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Chapter 69 Blowing up the whole new world?

“Morphing Cavalry!” Abel watched the impending attack calmly, and suddenly, the ground under his feet began to shake violently.

More than a dozen cavalry that looked very powerful suddenly appeared from the ground, and then directly covered with a layer of pitch-black armed color domineering.

The black glowing look made people feel a little shuddering.


A deafening sound of walking in unison sounded, and a dozen neatly arranged cavalry were like a strong army that had learned domineering, and the huge saber directly slashed down, directly colliding with the huge fist that Katakuri slammed up and the slash of the Kli frame.


The surrounding air instantly flew up, setting off a terrifying wave of qi that directly took all the surrounding tables and chairs out of the film.

“What!” Katakuri’s face changed suddenly, and his extraordinary domineering color foresaw the fragment of the aftermath of the attack, and hurriedly retreated directly to the rear.

Phew —

With a crisp sound of breaking the air, a sword strike stabbed directly towards Katakuri.

Blood spilled, Katakuri was directly poked by the cavalry created by Abel, flew out dozens of meters away, and hit a wall fiercely.

“Katakuri!” Seeing that Katakuri was actually hit by a blow, Klitter shouted out in surprise.

At the same time, the cavalry created by Abel had stepped forward again, aiming at the direction of the Klee frame and slashing down.

The terrifying slash was tens of meters long, and the roaring wave set off was like a round of residual moon coming towards the Kriframe.

“Cookie soldier!” Klee didn’t think much about it, since Abel made mobs to fight, he could do the same.

With the clapping of the Krei frame, seven or eight burly soldiers who looked a little scary appeared in front of the Kriframe to block the upcoming attack for him.


However, these usually invincible and tough soldiers did not even hold out for a second, as if they were paper paste, they were directly shattered by the cavalry created by Abel, and then collapsed with a bang.

Holding a huge saber in his hand, the domineering soldier directly swung the saber towards the Kriframe.

“Fluctuation pretzels!” Without having time to think about it, the big sword in the frame appeared in a spiral shape and slammed directly towards the cavalry.

Boom –

The sound of a metal symphony

The all-out blow of the Klee frame hit the soldier who covered the domineering, and even the domineering could not break through, and the Klee frame was directly swung by the cavalry’s sabre.

The clothes and outer defenses were directly torn off, leaving a huge wound on his chest that looked terrible.

“Abominable! What’s going on with these soldiers, they are actually stronger than my strength! Kriji barely steadied his body, and then glanced at Katakuri on the other side, his face was particularly solemn.

Although his ability can also make soldiers, it is not a level at all with Abel.

The strength of the cavalry casually created out of thin air was the same level as that of him as a general, which was something that Kelijian never expected.

“Although I won’t kill you guys, these cavalry are not that smart. Trying to run over an ant without hurting him is difficult to control. Abel gently raised the corners of his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, the seven or eight cavalry once again rushed towards the two remaining generals and other ministers.

At this time, Abel also took the time to look to the other side.

“Morguns, I remember you guy was a journalist, right? You shouldn’t be in a place like this. Looking at the half-man, half-bird Morguns, Abel said unhurriedly.

The battle on Sakaski’s side could not be over for a while, so Abel was not in a hurry to blow up Cake Island.

As for Katakuri and others, Abel was originally looking forward to it, after all, the rewards of the dessert stars are quite high, and the Katakuri is more than 500 million rewards.

But that was only for his previous self, and after trying it himself, Abel discovered how far apart he was now with someone at the star level.

“Hahahaha! There is no way around it, after all, it’s BIG· MOM’s tea party invitation, I don’t want BIG· OM killed important people around me and sent his head to me. Morguns said with a laugh.

He was different from the other emperors of the dark world, and as the president of the World Economic Society, Morguns did not need to do some shady things, and his intelligence alone already occupied a huge resource.

Moreover, the share of the New World is stronger than that of the underground emperors of the other New Worlds.

So Morguns is not a bounty criminal wanted by the Navy, but this guy is also quite close to the pirates.

“But I’m more interested in the so-called explosive rock in your hand, which I’ve never heard of!” Unexpectedly, the world government actually mastered such a terrifying weapon, and if it was written as news, it would definitely make a lot of money. Morguns chit-it-sip.

He also wanted to test Abel’s bottom line through the matter of dynamite rock. After all, weapons that can destroy an island in an instant, this power is not a joke.

“Boring, the government’s affairs should be considered by the government people.” Rather, if this thing is advertised as a very good deterrent, I am also wondering if I will take a little more explosive rock from the world government and blow up the whole new world together! Abel said something extremely terrifying with a look of indifference!

If you really get so many explosive rocks from the world government, it will not be difficult to blow up the entire new world at once.


PS: [2/5] Self-subscription

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Chapter 69: Phantom Fruit

While the two were still worrying about what to do, Abel had already submitted the report.

Hearing this, Steel Bone Kong and Warring States also looked at each other.

Immediately afterwards, Steel Bone Kong briefly toured the report submitted by Abel, and a somewhat helpless smile appeared on his face: “That kid! He actually wanted to use us to help him find two devil fruits to supplement the abilities of the other two ghosts. ”

Immediately afterwards, Steel Bone Kong handed this information to the Warring States.

