Chapter 45 Rain no Hiryu

“It’s quite capable, and it’s actually able to withstand it for so long.” Abel, who was holding Sakura Ten, looked at the somewhat embarrassed Yu no Hiru in front of him and said with admiration.

Compared to the three guys who were killed instantaneously just now, Yu no Xiliu’s strength is much stronger.

But even so, after less than two minutes of fighting, Yu no Hiru fell into a complete disadvantage.

“How? Do you still want to persuade Lao Tzu to kneel on the ground and beg you for mercy, and then return to the position of deputy warden of the advancing city? Do you think this kind of thing could happen? Although it was said that it was very miserable to be suppressed, Hiliu said very spinelessly.

If it’s just because it’s like someone else kneeling and begging for mercy if he wants to lose, then he might as well commit suicide.

“Of course it’s impossible!” Looking at Yu no Hiru’s bloodthirsty gaze, Abel said lightly.

The voice fell

Brush –

If the ghost was like Abel, he teleported directly behind Hiliu.

A furious slash rushed directly at his back.


Yu Zhixi’s right side of consciousness flashed, and he was able to dodge this terrifying sword qi.

The powerful sword qi wreaked havoc on the ground, leaving amazing traces on the already devastated ground.

“Teleportation? You have to fight hand-to-hand! Yu Zhixi thought to himself.

Then he rushed directly in Abel’s direction.

Although it seems that this action is looking for death, instead of always being wary of teleportation ability, it is better to directly face Abel up close.




The figures of both sides constantly flickered, turning into two afterimages of different colors and constantly flashing.

Dense cracks flickered throughout the area.

Great Sword Hao’s furious slashes erupted one after another in this land.

However, every time Yu no Hiru’s slash was easily used by Abel to see and hear domineering prediction and dodge, but Yu no Hiru could only continue to resist Abel’s slash head-on, and after only a few encounters, Yu no Hiryu’s movements obviously began to deform, and the speed was much slower.

Coupled with the fact that every confrontation, Abel’s sword pressure will directly penetrate the demon knife in his hand and directly pierce into his body, and the wounds on his body have also increased a lot, covered in blood, and look a little terrifying.

In the eyes of others, it is not surprising that Yu no Hiru suddenly fell at any time.

“The power level gap is too far!” Hiliu also knew very well how far the gap between him and Abel was, it was only because of his own pride that he did not directly admit defeat, moreover, for a real great swordsman, it was already very lucky to be able to fight Abel.

“But it’s really exciting, if you can unload the world’s number one sword lord…” The cruel smile on Yu Zhi Xiru’s face, combined with his blood-stained appearance, looked like a demon running from hell.

After speaking, the demon knife in Hiliu’s hand released a terrifying ghost qi, and swung it with all his strength without hesitation.

“Affected by the demon knife?”

Looking at the terrifying ghost qi wrapped around Hiliu’s body, Abel thought faintly in his heart.

The terrifying ghost qi directly raged wildly, directly destroying the ground. Vast swathes of smoke and terrifying cracks make people feel incredible.

But it was clear that even if his power increased, he could not attack Abel either.


The famous sword Sakura Ten suddenly fell from the sky and struck directly from above, Yu no Hiru didn’t even have a chance to breathe a breath, and the strong sense of crisis made him sweat upside down.

“Shaving!” I couldn’t help but think more, and I slammed the ground, and the embarrassed figure immediately fled out.

Buzz –

A chill appeared!

At the same time, a severed arm flew directly into the sky, and blood sprayed out like a spring.

“Ugh!” Screams followed.

Yu Zhixiru’s face was distorted, watching his right hand being cut off directly without mercy, and his gaze towards Abel was full of ferocity, like a wounded wild wolf.

“Empty chopping Tanlan!”

The endless wind blade once again blasted towards Yu no Hiru, who had lost his arm.

And Hiliu was the first to immediately use domineering to defend.

However, it was still directly blown out by Abel’s slash.

“Ahem…” The corners of Yu Zhi Xiru’s mouth spilled blood, and his face was very hideous, as if a demon came out of a cage.

Due to the excessive bleeding, Yu no Kiru’s face was particularly pale, and his left hand covered his right arm and shoulder, which looked very difficult.

But he didn’t have so much time to think about his pain and wounds, because he still had a big trouble standing in front of him.

“It’s stupid enough to betray the navy and join the pirates, but for whatever reason you are, I don’t bother to care.” Abel walked towards Yu Zhi Shiru step by step.

Although the pace was very slow, it was quite intimidating, making Yu no Hiru in front of him feel endless pressure, as if the Grim Reaper was slowly approaching.


The extremely sharp Sakura Ten cut through the air and ruthlessly swung towards Yu no Kiru’s head.

Blood suddenly stained the ground.


“Didn’t catch up?” After running for a while, Blackbeard found that Abel had not yet appeared, and probably guessed that Abel was chasing the rain of Hiryu.

But even so, he did not dare to relax in any way.

Although Yu no Hiryu is stronger than the other three, he may not be able to hold out for a few minutes in front of Abel, and he must quickly leave the city.

Thinking of this, Blackbeard quickly began to find himself to advance the ship he was riding in when he was in the city.

But after searching for a long time, I never found out where my ship had gone.

And at this moment, the sharp-eyed blackbeard suddenly saw that there seemed to be something on the surface of the sea that made him feel very familiar!

