Chapter 92: The End of the Crossbow

“What a terrifying sword technique!” I couldn’t help but sigh with a smile.

The more he fights, the more he discovers how terrifying Abel really is.

This is true not only in physical fitness and domineering, but also in swordsmanship.

In the eyes of a smile, Abel’s swordsmanship can only be evaluated in one word – standard

Every time the sword is drawn, whether it is forced to pull out the sword or actively sword, or even the moment when he reveals a flaw, it can only be described by the word standard.

As if it had been engraved on the DNA surface, Abel’s sword art is the perfect textbook model for battle, there is not a single thing to be faulty about, and any sword shot is a standard template that can withstand the careful scrutiny of hundreds of great swordsmen.

This didn’t make Yixiao feel surprised, there were actually people who were able to hone their sword skills to this level, and Abel was not only so terrifying in swordsmanship, but also equally terrifying in domineering and demon fruit abilities.

If someone had told him before meeting Abel that there were people in this world who had cultivated these different places to the extreme, they would not have believed it with a smile.

But after seeing Abel, he could only sigh: “Talent decides everything!” ”

“It’s better not to lose your mind when fighting.” Abel’s voice came suddenly.

Air Cremation!

Sakura Ten swung out directly from top to bottom, and the terrifying flame wrapped around the knife and exploded directly downward, and the incomparably terrifying flame suddenly engulfed the entire smile.

“Hell Brigade!”

However, in the next second, the terrifying purple gravity directly pressed down the pillar of fire, and under the terrifying gravity, the flames directly bombarded the ground.


The terrifying explosion exploded directly underground!

The earth collapsed, and flames continued to erupt upwards under the ground, creating an exaggerated impact.

When all the pillars of fire were pressed into the ground, the entire island was like a volcano and instantly erupted with terrifying heat.

The hot breath and the completely rewritten earth environment make the scalp tingle.

“Really fake! He actually changed the environment of the entire island with swordsmanship, and now this thing looks like a living volcano! Seeing this, Borusalino also looked at Kuzan and Sakaski next to him.

Sakaski himself is a user of molten berries, and I don’t know what this guy thinks when he sees this scene.

And the original reason why Borusalino looked at Kuzan was naturally because of Kuzan’s ability, and now only Kuzan has the ability to stop this flame.

“Really, don’t be too strong to lock the man! Although I can freeze all the place, I can’t do anything about the flames under the island. Zan scratched his head, and he could see what Borusalino meant.

But the crux of the matter is his ability to freeze Abel’s flames, which is not an easy task.

If it was only temporarily frozen in the outer layer, it was a flame below, and he would be completely helpless.

Just now he had already tried it a little, and his ice cube soon began to melt after approaching the flames below.

In comparison, Sakaski’s molten slurry is easier to freeze.

“At least seal this layer of ice on the ground first! Otherwise, you really can’t fight it. Borusalino spread his hands, looking helpless.

“I know!” After Kuzan replied, he squatted down directly, and a terrifying freezing qi began to be released directly on his body.

Ice age!

Click… Click…

A thick layer of ice began to spread outward, covering the entire island directly in the blink of an eye.

“It’s just sealing the outer layer for the time being, and it shouldn’t be a problem to hold on until the two of them are finished fighting. It is estimated that the smile will not last long in the hands of Senior Abel. ”

After solving this matter, Kuzan looked at the battle with Abel and commented.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, Yixiao and Abel are now back and forth, and you can’t see much difference when you look for me.

But Kuzan and they can all see that the smile is now the end of the crossbow.

Although they can fight Abel, this is under the premise, that is, they will directly squander their domineering power, and they cannot have the slightest reservation.

After the initial confrontation, Yixiao also directly chose this method, unlimited squandering domineering, even these monsters could not last for two hours.

If there is no way to escape from Abel within these two hours or simply defeat Abel directly, then the result is naturally self-evident.

Domineering and overdrafting, unable to continue to use is equivalent to being no different from a wasted person.

And a smile is clear about this.

So he must also seize the last opportunity to launch his own offensive.

“Want to fight back? It’s too late, though. Through his powerful domineering, Abel also predicted the idea of laughing, if it was before, it didn’t matter, but now it’s completely different.

“It’s up to me to judge whether it’s too late or not! Hell Brigade! An invisible gravity hit Abel again.

And Abel also directly waved the Sakura Ten in his hand, and the powerful slash hit back with a smile.

“Gravity reflex!” A terrifying slash came directly across the air to meet Abel’s slash.

However, the result was obvious, the terrifying gravity slash was directly destroyed in front of Abel’s powerful slash, and flew towards Yixiao fiercely.

Rumble…… Rumble……

The terrifying slash flew directly and crashed into the distance, until it collided with the distant mountain, knocking the mountain range out of a series of terrible cracks, and constantly spreading outward.

Rocks fly!

If you laughed at this slash just now, you can imagine what the consequences will be.


