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Chapter 19 Immortal Surgery

About seven or eight hours later, Abel also embarked on his way back to the naval headquarters.

However, he did not take the warship, not even the important navigator he had just brought back, and set sail alone on the ship.

As for why he did this, the reason is also very simple, because he got the secret about the surgical fruit from Luo who was created by the phantom!

After learning this information, Abel finally understood why the government would spend a full five billion to collect this devil fruit at all costs!

Not old surgery!

An ability that only a doctor with enough talent can use, which can give eternal life! Once this operation is performed, the capable person himself will die immediately.

Being able to fulfill the dreams of mankind since ancient times is the ultimate devil fruit!

In order to ensure that there will be absolutely no leakage, Abel also traveled directly alone, preparing to complete the fruits of the operation on the sea.

Now his Phantom Fruit ability can copy the last person he copied again, so Abel must also complete the surgical fruit as soon as possible, otherwise if he copies someone else next time, the dead Luo will never appear.

“It looks like there’s no one around.” Abel looked around, he was the only one on the entire sea, and he could safely prepare for surgery.

“In other words, can surgery be performed under such simple conditions?” However, before the operation was about to begin, Abel still glanced at Luo with some reassurance.

After all, generally speaking, surgery still requires a lot of instruments and equipment, as well as professional sterile wards and other things, and he does not have these convenient props on board.

“Don’t worry, although the ageless surgery is very complicated, with the assistance of the surgical fruit, there is no need to worry about any problems at all.” Luo still looked grim, and replied without salt.

“Forget it, just listen to the doctor for this kind of thing.” Glancing at Luo, Abel also had nothing to say.

Anyway, he is just a layman in this regard, and this kind of thing is left to the professional doctor to handle it himself.

After that, Abel closed his eyes.


A large circle appears, filling the small room.

And Abel’s consciousness suddenly disappeared.

By the time Abel woke up again, Rowe had disappeared.

But this is also a matter of course, this is an operation with life, and this Luo was created by himself with the phantom fruit, and it is natural that it will disappear directly at the end of the operation.

“Is this ageless surgery?” Although he had not experienced it before, Abel could feel that this was ageless surgery.

It’s just that what exactly has changed, you still need to slowly experience it yourself in the future.

But Abel can feel a little, his body seems to be getting younger,

Every cell in his body seems to be moisturized by something, warming every part of his body.

And the cells in his body seem to be slowly absorbing the warm power outside, constantly radiating stronger vitality.

And he could feel that the limits of his physical qualities, which had not grown for a long time, were also beginning to loosen.

On the whole, nothing has changed much, but the upper limit of Abel’s whole person has been raised again, and the vitality of his body is also stronger.

In particular, the increase in the upper limit of the body made Abel excited.

His physical fitness is close to the limit of what humans can do, whether it is speed, strength or reflexes.

However, different races, various qualities are completely different, just like the power of the giant race, perhaps an ordinary giant race power that has not undergone any exercise is the limit of some human strength.

It’s just that humans can greatly improve their combat effectiveness through skill, domineering, and physical skills.

However, if your physical strength is more terrifying, then these skills will have more enhancement for the body.

“How long has it been since you talk?” Abel walked out and looked at the evening and said with some relief: “Is it just from the afternoon to the end of the day?” It seems that the operation is still very fast. ”

And just like that, Abel soon returned to the headquarters of the Navy, and he also came to the Sengoku office for the first time.

“Marshal of the Warring States, what happened?”

Abel directly and rudely rushed into the office of the Warring States, casually found a sitting position and sat down directly.

“Why did you guy come back!”

Sengoku, who was sitting in the office, saw that after Abel arrived, all the tea he was drinking suddenly spewed out.

However, after noticing that this was an office, Sengoku quickly pulled out a tissue from the side to wipe the tea from the corner of his mouth, and then began to wipe the table again.

“Where is the Chambord Islands handed over to Borusalino, I don’t want to go to the garbage to report the situation when the time comes.” Abel didn’t care as he found an apple from his office and replied while nibbling on it.

Hearing Abel’s words, not only the Warring States, but even the faces of the soldiers nearby changed all of a sudden.

“Hey, hey, hey! That can’t be said just now. “The Warring States didn’t care about any tables or the like, and quickly ran to Abel.

“Huh? Can’t you say? That sentence just now is nullified, it does not count, it does not count. After hearing the words of the Warring States, Abel also realized what the Warring States was referring to.

However, he waved his hand very casually, indicating that he did not care.

“You guy!” Seeing Abel’s appearance of this old fritters, Warring States scratched his head a little helplessly, obviously he was a positive young man like Zefa, how did he become like this after a year of mixing with Karp.


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Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

The news on the third day was about Sakaski, although he did not participate in the blocking of the Golden Lion, but he was also a very powerful figure in the attack on the rest of the Golden Lion Pirates.

In particular, his molten berries were extremely destructive, and just one person destroyed two ships of the Golden Lion Pirates.

