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Chapter 14 Dora Falgaro is dead!

Abel, who was standing in place, did not even move, and abruptly allowed the ghost cry in Luo’s hand to cut his neck.

“Surprised? I guess it’s impossible for you not to have been exposed to domineering, right? The little one of the Doflamingo family. Abel looked at Luo, who looked incredulous, and a strange smile appeared on his face.

According to the information he obtained, Roco grew up with OKER, the dark intermediary of the New World, and it stands to reason that it is impossible to be ignorant of domineering after contact with the New World.

If someone else showed this expression, Abel could still understand, but Luo he couldn’t understand it.

“Domineering… Virgo! Hearing this word, the memories that Luo did not want to remember suddenly came to mind.

The guy who was covered with armed color domineering and beat him with a bamboo stick!

In his childhood, in the Doflamingo family, Virgo was his biggest shadow.

“Oh? It seems that I remembered it, but you have to understand that my domineering strength and the domineering strength of the guy you know are not at the same dimensional level at all. ”

In the next second, the cherry ten in Abel’s hand was directly wrapped with a layer of black, and the feeling of oppression that made people feel shuddering was an unprecedented power.

“Is this the strongest in the world?” Luo’s mind clicked, even Virgo could knock him out of the shadows, let alone the strongest man standing at the top of the world.

“You guys hurry up…” After understanding that the strength of the two sides was not in the same dimension at all, Luo immediately shouted to several other people around him, wanting them to leave here immediately.


The moment these people were just about to escape, the knife in Abel’s hand was already pressed on the hilt.

The silver-white sword qi suddenly flashed, snatching between these people preparing to escape, tearing the earth, and directly crashing towards several people.

The ground was instantly split in two by the terrifying sword qi, and the huge Yarchiman mangrove tree not far away was directly shattered.

Together with those crew members of the Heart Pirate Group, they were also directly involved, and the bubbles in the air could not bear this sharp sword qi, and the sword pressure directly shattered in the air.

The sword qi continued to fly for nearly a kilometer before slowly dissipating.

And when the dust settled, the miserable situation was revealed in Luo’s eyes.

Under the sunlight, the ground had been ravaged and disfigured, and among the short limb wreckage below, there was all the smell of blood.

“Everyone!” Seeing that all his former companions were here, a deep uneasy guilt flashed across Luo’s face, and at the same time, his expression towards Abel became even more hatred.

In the face of the world’s strongest combat effectiveness, there is a helplessness.

There was a sulk in my heart, but I couldn’t vent it.

“Mr. Corazon, I’m sorry. I can’t help you get revenge. Remembering his lifesaver who died at the hands of Doflamingo, Law clenched his fists weakly.

Without enough strength, he couldn’t take revenge, and even his companions couldn’t protect it.

Although he usually thinks of being cold, he is actually a person who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, and his heart is also quite painful when he sees his companion die in front of him.

“It’s pitiful, but I won’t let you go. I will avenge Corazon’s hatred for you. Abel looked at Luo and said lightly.

He had also heard about Corazon, and if he had the chance, he would personally dispose of this guy Doflamingo. As an intermediary in the dark world, this guy sold countless arms all over the world, causing countless wars.

If it weren’t for the cooperation between this guy and Kaido of the Hundred Beasts, and the fact that the Navy side also needed to buy some valuable strategic materials through JOKER, such as sea lou stones, otherwise they would have gone to Doflamingo’s trouble.

Before Doflamingo was fledgling, trying to pinch him to death was like pinching a worm, but now Doflamingo has become the largest net in the New World, shrouding business in the entire New World.

Not to mention some pirates, even some countries are already inseparable from Doflamingo’s business at this time.

“No kidding! Your navy also needs Doflamingo to provide you with sea lou stones, don’t you? I don’t believe you’ll give up the Sea Lou Stone and risk angering the monster of Kaido the Hundred Beast to do something to Doflamingo. ”

Hearing Abel’s words, Luo’s heart trembled for a moment, but then he thought about it and felt that it was simply unrealistic.

Yes, the Navy wouldn’t have taken that much risk to kill Doflamingo, especially at this time of impending war.

When Doflamingo dies, it is possible that one of his business associates will join the war again.

Doing so at this time will only complicate matters.

“I am not doing it for you, but for the justice behind me. Whether you believe it or not has nothing to do with me. Abel said lightly.

He simply informed the poor man.

He wanted to kill Doflamingo simply because he hated this guy and killed Corazon.

As for the naval side? Sorry, he is just a lieutenant general, this kind of troublesome thing is not his turn to consider, all he has to do is simply kill Doflamingo.

The consequences are left to the generals, marshals, and the government themselves to consider.

“Okay, that’s the end of the gossip! As a scapegoat, I’ll make it easy for you to die. Abel put the knife in his hand on Rowe’s neck.


Sakura Ten gently slashed across Luo’s neck, and blood immediately gushed out.

Luo’s head also fell directly to the ground, and his breathing stopped.

Supernova Dorafalga Rowe is dead!


