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Chapter 12 Fight for the Devil Fruit of Nature

“These people next to them are Dorafalga Ro’s pirate group! Over there is the Kidd Pirates. And the people of the straw hat kid. “Through seeing and hearing the domineering, Abel looked at all the people present, and probably what the origin of these people was.

And the one who caught Abel’s attention the most was Dorafalga Rowe! With a bounty of five billion Devil Fruit, what kind of power is hidden in it is indeed quite curious.

“Oh? It looks like an unusual devil fruit! I didn’t expect that even such a big man appeared here. ”

At this time, Abel suddenly discovered that in addition to these pirates, two other big people also appeared here.

Hawkeye Mihawk, Tyrant Bear!

“Undead lieutenant general, troublesome characters have appeared.” The bear was holding a book in his hand, and his face did not change in the slightest as if he were paralyzed.

“The world’s number one sword hao, he has long wanted to fight this guy.” However, compared to the bear, Hawkeye shows a strong fighting intent.

But all the great swordsmen will definitely want to fight Abel, even if they die, it doesn’t matter, this is the so-called swordsman instinct.

However, Abel only glanced at the few pirates present and did not say anything.

Although he really wanted to kill all the pirates present, he planned to destroy this place and snatch the Devil Fruit. If your identity is exposed, it will be troublesome.

He didn’t want to be involved with that group of troublesome Draco.

It’s better to keep a little low-key, if he really fights Hawkeye, then his abilities must be exposed, and then trouble on the Draco government side will follow.

“Troublesome moth.” Looking at the two Draco sitting in front of him, a killing intent flashed in Abel’s eyes.

Anyway, he already plans to hide his identity, then solve them together, as for the few bodyguards next to Draco, Abel really doesn’t put it in his eyes.

In this way, time slowly passed, and under the impetus of the host, one commodity after another, one slave after another was auctioned out.

Abel kept his eyes closed, not showing the slightest interest in these human slaves.

It wasn’t until later, when the host announced the start of the play, that Abel opened his eyes.

I saw that under the cover of a white cloth, an item slowly appeared in everyone’s sight.

“Finally, it’s time for us today! You must already know it! Today’s highlight is to auction the Devil Fruit! ”

The host’s words suddenly caused a lot of sensation below, and there was no need to deliberately exaggerate the atmosphere, and the four words of Devil Fruit alone were enough to cause a sensation for everyone.

“That’s right, it’s the Devil Fruit that can give people powerful abilities, and it’s also the strongest natural Devil Fruit recognized among the three Devil Fruits!”

“Department of Nature!”

“Isn’t that thing priceless?”

“If we can become a natural ability, we don’t have to be afraid of pirates.”

The people in front began to talk.

Ordinary devil fruits are priceless, let alone the most precious natural system among them.

Seeing that the people below were so excited, the host was also full of smiles, and then loudly began to quote: “100 million Bailey starts shooting!” ”

“One hundred and eleven million Bailey!”

“One hundred and thirty million Baileys!”

“One hundred and fifty million Bailey!”

“Two hundred million Baileys!”

Soon, the price of this devil fruit began to skyrocket, and after a few exchanges, it directly began to double.

After all, those present were noble kings from various places, and these money could still be taken out.

As for the pirates, needless to say, they are even richer than some poor kings.

“Three hundred million!” At this time, the Kidd Pirate Group behind directly shouted a high price of 300 million. As the guy with the highest bounty in this supernova and the most attacks on civilians, the Kidd Pirates are probably the richest of all the pirates.

Spending 300 million Bailey to buy a natural devil fruit is not a loss at all, but it is difficult for ordinary people to have so much money.

This offer also directly scared off many guys who were ready to compete.

Just when everyone thought that this price would become the final transaction price nine times out of ten, a voice suddenly sounded in the front!

“Four hundred million!”

“What!” Kidd’s pupils shrank as he saw who the person who had just shouted was!

Not only him, but many other people also saw who the person who shouted the price was, and they didn’t dare to face it squarely.

“Sure enough, I still intervened.” After seeing Draco’s offer, Abel looked at Kidd with some amusement.

What would a brutal and self-conscious guy react to Draco?

Although 400 million Bailey is daunting, as the strongest pirate in this supernova, it should be able to get more money.

But the question is does he dare to continue to shout?

This made Aberg curious.

“Kidd, that’s Draco, don’t be impulsive!” Seeing that something was wrong with Kidd’s situation, the killing warrior Kira quickly leaned over and pulled Rakid’s arm.

Now that their ship has not been successfully coated, if the conflict with Draco now attracts the admiral, then his situation will be very troublesome.

“It turned out to be Rozwald Saint! Since you bid 400 million, no one will dare to compete with you. So…” the host said with a flattering smile as he took the small hammer in his hand, ready to confirm the deal.

Seeing that the devil fruit he wanted was about to be slapped away by Draco, the green tendons on Kidd’s forehead burst violently, and he clenched his fists very hard.

“What a joke! I don’t even dare to do what I want to do, what kind of pirate is that! Five hundred million Baileys! ”


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Chapter 12 Seconds Deal

“Long admired the daimyo!”

Without unnecessary words, the knife in Abel’s hand slashed directly at the golden lion.


