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Chapter XXXII Whitebeard’s Wrath

Without any restrictions, almost no one knows how terrifying Whitebeard, who can unleash his power unleashed, can be.

But just imagining this scene in your mind will make your scalp tingle.

“Ace, I’m sorry…” Whitebeard’s huge body stood straight and was about less than a hundred meters away from the execution table.

And the Fire Fist Ace above had completely lowered his head and lost his vital signs.

At such a close distance, Abel could clearly feel that at this time, Whitebeard’s seemingly calm and solemn figure actually hid monstrous anger.

Especially the appearance of Whitebeard tightly clenching the beak knife in his hand can prove Abel’s idea.

“In that case…” Whitebeard suddenly closed his eyes, as if he was making a final mourning for Ace.

“It’s just the execution of a pirate, it doesn’t matter at all.” On the other side, Sakaski has also recovered from being flown and does not mind the early execution.

After all, this guy is a representative of the hawks, and he himself pursues such iron-blooded means.

“It’s true, obviously after this battle, you can retire safely and stop thinking about these troublesome things, but you encounter this kind of trouble.” Sengoku looked at what happened with a headache.

He already envisioned how big the Navy would face next.

And these broken things have to be dealt with by himself, which is really a bit painful.

Of course, the most relaxed person present without thinking about the consequences is naturally Abel, anyway, the matter is really big, there are still Warring States to bear, no, there are three generals, and it is not his turn to solve this troublesome fishing boat problem in a headquarters lieutenant general.

“How does it feel? The feeling that his own son died in front of him but could not do anything. Abel looked down at the white-bearded man below and asked mockingly.

“Little ghost!” Suddenly, the white-bearded man who closed his eyes in mourning suddenly opened his eyes and said: “If you want to provoke me with this method, then I can tell you directly, congratulations on your success!” ”

At this time, the white-bearded man was full of terrifying killing intent.

In the next second, the white-bearded figure burst out like lightning, and the sharp Cong Yun Che directly carried the terrifying domineering energy towards Abel.


Moisture, moisture, moisture…

Mars shot out, and Whitebeard’s terrifying knife was directly blocked by Abel.

However, it is not correct to say that it was completely blocked, because the execution table standing at Abel’s feet exploded directly in pieces the moment the two sides clashed.

The rocks flew into the air, and the gravel of the sharp sword qi carrier flew towards the surroundings, and many people were directly injured by mistake.

“Then let me see it! Your so-called anger. Abel said without admitting defeat.


The gap in strength is the gap in strength, and it will not be strong because you yell, let alone defeat the enemy because of this.

This is not the male protagonist of some hot-blooded anime, but a real fact, a real world that can be touched and felt.

Abel responded with Whitebeard’s terrifying fist.


The furious vibration spread, and the impact directly wanted to hit Abel who was ahead.

Jumping back slightly, Abel easily dodged Whitebeard’s attack.

“In that case, then I will let the entire island be buried with Ace!”


At this moment, Whitebeard’s hand suddenly hooked, like an eagle’s claw, it was hard to imagine that he could catch the atmosphere with a human body.

“Whitebeard, what is that guy going to do.”

Many people saw the white-bearded look with a confused expression.

“All the crew out of Malinfodo!” Maintaining this posture, Whitebeard immediately yelled at his men.

As if they had been prepared for a long time, the people of the Whitebeard Pirates quickly rushed to the turtle and shrunk together, jumping directly onto the boat.

“Want to ruin Marinfodo? Who do you think you are? However, in the face of the angry whitebeard, Abel did not have the slightest fear, and his face did not change at all.

“Lao Tzu is a whitebeard!” Whitebeard drank lowly.

Immediately afterwards, both hands violently clasped the atmosphere and pulled fiercely diagonally.



At this moment, without any warning, the sea and islands were directly tilted, and the sea was like tofu that was divided, some tall and some short.

Everything in the world suddenly became different from before.

The navy side was almost defenseless, and after losing its balance, everyone fell backwards and broke their heads on the ground.

Because the sudden tilt makes people very uncomfortable, even if they are some elites present, they will not be able to adapt for a while.

“Whitebeard, you are proud that you can directly change the power of an island, and this is only the extent in front of me.” Abel crouched slightly, one hand touching the ground.


Suddenly, a strange force directly affected the entire island, or even the entire sea.


Immediately afterwards, I saw that the sea, which had fallen apart, had gathered together again under Abel’s power, and it became a light and cloudy appearance.

At the same time, the sloping end of the island also began to rise.

It was clear that the island, which had just tilted more than forty-five degrees, was restored so simply.

Seeing Abel’s ability, Whitebeard also frowned deeply, he didn’t expect Abel to be so difficult, even his ability was directly lost in front of Abel.

“This is…”

“Has the island been restored?”

“Could it be that Lieutenant General Abel did it?”


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Chapter 32: Roger’s Pirates are defeated

And a whole week was enough time for the trainee crew members of the Roger Pirates who did not participate in the battle to repair their ships.

