Listening to Jeffrey White’s angry roar, Ji Lingyun’s expression was very flat, and said lightly: “There are many kinds of playing with fire, you think that I am seeking my own death by recruiting admirals, but how do you understand my intentions, admirals I have not seen, if you want to kill me, you also need to pay a price.” ”

Ji Lingyun knew that Chi Inu and other three admirals would definitely become stronger after these years, but in the same way, his strength was by no means comparable to that of the admiral, he may not be the opponent of the admiral, but they wanted to kill him, it was not so easy, and he attracted the admiral not to desperately.

When Ji Lingyun was talking to Jeffrey White, a large group of naval soldiers quickly surrounded the entire street, and I saw a naval officer with the rank of captain come out, pointing at Ji Lingyun and shouting: “Quickly release Lord Draco.” ”

And when that Draco saw the arrival of the navy, he immediately burst into an angry roar: “You stupid navy, don’t hurry up and arrest this bastard who dares to insult me, I am the most noble Draco in the world, a god, come and get me, you useless waste.” ”

This group of navies came to save the Draco, but they didn’t expect that they would be scolded as soon as they came, Rao knew the dignity of the Draco, and the captain was also trembling, and his heart was extremely unhappy.

But no matter how unhappy he is, he can’t stop the orders of the Draco, in front of the Draco, even the vice admiral can only obey orders, not to mention his small naval colonel.

The Captain shouted again: “I don’t care who you are, quickly release that adult, we have already notified the Navy headquarters, if you stop immediately, you may be able to get off lightly.” ”

“Bastard, what comes from light? I will send him to a slave farm and make him suffer the worst torture, so that he cannot survive, he cannot die. Draco roared again.

Ji Lingyun chuckled, “Did you hear that, that Captain of the Navy, he wants me to survive, I can’t die?” Do you think I should let him go? ”


The captain cursed angrily in his heart, he also felt in his heart that this Draco was really stupid to the extreme, obviously he was already a prisoner, and he dared to be so unscrupulous, he really didn’t know how to write dead words, although he didn’t think that Ji Lingyun had the guts to kill Draco.

The Captain glanced at the scarred thug next to Ji Lingyun and shouted: “You can’t run away, the person next to you is a pirate ‘thug’, you attacked that adult to save him, right?” Then you must also be a pirate, but the Chambord Islands have thousands of navies, and you can’t escape. ”

Ji Lingyun said with a smile: “I think you misunderstood a little, and you never thought of escaping.” ”

Hearing Ji Lingyun’s words, the navy was shocked, he didn’t understand what Ji Ling meant, but the current situation no longer allowed him to think more, he shouted: “My lord, otherwise we will have to start.” ”

Ji Lingyun hummed, “You don’t need to do it, because, fall down!” ”

The overlord-colored domineering instantly burst out from his body, and the powerful momentum swept the entire street, and the hundreds of navies who came with the captain did not react at all, and all fell.

This sudden scene made the naval colonel instantly stunned, he looked at the navy soldier who fell behind him in shock, the cold sweat on his forehead continued to drip down, he didn’t understand what was going on, why all the subordinates behind him would fall.

However, Jeffrey White, the thug holding the wound next to Ji Lingyun, had already said the answer.

“This is, overlord color domineering, absolutely can’t be wrong, is overlord color domineering.”

Jeffrey White’s face was full of shock, he was also a sea thief, naturally he had heard of the overlord color domineering, but he had never seen it, but he had only heard rumors, and from Ji Lingyun’s performance twice, he could recognize that this was the overlord color domineering.

It is because of this that Jeffrey White will be shocked, the overlord color domineering is the power that only people with the ‘king’s qualifications’ can have, there are only a few people in the world today who have the overlord color domineering, he did not expect that the young pirate of the white-bearded pirate group in front of him actually has the domineering color of the overlord.

After hearing Jeffrey White’s exclamation, the Navy Colonel was also full of horror, and he muttered: “Overlord color domineering, is it the same overlord color domineering as the naval hero, Vice Admiral Karp?” How can it be? How could a young pirate who didn’t have hair have that kind of power? ”

What made him even more puzzled was why his subordinates had already fallen, but he didn’t feel the slightest?

In fact, he didn’t know that Ji Lingyun’s overlord-colored domineering deliberately avoided him and did not release it against him, so he would be fine, otherwise he would be extremely uncomfortable even if he didn’t fall like those navies, after all, the overlord-colored domineering acted on the spirit.

“Hey, that Captain.”

When the captain was stunned, he suddenly heard Ji Lingyun shouting at him, his whole body was shocked, and he couldn’t help but take a step back, looked at Ji Lingyun in horror, and asked, “What do you want to do?” ”

Seeing his face full of vigilance and fear, Ji Lingyun’s face suddenly cried and laughed, this guy was as if he was going to do something to him.

Ji Lingyun said: “You can also see that you can’t catch me, I also know that there are still many navies in the Chambord Islands, but I can tell you, even if you transfer everyone over, it won’t be so easy to catch me, maybe if you force me, I will kill this guy.” ”

The captain of the navy suddenly became more frightened when he heard this, Ji Lingyun in his opinion, is already a completely devil-level figure, he completely ignored Ji Lingyun’s age, some are just fear, but he also knows that what Ji Lingyun said is true, if the Draco is really killed, it is definitely not something they can afford, not only him, it is estimated that all the navies of the Chambord Islands can hardly afford it, so he is terrified, there is only one choice, that is, to stabilize Ji Lingyun.

“What do you want to do?” _

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