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Chapter Eighty-Nine Smile at First Sight

Headquarters of the Navy

“Lieutenant General Abel!”

Seeing Abel’s ship slowly approaching, the soldiers in the port quickly stood up straight one by one, respectfully preparing to greet the direction of the port.

At the same time, someone immediately rushed to the office of Admiral Sakaski to report.

“Is that guy finally back? One by two, they didn’t care at all, and they actually stayed outside for so long! Hearing the news of Abel’s return, Sakaski couldn’t help but complain.

Since he took the position of marshal of the navy, he realized how embarrassing his situation was, first of all, there was no one to use.

Kuzan and Borusalino are not from a faction with him, although if there is really something, although it is not completely impossible for the two to help, but the procedure is also more complicated, you can’t just let them go down and do it like their own people.

And the remaining combat strength of the navy, like Abel and Karp, these two people are lawless, even when the Warring States are there, they are as they please, let alone expect the two to take the initiative to help him solve some troublesome problems.

There is also the Grand Staff Lieutenant General Tsuru and the Grand Governor of the Warring States, one of whom is the chief of staff who rarely participates in battles, and the other is already a semi-reclusive person, which is also embarrassing for Sakaski.

As a result, although he became a marshal, the only forces that could actually be mobilized were a few vice admirals and two reserve generals who were originally his hawks.

The most infuriating point is that originally their hawks attracted countless people, hoping that these people could directly ascend to the position of general, but none of these people could complete the assessment task of the general.

And the hardliners already have Kuzan as an admiral, so they don’t pay much attention to this matter, just screen it step by step, but there is a person who has completed the assessment task of the general.

If nothing else, the top combat power of the hardliners will have one more.

And the most embarrassing thing is that he can’t say anything yet, as a marshal, he still has to go to Abel and Yixiao’s battle as a witness, which simply makes Sakaski feel aggrieved.

“Forget it, let’s go and see it first.” Although he said that he was very aggrieved in his heart, as a marshal, he still had to go and see it himself, and it was about the position of the admiral, but he could not be so sloppy.


“Have you already returned to the headquarters? Really… He is really a man who can cause conversation wherever he goes. Hearing the commotion outside, Kuzan guessed with his toes what was going on.

The guy who could cause such a big shock in the naval headquarters, he couldn’t think of a second one other than Abel.

“After all, being the strongest name will indeed attract a lot of attention, and even I am also attracted by the name of the world’s number one sword master to launch a challenge?” I smiled and looked away.

After all, he was also attracted by the name of Abers’ great swordsman.

“Really, the troublesome guys came running over one by one. Originally, I wanted to spend a little more time on Fishman Island. Abel directly pushed open the door and walked in, and after seeing a smile and Kuzan, he said a little unpleasantly.

Then I went straight to a place to sit, then poured a glass of water and started drinking.

Immediately after, walking in from behind Abel were White Star and Robin.

He actually had the audacity to directly bring the ancient weapon Poseidon and Nicole Robin, the son of the devil, to the headquarters of the navy, and it is estimated that no one other than Abel dares to do this openly.

The most crucial point is that neither Yixiao nor Kuzan found any problems.

Even Kuzan, who had seen Robin, only glanced at the two lightly, and did not say much, just simply thinking that Abel had picked up the two poor people from where.

And Abel also noticed a smile in Kuzan’s office for the first time.

Senbai’s eyes opened, coupled with the hideous scar, it looked quite terrifying.

However, Abel noticed a problem, that is, although these scars look messy and irregular, if you look closely, you can find many clues.

“Mr. Smile, right! The injury to your eye seems very interesting! It doesn’t look like damage caused in a fight with someone else. Abel asked with an interested smile.

Hearing Abel’s words, the other three also looked in the direction of Yixiao, and looked at the wound of Yixiao’s eyes with some curiosity.

However, none of them saw anything special, they just felt that they were quite ruthless.

He was also stunned when he heard Abel’s words with a domineering smile, and then stood up and said, “It’s really powerful!” Although I had long heard that Lieutenant General Abel’s swordsmanship was no longer at the level that people in this world could reach, it was still amazing after seeing it with my own eyes. ”

Holding his crutches, he smiled and walked in Abel’s direction: “As Lieutenant General Abel can see, my eyes are not scars caused by others, but I chose to close them.” ”

“Shut yourself up… This…” Robin and Kuzan looked at each other in amazement and smiled.

Even Kuzan didn’t know the inside story about Yixiao’s eye injury before, and he subconsciously thought that Yixiao was injured in the eye during a battle with someone.

“It’s a blessing not to see things, there are too many dirty and vulgar people in the world.” Yi said with a smile very calmly.

He doesn’t seem to feel regret about losing the light.

“Don’t want to see the sins of the world, so you close your eyes? Forget it, I have no reason to comment on your approach, everyone has their own path and justice. Abel wanted to say something about the smile, but in the end he didn’t.

