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Chapter Thirty-Six Eliminate the Whitebeard Remnants

Whitebeard Concept wanted to say the same thing Roger had said.

And right at this moment

Abel seemed to have expected what Whitebeard would say.


Sakura’s blade went straight through Whitebeard’s throat! Whitebeard just wanted to speak, and blood sprayed directly on Abel’s body.

“The dead will obediently return to the underworld! Do you think I’ll give you the same chance as Roger? ”

Abel’s cold voice reached Whitebeard’s ears up close.

Looking back, I saw Abel standing there like this, his face indifferent, and the gaze that looked at him did not have any pity or resentment, but was just as calm as a corpse.



Sakura Ten was pulled out, and the friction between the sword body and the flesh and blood body was particularly obvious at this time.

“Anyway, it’s useless to have been destroyed, just let this Marinfodo crush your body to the bottom of the sea forever!” As an example of a provocation to the Navy, you and that bastard of the Hundred Beasts Kaido have together in this Marinfodo burial! ”

After Abel finished speaking, he once again urged the ability to transform the fruit.


The whole Marinfodo suddenly began to shake. The earth seemed to come to life in an instant, thinking of a coffin, and the lieutenant general was directly opened.

Immediately afterwards, the bodies of Whitebeard and Hundred Beast Kaido fell directly in the middle, and then the earth in the middle healed directly.


As for Margao and the others, after seeing this scene, they couldn’t help crying bitterly and clenching their teeth.

And this also gave Sakaski and Kuzan an excellent opportunity, the two of them made a move, and at this gap when the people of the Whitebeard Pirates were sad, they directly controlled Margao, Bista, Joz and others.

Cooperate with the several lieutenant generals next to him and directly grab several people with Hailou stone handcuffs.

Lost the backbone. Captain Mar Gao was also caught, and the other remaining pirates had no chance of resistance at all in the face of the two generals joining forces at the same time.

In less than ten minutes, all the more than three hundred people of the Whitebeard remnants died, and even Margau and the others were directly executed on the spot by the hard-line navy!

The famous and famous Whitebeard Pirate Group in the New World was directly wiped out in this way, and not even a single person remained!

“There will be no more controversy now, Abel is the strongest in the world!”

“Is this the hardline Navy! Handsome, seeing the enemy will be killed, the white-bearded pirate group did not leave a single person, all of them were executed on the spot! ”

Especially seeing that the hardliner Hai executed all the whitebeard remnants on the spot, many ordinary people also had the idea of wanting to join the naval hardliners.

The scene of the blood flowing into rivers is too exciting, especially those who have been bullied by pirates.

“I’m signing up for the Navy!”

“That’s right, I’m going to join the naval hardliners and go to the sea to kill those scumbags!”

For a time, countless people in the public side corresponded, although the casualties of the hardliners were on average the highest among the three factions of the navy, because every time they encountered pirates, the other side would fight to the death.

But at the same time, the hardliners are also the most liked by ordinary people, these navies are a group of simple people, do not care that the effort is not proportional to the benefit, all of them have only a very simple idea – kill the pirates!

Removing all pirates from this world is the most essential idea after they became a navy.

“Fortunately, Abel noticed it in advance.”

Seeing this result, Kapu Heze Fa Sengoku and the others who clenched their fists tightly were also relieved.

Before Whitebeard was ready to speak, they had already anticipated what Whitebeard would say, and nine times out of ten, like Roger, he used his greedy desire to drive those guys who had not yet gone to sea to become pirates.

Now Abel stopped the guy in advance, which was naturally the best result for their navy.

If you let that guy emit the same as One Piece Roger, then the sea will not be calm again.


However, just when everyone thought that everything was over.

In fact, in the dark, two places far from the headquarters of the navy, extremely terrifying things are happening.

Whitebeard? Hundred Beast Kaido? These are just two guys who have been used!

“Is it over there in the Chambord Islands?” Blackbeard held the phone bug in his hand and looked at the live broadcast scene on the other side and said.

“Captain, if you don’t hurry up, the navy will notice the abnormality here in Advance City.”

“Don’t worry, the navy doesn’t have time to deal with the affairs here in the city, and they should have found out by now!” However, Blackbeard still has an expression of indifference.

According to his conjecture, even if the naval headquarters discovered the situation on the side of the advancing city, it would not have time to deal with it now.

After all, on the other side, there is a more serious problem waiting to be dealt with by the Navy.

“Anyway, Magellan has already lost in my hands, and no one in the entire Advance City can stop me, this time I have to choose a few powerful companions!” Thief hahahaha!!! Blackbeard laughed wildly.

Even Magellan, the warden, who advanced the city, was defeated at his hands, let alone others.

As long as there is no navy to disturb him, he can choose the right teammate in the advance city to dominate!


Malin Fodo

“Bear! Gone, continuing to stay here is just looking for death. ”

The moment he saw Whitebeard’s defeat, the Red Count immediately stopped.

The reason why he chose to come to this trip to muddy waters was purely because of the ability of his deputy captain Xiong.

