so, Golden Lion, you’d better dismiss this idea.” ”

The golden lion roared: “Whitebeard, you disappointed me so much, if you don’t go, I will go alone, even if it is only me, I will take Roger out, if I can’t bring it out, let me kill him with my own hands.” ”

After speaking, the golden lion turned around and prepared to leave, but just a moment before he left, he suddenly turned his head to look at Ji Lingyun.

“Little ghost, it’s not easy to block my attack, what’s your name?”


The sudden question of the golden lion surprised the pirates of the white-bearded pirate group, and the golden lion asked like this, undoubtedly agreeing with Ji Lingyun, who is the golden lion? Those are the three legendary pirates on the sea, and how many pirates on the sea can enter his eyes? A teenager who was only ten years old was actually admired by him in person, and asked for his name, and no one believed it.

But now, the impossible is happening.

Ji Lingyun’s face was also surprised, but he quickly replied solemnly: “Lingyun, Edward Ji Lingyun.” ”

“Edward Ji Lingyun?”

The golden lion looked at Ji Lingyun in surprise, and then said to Whitebeard: “I didn’t expect you to give your surname to this little ghost.” ”

Whitebeard rightfully replied, “Because he is my son.” ”

The golden lion snorted coldly, and then said to Ji Lingyun: “Lingyun? I remember your name and hope to hear your name on the sea in the future. ”

After saying this, the golden lion immediately turned and left, without the slightest hesitation, and then flew away with the pirate ship.

Ji Lingyun silently watched the golden lion leave, and secretly said in his heart: “Even if I make a name for myself on the sea in the future, we don’t know if we will have the opportunity to see each other again.” ”

This is not Ji Lingyun’s nonsense, he knows that the golden lion will be locked up in Advance City, and after he escapes from Advance City, he has not appeared for many years, because he knows very well that if he has his legs cut off, if he exposes his traces, there will be many people who will be willing to trouble him.

After the golden lion left, the pirates of the white-bearded pirate group all set their eyes on Ji Lingyun’s body, and were watched by the strange gazes of so many people, Rao Yiji Lingyun’s face was a little unbearable.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

The people of the Whitebeard Pirate Group did not speak, only Whitebeard frowned and asked, “Xiao Lingyun, what happened to your knife just now?” Why is there such a change? ”

The slashing knife is a unique weapon in the world of death, and the weapons in the pirate world are just simple weapons, and now the world government has not yet developed the ability to let weapons devour devil fruits, so they are surprised that Ji Lingyun’s knife is going on.

Marko was surprised, “Could it be that your knife ate the Devil’s Fruit?” ”

Ji Lingyun scratched his head, he really didn’t know how to explain, after all, the slashing knife did not belong to this world, did he have to start with them? He shook his head, this was impossible, this was his biggest secret, no matter who it was, he could not reveal it.

So Ji Lingyun opened his mouth and said: “I don’t know very well, I only know that this knife is very extraordinary, it seems to have many forms, but I haven’t completely figured out the specific situation, and it takes more time to master it and control it, as for whether it ate the devil fruit, I think it shouldn’t be, because it is not afraid of sea water at all.” ”

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