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The future of Octopus 81

“I will immediately contact King Neptune and you will bring Lieutenant General Abel and Lieutenant General Burning Volcano in first.”

Even Abel came, so it would certainly not be as ordinary as before, and a banquet welcome would end.

It is no exaggeration to say that Abel’s status in the navy is no worse than that of a marshal, and even Sakaski’s marshal position was sent by Abel to send him.

In the face of a big man of this level, the minister did not dare to make his own decisions, so he immediately went to report to the king of Neptune .

The right minister also hurried to the Dragon Palace after hanging up the phone worm of the guard unit, and rushed directly into it without even saying hello in advance.

It was also thanks to his prestige as a minister that he had enough prestige, and the soldiers of the Dragon Palace did not stop him, and all the right ministers quickly met Neptune and then reported the news he had just received to Neptune .

After listening to the words of the right minister, Neptune widened his eyes: “Lieutenant General Abel actually came to Fishman Island as a guest!” Where have others gone now? ”

“Lieutenant General Burning Volcano followed them to hand over the defense of Fishman Island, and Lieutenant General Abel seemed to act alone, as if he went to the restaurant in the Mermaid District.” The minister replied.

That place also belongs to a place that Abel will go to every time, and Fishman Island is roughly divided into two categories, one is a mermaid and the other is a fishman.

Mermaids do not eat meat and fish belong to a more moderate faction, while fish people eat meat and fish, and even mermaids and fish people live separately.

Compared to the place where the mermaids live, the fish-man street is an extremely terrifying existence.

Compared with the royal palace of Neptune , it is honestly the mermaid café under the sea that is more favored by Abel.

Not to mention the beautiful scenery on the side of the mermaid area, just a large number of beautiful fishman sisters over there make people look forward to it.

In particular, the luxurious café run by Xia Li is a gathering place for beautiful mermaid sisters.

Soon, Abel came to the Fishman Cafe with a light car, and in the New World, especially here on Fishman Island, Abel can be said to be quite a famous person.

He had just entered the Fishman Cafe and sat down, and before he could even order coffee, two beautiful Fishman sisters took the initiative to run to sit next to Abel.

“Lieutenant General Abel has been seen for a long time! What to order today? “These two beautiful fish-man sisters are naturally also waiters in the café.

“It’s been a long time, just prepare me some oysters and fruitcake today.” Abel also ordered some very strange things as always.

Obviously came to the café but did not order cakes, some additional snacks provided in the store.

No way, Abel was not very interested in that morphine, and he didn’t want to drink coffee to make himself uncomfortable.

The reason why he likes to come here is naturally the service of these beautiful mermaid sisters in the café and the dancing of the mermaid sisters.

Although he is not an old color, but the beautiful things are quite desirable.

Especially now there are three beautiful mermaid sisters dancing in the café, which is really eye-catching, so Abel can’t divert his gaze.

“Lieutenant General Abel, is it that good-looking?” Seeing Abel staring intently at the young lady of the fish man who was dancing in the café, Xia Li also walked over.

“Hmm! It is indeed very good-looking, worthy of the fish-people. Abel didn’t mind and nodded very seriously.

It has to be said that the women of the merfolk tribe are a little too beautiful, and before Abel was stationed on Fishman Island, pirates often robbed the mermaid women here and sold them on land.

Moreover, the high price is outrageous, and even the natural devil fruit is not comparable.

It’s enough to imagine how beautiful the women of the merfolk tribe really are.

“Facing my inner thoughts so directly, I have nothing to say.” Hearing Abel say his inner thoughts so bluntly, Xia Li was embarrassed to ridicule Abel.

“Isn’t that something to be taken for granted? Just say no. Abel took it for granted, he didn’t twist and look like he wanted to look but didn’t dare to look.

“Although it is true…” He had nothing to refute to Abel’s statement. It’s just that I just feel a little uncomfortable.

And just as Abel was talking to Xia Li, several people suddenly walked from the door of the coffee shop.

One of them was riding a huge killer shark whale and holding a trident, and he looked extremely terrifying.

“Coming? King Neptune . Abel immediately recognized the people as Neptune and his three sons and the White Star.

And the white star is Abel’s main purpose for coming here this time.

“Lieutenant General Abel, long time no see, are you here this time?” Neptune was also not too restrained, and walked directly over and sat next to Abel.

However, Neptune is also quite strange, although Abel occasionally comes to Fishman Island as a guest, but not often, but comes here to play during Abel’s vacation.

At this time, the Navy had just attacked BIGMOM, and even the news was still spreading to the world, Abel had already arrived here.

This had to make Neptune a little curious.

“I really have something I want to talk to you about this time, and this extremely loving Nanshan District is likely to be related to the future of your Fishman Island.” Abel said very seriously to Neptune .

“About the future of our Fishman Island?” Neptune looked at Abel with a strange look.

Their Fishman Island has been quite peaceful recently, and there should be no problem. Why suddenly Abel and he started talking to him about the future of Fishman Island, a somewhat heavy topic.

“This is not the right place, let’s go to the palace and talk.”


PS: [1/4 self-subscription.]