To be honest, if Red Count and Bear wanted to leave, there really was no one who could leave them behind.


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Chapter Thirty-Six Worthy of Attention

This also made Sakaski deeply doubt his own strength.

“It seems that in the past year and a half, not only have I not caught up with you, but I have also been dragged down a longer distance by you.”

Although it was just a collision of physical skills and domineering, neither side used various good sword techniques and demon fruit abilities, but the two-color domineering cultivation was enough to explain a big problem.

“Of course, I’m not a monster like you, and I can’t keep up with you if I don’t cultivate hard.” Abel replied lightly.

Of course, it seems that Abel has not realized that he is also the monster he said.

“Forget it, let’s get down to business first! Have you heard about this elite camp? ”

Suddenly, Sakaski mentioned something completely unrelated.

“Elite battalion? Could it be that there are some particularly worthy juniors? ”

Abel looked at Sakaski with some curiosity.

Although there were a lot of monsters gathered in the first elite camp, you must know that this is because there has never been an elite camp before, so the elites of the navy all gathered at once.

In other words, they have gathered almost all of the Navy’s super newcomers.

By the time of the second session, although many powerful figures had been cultivated in Zefa’s hands, even the guy who ranked first in the second elite camp was only the bottom of the first in the first session.

It is precisely because the second session is too crotch-pulling, so they have hardly paid much attention to the third session.

“Indeed, there is a particularly young natural monster in the elite camp, I heard that it is called Kuzan, and it is said that he is the same age as you, both nineteen years old.”

Sakaski couldn’t help but glance at Abel again, now he was twenty-five years old, but the nearly nineteen-year-old Abel surpassed him in strength.

And now there is another nineteen-year-old monster in the elite camp, although he has not been in contact, but from Zefa’s evaluation, it is estimated that the strength shown by the two of them during the elite camp is similar.

“Nineteen! That’s nice. ”

Hearing Sakaski say this, Abel was also slightly interested.

At the age of nineteen, he was able to get the same evaluation in the elite camp as Sakaski and Borusalino.

When he was in the elite camp, Abel was 17, Sakaski was 23, and Borusalino was 26.

“But what do you mean by that?” Abel looked at Sakaski a little strangely.

In his impression, Sakaski should be a man who will not pay attention to such boring things.

“It’s just a rumor, but I think it’s quite likely. Zefa-sensei plans to take Kuzan to fight in the New World after you are promoted to lieutenant general. Sakaski said.

“Even if it’s true, I’m still just a major general, and he hasn’t graduated yet!” What’s the point of telling me all this now? Abel asked.

“Because Kuzan’s strength is too strong, but the gap in combat effectiveness of other members of the elite battalion is too big, so taking it out for internship will encounter a lot of problems, so Teacher Zefa has to plan to let you take Kuzan to fight pirates in the new world.” Sakaski explained.

Because the strength of the second elite camp and the ordinary training camp was a little miserable, Zefa did not directly take it to the New World near the middle stage to intern like the first one, but interned in the part near the Red Earth Continent.

This is also a matter of no way, if you really bring those students of the second batch to that kind of place to practice, let alone encounter the golden lion like them, I am afraid that if you encounter a slightly more powerful sea thief, you will lose a lot.

In order not to let these guys die in vain, Zefa could only take them to the section close to the Red Earth Continent for internship.

And the overall strength of the third session is almost the same, if you take it to the middle of the new world, it is estimated that there will be no one in ten.

But if you only go to those safer places, it is almost no experience for Kuzan.

So come to think of it, Zefa eventually plans to let Abel take Kuzan around the world instead of him.

“This really caused me a problem!”

Hearing this, Abel also smiled a little helplessly.

But he didn’t care, although the other party was just a cadet, but how to say that it was much stronger than the naval soldiers he brought with him, and he could be regarded as a very good helper if he brought it over.

Moreover, Abel was also quite interested in this junior who was the same age as himself.

At the same time, the reason why Sakaski appeared here, Abel also guessed.

Whether it is strength or his record of capturing pirates, Abel has long been qualified to be rated as a vice admiral.

Moreover, the steel bone, air warring states, Lieutenant General Kapuze Fahe and others are all interested in cultivation.

If nothing else, when he returned to his headquarters three months later, it was when he became vice admiral of the navy headquarters.

However, it happened that Zefa needed him to bring Kuzan with him, so he sent Sakaski here in advance to take over his task, so that he could return to the naval headquarters immediately.

“I roughly understand the situation, then the matter over here will be left to you.”

Patting Sakaski on the shoulder, Abel didn’t say much more, and soon planned to leave.

Although it is good to stay here and continue to deal with the pirates of the new world, the constraints of the major general of the headquarters are also a little troublesome, and if he can be promoted to lieutenant general, then he can be much freer.

Just like Karp, you can choose what you want to do all day long, chasing Roger Pirates all over the world.

Even when he wanted to take vacation, he was completely free, and directly handed over the report, regardless of whether the Warring States agreed or not, and sneaked directly to his hometown.


In other words, there are many novels in which Kuzan is a member of the second elite camp! It’s obviously the third time!!!

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