Everyone has the right to choose their own path.


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Chapter Eighty-Nine Roger turned himself in

Abel simply packed up and went directly to the military port, only to see that another lieutenant general other than him had been waiting here early.

And this person is none other than the member of the third elite training camp, and Kuzan, who is his age.

After all, they belong to the same faction, and the Warring States naturally will not deliberately disrupt the arrangement, so they let the admirals of the same faction of Abel be in one branch.

“Senior Abel, it seems that you have also received an order.” Kuzan also took the initiative to say hello to Abel.

Although the two are already lieutenant generals, since Abel was brought by Abel for nearly half a year during Kuzan’s training camp, he can also be regarded as half of Kuzan’s master.

“Hmm! I don’t know what happened on the main side. Abel shook his head.

Only the vice admiral of the headquarters of the navy participated, and also the vice admiral of the whole navy headquarters.

And even the message is so secretive, it’s not hard to imagine that this thing must be very unusual.

“Don’t think about it so much, the truth will be revealed when you go.” Kuzan scratched his head and stretched lazily.

He didn’t bother to think about what was going on, just go to the headquarters and see what happened.


Soon, they returned to the naval headquarters, where people were already waiting in the harbor of the headquarters.

After Abel and the others came down, the soldiers in charge of picking them up and dropping them off took them to the room assigned by the headquarters.

Because each naval base is at a different distance from the naval headquarters, it may take some time to recall all the vice admirals of the naval headquarters.

In this way, after waiting for about two days, the vice admirals of the naval headquarters have also gathered.

Sengoku immediately convened a meeting.

In the combat conference room of the Navy headquarters, a total of more than twenty vice admirals of the naval headquarters gathered, in addition to the Warring States General and the Steel Bone Air Marshal were also here.

“Looks like everyone has arrived, let’s start the meeting right away!” After taking a look at the fact that the people had arrived, it was announced that the meeting had officially begun.

“Air Marshal, is there something wrong with calling all of us here?” A vice admiral of the navy headquarters asked towards the steel skeleton.

The beginning of the scene were all vice admirals of the navy headquarters, and they could be regarded as the top of the navy, naturally there were not so many constraints.

“One Piece Roger voluntarily turned himself in.” Tsuru crossed his hands under his chin and said word by word.

When the words fell, the entire naval conference room fell silent.

“Roger turned himself in?” As soon as this news came out, everyone was speechless.

After the Battle of Atwall, Roger Hai entered their field of vision when he became One Piece a year ago.

Other times, the Roger Pirates didn’t move at all.

This made many generals who wanted to capture Roger feel very regretful.

Even terrified, I was afraid that on that day, Roger’s pirate group attacked with ancient weapons with terrifying lethality.

And now, they learned that the One Piece Roger actually turned himself in?

The fact that pirates surrender themselves is extremely rare even among ordinary pirates, not to mention a man like One Piece King Roger who occupies the apex of all pirates.

Although this is a good thing for the Navy, many people present feel a trace of loneliness, like an angry punch on cotton.

Not only could he not vent his anger, but he himself became even more angry.

Of course, there are many lieutenant generals who feel that this matter is great news.

Anyway, a sharp sword hanging over the head of their navy finally fell.

For a while, the entire Navy conference room began to exchange ears, after all, Roger’s news was too sudden, and everyone was not a little prepared.

“Abel, you seem to have other ideas.” The crane glanced at Abel thoughtfully.

When the matter of Roger was discussed just now, only Abel was next to him without saying a word.

“I want to know why Roger turned himself in, and there can’t be no reason for nothing, right?” Abel knocked lightly on the table, with a puzzled expression on his face.

Although he didn’t have much dealings with Roger, he did know something.

In any case, he could not think that this man would be afraid of the navy and voluntarily surrender himself.

But if not, there is no particularly good explanation.

But in any case, Abel felt that there must be a lot of strangeness in this, and maybe even a conspiracy.

“I think so too, Roger won’t be the kind of man who will give up lightly.” Tsuru nodded, indicating that he also agreed with Abel’s idea.

Although it is not clear what Roger wants to do, this matter still seems too strange.

“Honbu, no! What does the world government want to do with Roger? Supposedly planning a public execution, right? Abel shook his head and asked Steelbone.

“Yes, the World Government is indeed planning to publicly execute Roger, and the time has been set for a week later.” Cyborg replied.

This is also a normal train of thought after all, after all, Roger’s influence among pirates is huge, and if Roger can be publicly executed, it will be a great blow to pirates around the world.

“I agree with the government’s decision, if Roger is publicly executed, it will definitely be able to combat the arrogance of the pirates!” At this time, Sakaski stood up and said.

As a representative of naval hawks, he was naturally the first to support this iron-blooded means of deterring pirates.

“Indeed, it is the best choice to do so.”

And Kuzan also nodded along, Sakaski was indeed right, not to mention that their hardline style is not much different from that of hawks for pirates.


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