And the most surprising thing is that Abel and Renly have been fighting fiercely for a week, and the two can almost be said to be indistinguishable.

It is no exaggeration to say that Abel is even better than Renly.

After a week of fighting, even Renly was tired, but on the other hand, Abel was still alive and had no effect at all.

And in this fierce battle, Abel’s strength has also been greatly improved, and the two-color domineering and swordsmanship have completely revealed a higher level after Rayleigh’s high-intensity collision.

Fame in World War I!

The terrifying clash of swordsmanship between the two sides completely destroyed everything here.

Neither day nor night could stop the two.

I don’t know when, Abel has forgotten that he is helping Cap arrest Roger’s pirates, and Renly is also completely caught up in the thrill of fighting, and his brain can’t think about anything other than fighting.

To this extent, Abel will undoubtedly be able to fall into the scope of monsters.

If the previous battle between Abel and the Golden Lion was taken advantage of by chance, this time it was a direct confrontation of strength.

Even if Abel was a very ordinary newcomer who had just graduated before, from now on, no one dared to underestimate him.

“It’s really worthy of being the deputy of Roger’s Pirates, this kind of strength is simply terrifying!”

Looking at Reilly, who was panting in front of him, Abel said with great appreciation.

After ten days of high-intensity fighting, Rayleigh was only panting until now, which is indeed quite a remarkable existence.

“Scary? It’s scary young talent like you, right?” Renly said as he gasped and staggered.

At this time, both of them looked embarrassed, and the clothes on Renly’s body were torn a lot, and although there was no bleeding, several parts of his body were swollen.

Through a whole week of fighting, he tried countless ways to defeat Abel.

Even if he tried to drive Abel to the bottom of the sea, he couldn’t do it.

Because in any case, Abel will only let two IBM fight head-on or assist in a sneak attack, and one IBM will always be in the safest position.

As for the flaws or limitations of Abel’s undead ability, even after a week of high-intensity dueling, Abel died hundreds of times during this period, and Rayleigh did not find any restrictions.

“Renly, the ship has been repaired, don’t fall in love with war, leave quickly!”

On the other side came Roger’s voice.

In a blink of an eye, I saw that Roger’s state was not good at this time, his clothes were broken in disbelief, and there were several swollen marks on his face.

“It looks like I can only fight again next time.”

Hearing Roger’s words, Renly also planned to slip away first. Although he and Abel have the upper hand in the battle so far, his physical strength is also somewhat unbearable.

“Want to go? Is it that easy? Vacuum chopping and pulling the knife! ”

A half-moon-shaped arc slash flew directly towards Renly.

“Boy, with your current strength, it’s too tender to want to keep me! Let’s hone it for a few more years! ”

In the face of the incoming sword qi, the sword in Renly’s hand was once again covered with a terrifying domineering aura, directly breaking Abel’s sword qi, and at the same time easily hitting Abel’s body.

However, at this moment, Renly’s expression suddenly froze.

The reason is also simple, because Abel has firmly grasped the sword in his hand by this time.

“Catch you now!”

Ignoring the pain of the blade tearing through the flesh, Abel raised his other hand and stabbed directly at Renly’s head.


A second later, the scene in front of him made Abel gaze.

I saw Ray use his teeth to bite Sakura Ten tightly.

“This guy!”

Seeing this scene, Abel also felt a little headache.

“Goodbye, little ghost.”

Renly, who was biting Sakura Ten, suddenly slammed a force and directly pulled out the knife in his hand from Abel’s body, and blood gushed out directly.

And in the next second, Abel’s body healed immediately.

“Undead monster imp, see you later!”

After that, Renly fled directly in the other direction.

“Don’t try to escape!”

Seeing Renly escape, Abel subconsciously wanted to catch up.

But at this moment, a voice on the side stopped him.

“Abel, forget it!” I saw Karp, whose clothes were tattered and tattered, walking towards him, and then said: “If you can’t solve the battle before their ship is repaired, you can only wait for the next opportunity to seize them.” ”

“Lieutenant General Karp! Could it be that the achievement made them run away like this? ”

Hearing Karp’s words, Abel frowned.

If you can only wait for the opportunity to passively attack, then how should so many sea thieves on this sea deal with it?

“Of course not! However, it is not an easy task to deal with these guys, and we can only catch up with them with warships. ”

Karp shook his head, pirates are different from the navy, most of these pirates have no fixed place, and it is quite difficult to capture them directly.

Moreover, even if those pirates are entrenched somewhere, they can be directly abandoned without mercy.

“Is that all!”

Listening to Karp’s method, Abel clenched his fists, but he felt a little helpless.

With such a large ocean, it is simply unrealistic to chase people with warships.

“Boy, it is not an overnight thing to want to eliminate these pirates.”

Karp patted Abel on the shoulder, this kind of thing was indeed used to them as old navies.

But for these newcomers, it may still be a little difficult to accept.

But you must know that this is only Roger, among the three sea pirate groups, Roger’s pirate group is the easiest to hunt.


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Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for evaluations, ask for tips. Chapter 32: Roger’s Pirates are defeated

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