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Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

Chapter 14: The Solicitation of the Golden Lion

“The surprise is yet to come!”

Abel didn’t care what the situation of the golden lion was, sword after sword attacked the golden lion madly, not caring about his injuries, or even his own death.

And the same is true of Blackie, who cannot be observed at all, like a killing machine, faithfully carrying out Abel’s orders!

Attacked desperately by two desperate madmen, the golden lion also became a little busy.

Especially the yellow ape next to him has been taking time to give him a laser from time to time to interfere, which makes him very bored.

“This guy, not only is domineering, even the speed power and reaction power are exactly the same as the body, what a powerful Devil Fruit ability.”

Even the golden lion had to say that he was a little envious of Abel’s ability.

The immortal body, plus a ghost with exactly the same combat power attached to himself.

No one can withstand the attack of two top combat forces, if Abel continues to go on in terms of physical skills and reaches the world’s top combat power, wouldn’t it be because of this fruit that the combat effectiveness will directly double?

“Scary little ghost.”

At this moment, the golden lion completely put Abel at the starting point of the monsters of the same level as them, but unlike them, now their group of monsters are all about forty years old, all of them are at their peak, and the little ghost in front of them is only less than twenty years old.

And the only good news is that the opportunity to get rid of the greatest scourge in the Navy in the future is now in front of him.

“Lion Wei!”

Suddenly, the terrifying overlord-colored domineering aura on the golden lion directly burst out.

Shrouded in this terrifying overlord-colored domineering, Abel’s head suddenly hurt.

And it was this momentary gap that the golden lion was out of the range of the attack.

“Ground Roll!”

When the words fell, I saw that the island under my feet suddenly began to riot, looking like I wanted to bury everyone in it.

In the next second, four lion-like things jumped from the rioting earth.

Shock, winding, twisting.

Four gigantic lion carriers splashed in all directions, roaring madly at Abel.

“How could it be so easy for you to succeed. Eight-foot qionggouyu! ”

Countless points of light lit up in the air.


Almost at the same moment, all the points of light burst out at the same time, and they flew densely towards the four lions below.


The continuous jade collided with the stones and the land, accompanied by one explosion after another, and the four lions were quickly blown up and dusty.

However, a scene that made the yellow ape feel desperate appeared.

I saw that the defeated dust was quickly replenished from the ground, and the stone dust raised was like a stream of water under the control of the golden lion, and it continued endlessly.

Unless the yellow ape’s blow can smash the entire island, there is no way to stop the attack of the golden lion.

“Golden lion…”

Abel gritted his teeth and continued to attack the golden lion regardless of it.

“Get me to the bottom of the sea!”

However, the golden lion directly shot a sword qi at Abel, directly pushing him flat and smashing him to the ground.


A huge roar sounded, and the four lions slapped Abel at the same time, with such force that even the feet of the four lions were all shattered, forming a scene full of smoke.

It was as if countless explosives exploded at the same time, and it looked extremely terrifying.

“Hey! No problem with that guy! If the capable person is beaten into the sea, he will suffer! ”

Seeing the extremely powerful scene of the golden lion, even the yellow ape felt some heart palpitations.

The sea is the nemesis of the able, and it is really bad if it is driven to the bottom of the sea.

Although Abel is not a capable person, but a subhuman, the rest of the navy thinks that he is a capable person.

“Air Slash White Thunder!”

Just as Borusalino was worried, a white light erupted directly from below.

Immediately afterwards, he rushed directly towards the golden lion in the air.

However, it is clear that this attack has no effect on the golden lion at all.

“If you eat Lao Tzu head-on, you can still live, boy, do you want to join Lao Tzu’s pirate group, follow Lao Tzu, and this sea will be free for you in the future!”

Seeing that such a young Abel was able to survive after eating his own trick, the golden lion also felt the great potential contained in Abel.

However, for the pirate’s invitation, Abel has only one word to respond.

“Get out!”

He became the navy not for any benefit, and even more so for some reputation!

The only reason he became a navy was that he could kill the most pirates most effectively!

From the moment his hometown was destroyed, he already understood what a pirate is!

Garbage on the sea!

Without any productivity, without providing services to anyone, how can such a guy survive?

There is only one explanation, and that is to rob!

As long as it is a pirate, they must rob it, no matter who it is.

Maybe some pirates get money and supplies by annexing other pirate groups, but in the end, these things are still stolen.

As long as it is a pirate, it is inseparable from the word robbery. Because they need the necessities of life, they need to live!

He does not serve the world government, he only serves the justice of his own heart!

And this justice absolutely cannot exist on the pirate’s side!

“Empty slash, waste Yan!”

Hot flames erupted from Abel’s sword, and the terrifying heat directly roasted the air.

A flame like a half-moon flew towards the golden lion.

“Lion Wei Cross Chopper!”

But even so, the golden lion still looked like a breeze and clouds, and the two supreme fast knives crossed each other and slashed towards the flames.

Two slashes and hot flames collided with each other and erupted!



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