“What’s that?”

The ‘thug’ and ‘roar’ were originally burned by Ji Lingyun, and their bodies were all sword wounds, but they did not hurt Ji Lingyun by half a point, and they were also occupied by Ji Lingyun in one dozen and two.

But they didn’t expect that Ji Lingyun, who had the advantage, would actually change tactics, and the powerful black long knife over there turned into another knife, and what was even more amazing was that this knife actually turned into countless blades, and the small blades lingered around Ji Lingyun, like starlight in the sky.

I saw Ji Lingyun’s hand pointing forward, and the thin blades around him suddenly went towards the ‘thug’ Jeffrey White at a very fast speed, flying like cherry blossoms, beautiful but full of murderous aura.

Jeffrey White and the two were startled when they saw the countless cherry blossom-like thin blades coming towards them, and quickly dodged, their speed was fast, but the speed of the thin blades was faster, and they were enveloped in the blink of an eye.


“Ring the bell…”

Jeffrey White used a machete to resist the attack of the thin blade, but the ‘angry roar’ Erwin Simpson was tragic, after he transformed, his body was extremely large, and he could not dodge at all, but he was surrounded by the thin blade in an instant, and let out a series of angry and bitter roars.

However, Elvin Simpson’s ability is indeed strong, although he is constantly attacked by thin blades and his body is also scarred, but these thin blades transformed by Senbon Sakura only cut through his skin, looking very miserable, but they were not fatally injured.

Under the angry roar, I saw Elvin Simpson suddenly let out an extremely angry roar, and then against the thin blade that attacked him, the whole person rushed towards Ji Lingyun, although Ji Lingyun controlled the thin blade to constantly attack him, but still could not stop him from rushing over.

Ji Lingyun’s face changed, he didn’t expect the other party to be so crazy, completely regardless of his injuries, desperately trying to fight him, his body was not as good as Erwin Simpson, who ate the animal demon fruit, so in the face of Elvin Simpson who rushed over, he quickly dodged, but his speed was much worse than using the Heavenly Lock to cut the moon.

“This guy!”

Fighting against Senbon Sakura, if you want to dodge the blade, you must move forward, not blindly retreat, just like Elvin Simpson, he found that when he rushed towards Ji Lingyun desperately, the blade that attacked him became weaker than before, which made him desperate to attack Ji Lingyun.

“Annihilation Senbon Sakura Keiyan!”

Ji Lingyun drank lowly, and saw that the chasing Erwin Xin blade quickly returned to his face, and then formed the form of a knife, and then Ji Lingyun rushed towards Erwin Simp with the knife in his hand, and he no longer retreated, but chose to fight hard.


The blade directly pierced into Erwin Simp’s body, but Ji Lingyun’s height was much worse than the other party, even if he attacked with all his strength, it only reached the opponent’s waist, and after the blade pierced the opponent’s body, it did not penetrate, but was stuck in it.


Erwin looked at Ji Lingyun in front of him, but he showed a sneer, he completely ignored his injuries, grabbed Ji Lingyun’s shoulders with both hands, and then roared, lifted Ji Lingyun high and smashed him to the ground hard.

“Not good, Lingyun!”

Seeing this scene, Jozi and Saatchi both changed their faces and wanted to save Ji Lingyun, but the distance was really a little far, and their opponent was originally at an absolute disadvantage, but at this time, they burst out with all their strength and entangled the two of them.


Ji Lingyun’s body was lifted high by Elvin Simpson, and smashed heavily on the ground, splashing a large piece of dust.

In the dust and smoke, a figure rushed out at an extremely fast speed, it was Ji Lingyun, I saw him open his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, his face was a little gloomy, just now he was smashed on the ground by a huge force, if it was before, he would definitely be seriously injured, but at the last moment, he covered the junior with armed color domineering, reducing the force of the impact, so it would be as simple as spitting out a mouthful of blood.

“Fortunately, before coming, I practiced armed color domineering, although it can only cover the body with a large palm, but it is enough, when I land, I bow my body, only part of it landing, and the armed color domineering is really practical.”

In recent years, Ji Lingyun has carried out hellish training under the training of Whitebeard, and armed color domineering is a link that he focuses on cultivation, want to practice armed color domineering, not only must have sufficient qualifications, but also have a strong body, before his physical fitness could not meet the requirements, until not long ago, he did not meet the requirements, and also practiced a trace of armed color domineering, but his armed color domineering can not really harden the body, just simply wrapped around the body.

However, even if Ji Lingyun’s armed color domineering was only at the first level, it still helped him block a big impact.

Ji Lingyun’s face was very gloomy, he knew that he was careless, and he also underestimated his opponent, ‘Angry Roar’ is a pirate with a bounty of hundreds of millions after all, if he doesn’t have some skills, how can he be famous in the new world.

“Final Scene, White Emperor Sword!”

Ji Lingyun looked solemn, summoned all the blades of Senbon Sakura, and then used the strongest attack form of Senbon Sakura, only to see that his body emitted a strong dazzling white light, and a pair of white wings slowly appeared behind him, shrouding his body in it, and his hands were holding a handful of white Senbon Sakura.


Ji Lingyun drank loudly, and the whole person quickly rushed towards Erwin Simpson, and with his movement, the white light became more and more dazzling; And Elvin Simpson did not have the slightest fear, roared angrily, and the whole person completely turned into a violent bear form, colliding with Ji Lingyun face to face with a huge momentum.

When the two collided together, the white wings behind Ji Lingyun instantly spread out, turning into a white light that enveloped the two of them, so that others could only see the white light, but could not see the specific situation. _

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