This matter was completely resounded throughout the sea with the help of the Navy, and anyone who paid a little attention to the news could be said to know about it.

“Natural molten berries, natural shining fruits, one that is not on the Devil Fruit Guide, suspected to be a superhuman fruit. And they are all guys around twenty years old, it seems that there will be several top powerhouses in the navy in the future! ”

Roger looked at the record in the newspaper and laughed, there is no doubt that twenty years from now it will be the world of these little guys!

“After all, it is the Navy, and it was taught by Zefa himself, and it is a matter of course to have this level!”

Renly on the side replied with a smile while reading the newspaper.

“But that guy from the golden lion actually threw his own knife to that little ghost, I’m afraid he can’t be treated like someone else.”

Speaking of the golden lion, Roger Yang Yanli also flashed a trace of imperceptible jealousy.

“I’ll meet sooner or later.” Renly said with a faint smile.

Although it was a little unrealistic, he seemed to feel that it would not be long before this little guy who had won the famous Sakura Ten from the Golden Lion could meet them.

“That guy from the Golden Lion will actually lose to an unknown imp, it seems that it is just that!”

At this time, BIG· MOM Pirates, BIG· MOM was holding a newspaper in one hand and a dessert in the other, looking at the news in the newspaper and commenting lightly.

Of course, he wouldn’t underestimate the Golden Lion like other fools, after all, they used to be members of a pirate group, and they were quite clear about the strength of this pirate governor.

Of course, for the evaluation of these sea thieves in the New World, everyone naturally does not know.

For a few of them, this matter is also insignificant, because they are already synonymous with the next admiral in the eyes of others, and naturally they are respected everywhere they go.

And at this time, for their batch of recruits, there is one last thing that has not been done, graduation assessment!

After completing the graduation examination, they can be regarded as truly graduating from the elite camp. At the same time, Zefa will also welcome a new batch of students.

Hearing about the graduation, everyone seemed excited, but they were also a little reluctant (except for the yellow ape), and even Sakaski, who usually looked particularly cold-blooded, had a somewhat wrong expression on his face.

At least compared to the yellow ape, Sakaski and Zefa are more compatible.

“Let’s go! Go back to the training ground. ”

Zefa said.

In the usual lively and congested training ground, Zefa stood alone in the center of the field, while in front of him were the remaining dozen or so people in the elite battalion.

That’s right, the final assessment they have to carry out is to fight Zefa!

As for the rest of the training camp, it is natural to hand over to other instructors for assessment, otherwise it is unrealistic to let Zefa evaluate so many people alone.

“What is your strength, whether you are qualified to graduate, only I will judge it myself, this time let me personally test all your strength.” Zefa looked at the dozen or so people in front of him and said so.

“Abel, Borusalino, Sakaski, the three of you are alone with me one-on-one, and the others are on it together.”

“Looks like you can watch the play for a while.” Hearing Zefa’s words, the yellow ape directly found a safe place without saying a word, and was ready to start touching fish and watching the play.

Seeing the attitude of the yellow ape, Zefa was also angry, but he didn’t say much.

Immediately afterwards, Abel and Sakaski also withdrew from the training ground

“Are we really going to go together?” Looking at Zefa in front, several people were a little uncertain in their hearts.

“Don’t think that your three-legged cat kung fu can hurt me, you are still far behind! If you can hold out under me for five minutes, you will pass. ”

“Then offend, Zefa-sensei!” Hearing this, several people no longer hesitated.

“Shaving!” The ghost spider drank lightly, and then rushed directly towards Zefa.

“The ghost spider can also be regarded as the most famous figure in our elite camp.” The yellow ape looked at the ghost spider’s movements and evaluated it without hurry.

“Proficient in the Six Styles, he is indeed a good physical artist. And his two-color domineering is also cultivated well. Abel followed suit.

Except for the three monsters watching the play outside, there are indeed few people who have ever fought ghost spiders.

In addition, Dauberman and the burning volcano are also quite scary.

“I’m also bullish on ghost spiders.” And Sakaski, who was silent on the side, rarely spoke.

But it is also true, after all, the personalities of the ghost spider and Sakaski are still somewhat similar, the same kind of attraction, plus the strength of the ghost spider is not weak, naturally can be recognized by Sakaski.

“It’s really rare! Sakaski, you actually appreciate others. Borusalino said.

But this is also the truth, thinking of Sakaski saying this kind of thing to others with a serious face does feel a little disgusting.

“Zefa-sensei got started.”

For Borusalino’s ridicule, Sakaski directly ignored it, and in a blink of an eye, he set his eyes on the training ground.

In the face of Zefa’s attack, these elite trainees did not have the ability to resist at all, just like wolves entering a flock, they began to slaughter at will.

Even if all the members have learned the six styles, and many people have mastered the two-color domineering, in front of Zefa, there is no other action except being killed in seconds.

After about five minutes or so, everyone was completely lying on the ground.


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