“Wait! That’s not…”

“That’s right, that lump of scrap metal is your ship.” Abel’s voice suddenly sounded next to Blackbeard.


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Chapter 45 Superman is a Devil Fruit

“There is an exaggerated slash enough, is this the Great Sword Hao!”

This flame slash was seen by the entire island.

And Kuzan, who saw this slash, immediately thought of Abel.

The Great Sword Hao on this island is only Abel.

The power of breaking mountains and seas is indeed terrifying to the extreme.

“It’s all solved over there, and I’ll have to work harder on my side.” Ice age! ”


After killing Waldo, Abel also came directly to Waldo’s ship.

This is also a habit of his! Every time he kills a pirate, he will distribute all the finances in this pirate group to the ordinary people in the vicinity.

Although the pirates are basically quite rich, there are too many people who distribute them, so each person can only get hundreds of thousands to millions of Baileys.

For survivors who lost their families to pirates, this little pension is nothing, but he just wants to do his best.

In the capacity of a navy.

Walking into Waldo’s ship, the warehouse inside is simply filled with countless treasures.

Even Abel, who often catches pirates, is the first time he has seen so much money.

“It’s really worthy of that mad dog, even if it is not deliberately collecting treasures, but the constant attacks on nobles, pirates, and commoners have gathered so many treasures.”

Abel’s rough count is that the value of the treasure on this ship is probably not less than half a hundred million Baileys.

Even some of the pirate groups probably don’t have as much treasure on the Valdo ship.

“Wait, that’s . .


At this moment, Abel suddenly noticed that among these treasures, there was an extremely unusual thing.

A fruit that resembles a large pineapple, with bright colors and a spiral pattern that looks like a “tang grass” that is dissatisfied from the outside to the inside.

“This guy’s warehouse actually has Devil Fruit in it!”

That’s right, what Abel found in Waldo’s warehouse was a devil fruit.

The Devil Fruit is quite uncommon, and in the pirate group, it usually won’t be long before it is discussed who will eat the Devil Fruit.

It is rare for unused devil fruits to appear in such places.

After all, it is no exaggeration to say that the Devil Fruit represents strength, strength and status.

In this world where strength is respected, the meaning of the Devil Fruit is naturally self-evident.

“I remember that this Devil Fruit seemed to be mentioned in the Devil Fruit Book before, it seems to be a superhuman type of Devil Fruit!”

Since the devil fruits all look similar, it is difficult to tell who is who unless one of the devil fruits is carefully identified.

It’s just that based on the general shape of the Devil Fruit, Abel can judge that this should be a superhuman Devil Fruit.

“Devil Fruit? I heard that eating two devil fruits will die, but my body seems to be unable to die!” ”

Looking at this devil fruit, Abel thought with some uncertainty.

Although he himself is not a Devil Fruit ability for the time being, even if he directly eats this Devil Fruit, there is no problem.

But if there is no way to eat more devil fruits, Abel still wants to find a demon fruit with relatively large destructive power to use.

After all, the strength of the Natural Devil Fruit is recognized.

Although the development of the Devil Fruit is the most important, it is naturally best if there is a Devil Fruit that is easier to become stronger.

And just when Abel was repeatedly thinking about whether to eat this devil fruit or not, suddenly he thought of something.

“Although I am not sure, the IBM Ghost should also be able to eat the Devil Fruit!”

Thinking so, Abel turned his gaze to the IBM ghost on the side-Xiao Hei!

Although it is said to be a ghost, it stands to reason that Xiao Hei should also be able to eat the devil fruit.

After all, even some animals have the experience of eating devil fruit, and the IBM ghost looks closer to humans than those animals!

“Superman is just a line, it won’t be a loss anyway, let’s give it a try!”

Holding that it was just a superhuman demon fruit anyway, Abel thought about it and planned to let Xiao Hei eat this devil fruit.

After all, it is a superhuman department and not a natural department, even if it is eaten by Xiao Hei, even if it has no effect, he will not feel distressed.

“Xiao Hei, come and eat this thing.” Thinking so, Abel’s mind also began to command Xiao Hei.

Abel handed the devil fruit in his hand to Xiao Hei on the side.

As Xiao Hei, who would only obey the master’s orders, did not have the slightest hesitation, he directly caused the devil fruit in Abel’s hand and swallowed it in one bite.

At the moment when Xiao Hei swallowed the Devil Fruit, Abel suddenly felt a force transmitted to him through Xiao Hei.

The ability to make objects larger and smaller? Superman is a metamorphosis fruit. Pretty good a competency. ”

Although no one had explained to Abel, through the information that Abel transmitted from Xiao Hei, he immediately understood what was going on with this ability.

Without anyone teaching, like breathing, Abel could use this power very easily.

Being able to make things you touch bigger or smaller is the ability of this devil fruit.

It sounds very simple, but Abel knows that this thing is not simple at all.

It’s like when you and the opposite face each other, and suddenly you find that your whole person suddenly becomes the size of an ant, and the enemy is like a giant.


Transformation Fruit – is actually based on Brantish’s magic, although it doesn’t sound very powerful, but those who have seen Fairy Tail should know how terrifying this thing is.

In an instant, an island can be directly reduced to nothing, which is more awesome than the ice and fire island left after Kuzan and Sakaski’s fight.

PS: This chapter is a flower addition for everyone. Thank you.

And thanks to (ˉ▽ ̄~) cut ~~ a thousand tips from the slag boss

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