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Chapter 81 The tsunami is coming

“This kid’s sword art has actually reached this level!” The golden lion’s pupils shrank and he felt a trace of pressure.

Although it has long been known that Abel has grown rapidly, he already had the level of a great sword master when he killed the world destroyer Waldo two years ago.

But he didn’t expect that after only two years, Abel, who was only in his early twenties, would have the strength to compete with him in swordsmanship.

“But if you challenge my Grand Fleet alone, do you think I will still be fair one-on-one with you?”

The golden lion’s face was gloomy, and his eyes unabashedly revealed killing intent.

He’s not Roger’s type who likes one-on-one duels, so why not do it if he can fight in groups?

Only the winner has the final say!

“One-on-one? Golden lion, could it be that you think it would be stupid to this extent? Take a good look around! Abel said to the golden lion.

I saw that the dark clouds in the sky slowly converged here.

The appearance of the black pressure made people feel some heart palpitations.

“It’s a big storm! How is it possible, obviously it was still very calm before. ”

When the dark clouds had gathered, the golden lion had already guessed what would happen.

After sailing in the New World for so many years, it was also the first time he had seen such a large superstorm.

Although there are also excellent navigators on the ship of the golden lion, how can it be compared to the professional analysis of the navy.

They had predicted this storm a few days earlier, and the Golden Lion’s crew could only predict the storm a few hours in advance and then find an island to dock.

And in the fierce battle with Roger’s pirates, they didn’t have time to pay attention to the changes in the weather.

It wasn’t until this dark cloud of black pressure had already hit here that the golden lion discovered this problem.

“The great storm is coming, Golden Lion, how much of your fleet is left under this force?” Abel said with a smile.

As soon as the words fell, suddenly the originally calm sea area of Atvor suddenly set off a monstrous wave, and the waves tens of meters high began to roar.

Facing this huge wave, the golden lion defeated it with a few easy slashes.

However, the golden lion knows that this is just a small beginning.

The real horror is yet to come, and this is just a prelude to the wrath of the sea.

“Kuzan, as soon as the storm passes, immediately freeze all the ships of the Golden Lion Pirates. The golden lion will be left to me to solve! ”



At the same time, the Golden Lion Pirates and the Roger Pirates got up.

“Roger, it seems that the navy and the golden lion bar again, take the opportunity to leave, there will be a big storm immediately!” Reilly split a pirate with a sword and said to Yijie.

Although they are a pirate group composed of elites, after all, there are also slightly weaker ones, so they must also avoid this big storm.

Roger didn’t say much and jumped directly on the Golden Jackson.

The golden lion’s side also began to retreat immediately in a very tacit manner, preparing to meet this big storm.

“How is it possible for you to deal with this storm so simply!”

From another perspective that could not be discovered, Xiao Hei had already flown towards the waves close to the Golden Lion Pirate Group with moon steps.

Morph and zoom in!

Suddenly, the tsunami that was originally only twenty or thirty meters turned out of thin air, as if the sea suddenly became angry, and the monstrous waves hundreds of meters high swept directly towards the Golden Lion Pirates.

And this terrifying wave also directly included the Roger Pirate Group surrounded by the Golden Lion Pirates.

“How is that possible? It actually became bigger directly! Looking at this scene beyond common sense, the golden lion’s eyes widened.

For a while, the golden lion was also not ready.

The sea roared mercilessly directly, and the terrifying natural environment of the New World seemed to want to devour them all.

“Not good, the tsunami is coming!”

“Quick… Run away! ”

“Grab the rudder!”

“Quickly put the sails down.”

Looking at the huge waves that were raging, both the Golden Lion and the Roger Pirates looked a little flustered.

After all, the waves that were originally only more than twenty meters suddenly turned into hundreds of meters, and anyone would be a little caught off guard.

And this is just the beginning, every wave has been amplified under the ability to transform the fruit, even the most ordinary ten-meter waves have been amplified to hundreds of meters, wave after wave of impact on these two New World legendary sea thieves.

“Damn, what’s going on with this storm! How could it be that big! “The golden lion kept swinging and slashing, trying to weaken these waves as much as possible.

However, these waves are wave after wave in the sea starting from 100 meters, even the golden lion is a little unbearable.

If you look closely, you can see that the golden lion’s forehead has begun to sweat.

“It’s a golden lion! To be able to do this to this extent! But what are you going to do next? Abel smiled as he looked at the golden lion wielding the slash.

Just now, everything was just an appetizer for this storm, and the real horror of this storm has not yet appeared.

“Kuzan, a big storm is coming.” Abel reminded Kuzan.

He didn’t want to wait to be swept up by this super storm.

“Ice Age!”

Kuzan didn’t say much, directly activated the ability of the frozen fruit, and his whole body exuded terrifying freezing qi, and then plunged his hands into the seawater.

The icy cold instantly made the sea demon under the feet of the two completely frozen, and it looked exceptionally solid.

But Kuzan also knows that this just looks solid, and it’s useless to stay safe.

Immediately, Kuzan squeezed his Devil Fruit ability even more violently.

Below the ice surface, more and more seawater began to freeze, deep below the surface of the sea, until it went deeper than thirty meters, and the speed slowed down.


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