The file format he usually saw was not the same as Abel’s very simple and crude words.

To put it simply, you can’t give me any substantial rewards anyway, so I have to take an extra three months of vacation every year, at any time.

Then let the navy help him find a powerful devil fruit ability, preferably with a natural devil fruit.

As for the other one, it doesn’t matter whether it’s superhuman or animal, as long as it’s strong enough.

“How do I feel that this kid Abel is slowly getting closer to that old bastard of Karp.”

Steel Bone Kong touched his head, I don’t know how, he always had some foreboding recently.

Especially seeing the paid vacation of three months a year proposed by Abel, Steel Bone Kong felt even worse.

But he thought about it, really by the day Abel mixed into old fritters, he probably didn’t think he was a marshal of the navy!

Don’t give him a headache if he shouldn’t have a headache, one Karp is enough for him.

“Powerful Devil Fruit? I remember that there seemed to be a ready-made devil fruit in the warehouse, and I didn’t know if the guy wanted it or not. ”

And the Sengoku, who was still very young, did not notice the most troublesome thing in Abel’s report, and he was still thinking about the problem of the Devil Fruit.

Perhaps in the eyes of the young Warring States, the Devil Fruit is a little more difficult to handle!

After all, he is only a general, and when one day the Warring States sit in the position of marshal of the navy, he will understand that one of the more troublesome things in Abel’s report is the three-month vacation.

“Still too young!” Hearing the words of the Warring States, Steel Bone Kong did not have the slightest fluctuation in his heart, and even wanted to laugh a little!

He was also so young when he became a general, and after he became a marshal, he knew how bad a marshal was,

However, Steel Bone Kong did not immediately say the words in his heart, but followed the words of the Warring States and asked: “What is that devil fruit in the warehouse?” ”

“It’s the Phantom Fruit, but there are no records of those who have the ability of the Phantom Fruit, and even if there is, it is only some records of weak development ability.” Sengoku replied.

Whether the Devil Fruit is powerful or not also depends mainly on the user himself, even if it is a Devil Fruit that does not sound good, as long as it is played well, it can exert incredible power.

And the ability of the Phantom Fruit and its metamorphosis, but no strong people have used it before, so the reputation is not high.

“Is that an ability that can be replicated? I heard that even the power of the Devil Fruit ability can be perfectly copied, and even have the memory of the other party, but I asked about the experience before. ”

For the Devil Fruit mentioned by the Warring States, there is also a steel bone void

He remembered that the information also mentioned that the magic fruit could copy the phantoms of other people, and the phantoms could present things that the Buddha-figures knew, so it was also very effective for interrogation.

However, because the phantom appeared at the time, the effect was not particularly obvious.

However, this is all secondary, and the most important point is that this Devil Fruit can actually copy the abilities of other Devil Fruit abilities.

“Then communicate with Abel first! If he is willing, give him this devil fruit, and as for the last natural devil fruit, he can only find it as much as possible! ”

Seeing the attitude of steel bones, the Warring States also felt that it was almost safe.

As for the ability of the natural Devil Fruit, it really depends on luck.

Even the navy did not have ready-made natural devil fruits for Abel.

After all, every natural ability can at least have a general-level combat power level.


But it would be a few days before the Navy’s intelligence arrived.

After a short break of two weeks at the branch, Abel was almost playing.

“Skeleton Pirates and Steel Pirates?”

In Abel’s room, there were more than a dozen bounty orders at this time.

Above is intelligence about two pirate groups in the New World.

Skeleton Pirates

Captain: Dunlap

Bounty: 180.000000

Steel Pirates

Captain: Shoals

Bounty: 120.000000

Both of these are pirates originally subordinate to the Whitebeard Pirates.

The bounties are 120 million and 180 million respectively, and this bounty can be regarded as a sea thief in this era.

However, Abel is not surprised, if the strength is not strong enough, it is impossible to directly choose to leave the Whitebeard Pirate Group at the same time as Whitebeard is defeated.

Those who were dissatisfied with Whitebeard’s decision this time, but did not opt out, basically offered tens of millions of pirates.

Of course, it is also quite a scary thing to have tens of millions of rewards in this era.

The newcomers who have not yet entered the new world can have more than 10 million of them and are the most worthy of attention.

“Two pirates with a reward of more than 100 million? It also happens to be near the search and rescue island, so let’s solve it all at once! ”

Abel stretched and rubbed his eyes to think.

The Pirates under Whitebeard have indeed withdrawn from the scope of the World Government allies.

However, the two remnants are still entrenched near the search and rescue island.

“Is it really stupid to think that if you don’t follow Whitebeard, you don’t have to hand over the place? Adjutant, let people prepare a warship, I’m going to sea. ”


The Phantom Fruit copied Luo out to give himself a tense and exciting ageless operation.

Hey! (#^.^#)

But the timeline has to speed up as soon as possible.

By the way, those who don’t know the Phantom Fruit can watch the theatrical version.

PS: [1/4 self-subscription.]

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