“What is the origin of his knife and why has there been so many changes? And every time he sheaths the knife and pulls it out again, it will look like a different look, what is the principle of this? ”

The title of wise general of the Warring States was not taken arbitrarily, he was definitely one of the smartest people in the upper echelons of the navy, although he did not fight with Ji Lingyun, but he had been paying attention to Ji Lingyun, because he knew that this teenager would play an inestimable role in this incident.

The facts also proved the conjecture of the Warring States, from the beginning, Ji Lingyun showed amazing strength, what he did was simply subverting everyone’s imagination, and his unfathomable katana showed too much incredible power.

“The key is his knife, as long as he doesn’t have a knife, he is a very talented teenager, but it is absolutely impossible to be so strong.”

That’s right, even the Admiral Warring States, after seeing the various abilities of the slashing knife, has to admit that Ji Lingyun is very strong, but this kind of strength is based on the premise of Ji Lingyun plus the slashing knife.

“Sakaski, take his knife, without it, he is just an ordinary teenager.” Sengoku suddenly yelled loudly at the red dog.

This loud drink of the Warring States made many people in the square change their faces greatly, before they were all amazed at the strength of Ji Lingyun, so although Ji Lingyun’s slashing knife showed great ability, many people did not think about what Ji Lingyun would be like without the slashing knife, until the Warring States shouted and woke up many people.

Chi Inu’s eyes lit up, he was also locked by his own thinking, just thinking of Ji Lingyun’s powerful weapons, but forgetting to think about what Ji Lingyun would be like without weapons, Warring States’ words were like opening the door for him, letting him know how to deal with Ji Lingyun in the simplest way.

And Ji Lingyun sneered with disdain in his heart after hearing the shout of the Warring States, although the Warring States said well, the power he is showing now, ninety percent is derived from the slashing knife, but they want to take the slashing knife from his hand, it is undoubtedly a fool’s dream, the blade of death is connected to his life, and others can’t use it at all.

Feeling his explosive power, Ji Lingyun certainly would not entangle with the navy more, eating the Heavenly Lock Cutting Moon with his right hand, and cut down at the location where the red dog was without hesitation.

“Crescent Sky Chong!”

In an instant, a brilliant sword radiance emanated from the Heavenly Lock Chopping Moon, shooting in front of Chi Inu at a speed faster than a laser, directly splitting his magma body in two, and then Ji Lingyun slashed several times, and several crescent moon heavens shot out.

“It’s too fast to dodge.

The red dog’s pupils shrank, although Ji Lingyun’s slash could not hurt his body, but it split his body, and he also needed a little bit to condense his body, but Ji Lingyun didn’t give it at all, several consecutive crescent moon sky rushes, cutting his magma body apart, and Ji Lingyun turned into a black shadow and rushed forward.

“It’s not that easy!”

The red dog did not control the recovery of the body, but controlled the magma towards Ji Lingyun, but Ji Lingyun’s speed was too fast, and those magma could not keep up with his speed at all, and he easily avoided it, so that the red dog could only roar angrily.

In fact, the red dog is also very depressed, his strength is definitely more than so much, but most of his attacks are indiscriminate attacks, and the range is very large, if he attacks with all his strength, it is likely to hurt the companion navy, so he who cannot show his full strength was actually exploited by Ji Lingyun, which made him very angry.

Against the attack of the red dog, Ji Lingyun rushed to the side of Roger’s body as fast as possible, although there were several navies next to Roger’s body, but in front of the Heavenly Lock Chopping Moon, Ji Lingyun easily killed them, and then grabbed Roger’s body and was ready to turn and leave.

Ji Lingyun’s speed was indeed fast enough, but he brought Roger’s body, causing his speed to suddenly decrease, and the empty space that had been following him seized this opportunity and punched Ji Lingyun in the back without hesitation.

Ji Lingyun’s speed and attack are indeed very strong, but his weakness is also obvious, that is, the defense is insufficient, Tiansuo Chopper does not want to have extremely strong defensive ability like Senbon Sakura, and he has not learned to arm the color domineering, so in the face of a top expert like Kong, as long as he is hit with a punch, it is definitely a serious injury.

In the face of the empty attack, Ji Lingyun’s eyes suddenly flashed with madness, and he actually stopped dodging, and reflexively used the Heavenly Lock Chopping Moon to face the empty fist.


Empty is called steel bone, physical skills are almost practiced to the extreme, under his full burst, even if Ji Lingyun has the heavenly lock to resist, but he was still directly blasted away by his punch and knife, and vomited blood in the air, extremely embarrassed to fly out tens of meters before smashing heavily to the ground.

But the next moment, Kong’s expression became even more angry, because even when Ji Lingyun was injured by him, he did not put down Roger’s body, but instead smashed it to the ground with Roger’s body, and what made Empty even more angry was that Ji Lingyun flew directly out of the center of the battle.

At this moment, Kong understood what Ji Lingyun meant, Ji Lingyun forcibly took his blow, and then borrowed his strength to fly away from the center of the battle with himself, so his blow obviously could not fly Ji Lingyun so far, but Ji Lingyun still flew away from such a distance, and the only explanation was intentional.

“Why did he retreat there?”

Kong looked towards where Ji Lingyun was, and at this sight, his whole person shook, and he suddenly shouted: “Kuzan, stop Marko, quick, stop him.” ”

It turned out that the direction in which Ji Lingyun flew out was the battlefield of the two pheasants and Marko, and he shouted almost at the same time as the air: “Marko, hurry, take off, leave the pheasant alone, he will hand it over to me to deal with.” ”

Ji Lingyun and Kong’s loud shouts resounded throughout the square, and in an instant, almost everyone’s fighting stopped, and their eyes were looking towards here, and from Kong’s angry and corrupted roar, you could hear what he meant, Ji Lingyun was likely to escape. _

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