The light of the sword suddenly flashed, and the “cherry ten” in the golden lion’s hand directly vertically left a long mark on Abel’s body.

Blood flowed directly along the long wound, gushing like spring water.

It was obviously Abel who took the initiative to raid, but it was directly dropped by the golden lion in an instant!

“Da Jianhao’s level is not enough to challenge me, maybe he doesn’t put my golden lion in his eyes!”

With just one move, Abel was directly killed by the golden lion in the case of a sneak attack.

This is the gap between the level of the top powerhouse and the lieutenant general, although the lieutenant general is only one step away from everyone, but in fact, the gap in combat effectiveness is quite huge.

【Ding! Congratulations on your successful resurrection and your body returning to its best state one hour before death. The number of IBM that can now be manipulated is three. 】

But at this moment, Abel, who had been killed by the golden lion’s sword, suddenly came to life.

“Arashiri!” A smile appeared at the corner of Abel’s mouth, and he suddenly lifted the good knife in his hand and pressed it towards the golden lion.

The slender blade suddenly burst out with terrifying speed, and a silver-white vacuum slash directly slashed at the golden lion’s body, and the terrifying thrust directly knocked the golden lion out.

“Hey, hey, hey! Just kidding! The boss was actually hit head-on by this newcomer! ”

Seeing this scene, the cadres behind laughed one after another.

Of course, they are also simply ridiculing and ridiculing, what kind of character is he Golden Lion? Even if you are attacked by someone, you will not die so easily.

To exaggerate a little, even if it is a frontal attack from Whitebeard, the golden lion can still continue to fight alive.

“I heard before that there are three particularly outstanding guys in this class of students taught by Zefa, two natural Devil Fruit ability, and one who can be resurrected from the dead, suspected superhuman Devil Fruit ability. In this way, it should be you, right! Although he was struck out by Abel’s sword, the golden lion did not have an embarrassed expression at all, but said very flatly.

“The ability of the fruit to come back from the dead, let me see what it is! Chopper! ”


The silver-white slash cut through the air and roared towards the golden lion’s sword qi.


The two sword qi collided together, setting off a wave of qi, but it only lasted less than two seconds, and the silver-white sword qi was easily broken.

“Don’t waste time, Abel that guy is an immortal body, hurry up and find a way to leave from here, his teleportation ability can leave directly, Borusalino you also go to help him.”

Zefa immediately made a decision, not that he was afraid of the golden lion, if it was just one-on-one, he didn’t ask, but at this time, countless pirate groups had already surrounded from all directions.

“Actually let me fight that kind of monster, forget it, but it seems that if I don’t do this, I can’t run away.” Borusalino is also a little helpless, Zefa wants to help them open the way, and the others are not enough to see in front of the golden lion, so he and Abel can only use the advantages of their respective abilities to drag the golden lion.

As for Sakaski, this guy doesn’t have such a fast way of moving, and if he is entangled in a golden lion, he is almost certain to die.

“Trouble, sure enough, in the face of a guy of this level, there is no chance of winning a head-on battle.”

Seeing that his good trick was so simply cracked by the golden lion, Abel’s face also became a little gloomy.

When he fought with Sakaski before, he defeated Sakaski without even using the trick of “Lan Che”, originally thinking that his strength should not be bad, even if he faced the level of admiral, he should have the power of a battle.

But today really encountered the golden lion of the sea thief at its peak, and Abel completely understood what kind of existence the three legendary sea pirates standing at the peak of this world are.

“However, I also have my advantage! Blackie hands-on! ”

Suddenly, a claw strike suddenly came from behind the golden lion.


The sharp claw strike hit directly at the golden lion’s head.



The metal hair was easily cut open and fell to the ground.

The next thing that was revealed was the head wrapped in a pitch-black metallic sheen.

“What the hell! Chopper! ”

A terrifying slash directly slashed towards Xiao Hei, undoubtedly cutting Xiao Hei directly.

But then, Xiao Hei reunited again.

“Is that kid’s attack? No, my domineering feeling that it was a talent right behind me just now, but now I was able to completely avoid the detection of my domineering sight. ”

In the face of this strange blow, the golden lion also felt a little strange. Although the attack just now was not too strong, it also covered the domineering attack.

“It’s useless, if you don’t kill me, my IBM ghost can be resurrected indefinitely.”

The corners of Abel’s mouth lifted slightly, and a somewhat evil smile appeared on his face.

That’s right, IBM Ghosts can be resurrected without limit, and if he is a subhuman, he can be summoned without limit.

But the crux of the matter is that the subhumans themselves cannot die!

And the IBM ghost is just a prop that obeys Abel’s orders, and the golden lion can be perceived by the domineering at the moment of Xiao Hei’s attack, but if there is no attack, Xiao Hei will not have any movement, even if it is strong domineering.

“Then I’ll slaughter you kid first!”

Suddenly, the golden lion rushed directly towards Abel, and the ten supreme fast knives of the dead wood cherry in his hand slashed directly towards Abel.


The strong slash directly split Abel’s body in two, not only that, but the entire sky was also directly split in two under this slash, and the sea seemed to be directly cracked.

The strength of the golden lion is much stronger than them, and they can’t follow it with a casual sword.


Sakura Shikiku just said that it was a famous sword, I don’t know what level it is. This defaults to the supreme fast knife.

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