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Đọc tại

Chapter 92 Roger! Will you die?

A day later

Abel had arrived at the Great Deep Sea Prison on the warship.

Of course, there are also Karp and Gien.

“Lieutenant General Karp, you go first!” After arriving at the Great Deep Sea Prison, Abel glanced at Karp and motioned for Karp to go first.

After so many years of getting along, Karp and Roger also developed some unspeakable friendship

Presumably there must be something to say between the two.

“Thank you.” Karp did not twist, and after a thank you, he walked directly in.

Only Abel and Gion remained.

After about an hour or so, Karp came out of it.

However, there was nothing unusual on Karp’s face, and Abel and Gion did not care too much.

“Are you going to follow in too?” Abel glanced at Qiyuan on the side.

“Of course, this is One Piece Roger.” Yuan said of course, following Abel’s steps and walking in.

After all, the other party is One Piece, and it is natural to want to see it.

The sixth floor of the Great Deep Sea Prison

In this dark place, the gate is slowly opened.

“Lieutenant General Abel and Lieutenant General Gi Yuan are the places where the most important prisoners are held, come out as soon as possible.”

The jailer on the side said with some concern.

The Navy Headquarters, the Great Deep Sea Prison, and Justice Island are affiliated with three major organizations under the World Government.

And Abel, they came to the sixth floor of the Deep Sea Great Prison this time without any advance notice.

Logically speaking, they can directly refuse, but no way, the navy is different from the other two departments, the navy is the department with the strongest combat effectiveness, and no one wants to fight with the navy.

Coupled with the fact that the people who came were comparable to the strength of the admiral, they were naturally impossible to stop.

“I will as soon as possible.” After replying lightly, Abel walked towards the room inside his mouth.

Don’t think about it, One Piece Roger must be locked up in the innermost room on the sixth floor.


In a dark cell, Roger was sitting on the opposite side of the cell railing and said hello when he saw Abel approaching.

“For you, this level of chain should not trap you, right? It seems that you really intend to turn yourself in and be executed. ”

Looking at the sea tower stone lock on Roger’s body. Bo said lightly.

With this level of chains, Roger wanted to break free at all

Just cut off his own hands.

I believe that if Roger really wanted to leave here, it was entirely possible to do so.

“This thing is indeed a bit of a problem!

Roger also pulled the handcuffs on his hands, looking troubled.

There seems to be no tension of a dying person at all.

“There are really laid-back guys! I have a few questions I want to talk to you about. Abel sat down directly.

“Talk? I don’t mind. Seeing Abel’s appearance, Roger laughed a few times, not caring at all, and then also senior Abel sat down directly cross-legged and asked: “So what is the first thing you want to talk about?” ”

“About ancient weapons! I heard that you have mastered ancient weapons! Abel asked.

“Ancient weapons? It is a slight pity that ancient weapons have not yet been born. Roger shook his head, and a look of regret flashed in his eyes.

It is indeed a pity, obviously he has already dominated the great route and arrived at [Ralphdru], but because he came too early.

“Not born? So it is, it’s Poseidon the sea king! Hearing this, Abel was relieved, he had also heard the legend about Aquaman.

If Roger only knew the whereabouts of ancient weapons and did not master ancient weapons, then he could also be slightly relieved.

“So let’s talk about the next question, is there a shortcut to [Ralphdru]?”

Hearing this question, Qiyuan on the side couldn’t help but speak: “Abel! This kind of question Roger will definitely not answer! After all, it was…”

“Yes!” Before Qiyuan finished speaking, Roger answered in the affirmative!

“What!” Sui Yuan’s eyes widened and he looked at Roger in disbelief!

Is there a shortcut to [Ralphdru]?

This is nothing, and the more important point is that Roger actually answered Abel so directly! Answered a navy!

“When I arrived at [Ralphdru] before, someone secretly made an eternal pointer to point there without me, but then I threw it directly into the sea.” Roger answered truthfully.

“Compared to the elusive [Ralph Drew], the Eternal Pointer is indeed slightly easier to find, barely a shortcut!” Abel nodded.

“Stupid? Whether it’s going directly to Ralph Drew or finding the eternal pointer that doesn’t know if it exists or not, it’s almost impossible! ”

Seeing that after listening to Roger’s explanation, Abel nodded very approvingly, and Yuan really thought that these two people were idiots!

In her opinion, it is simply impossible to find a small eternal pointer in this sea.

What’s more, whether what Roger said is feasible or not is still a question!

“Of course it exists, although he is a pirate, but I believe Roger will not lie.” Abel said with great certainty.

“All right! Last question! Although I would like to ask you why you turned yourself in, I don’t think you will answer. ”

Abel also had a headache.

If you can know why Roger turned himself in, then the Navy does not have to have a headache.

But it’s clear that Roger won’t answer that question.

“I didn’t expect you to know me better than Karp by then!” Roger suddenly smiled, he could indeed tell Abel many things, but this one was an exception.

“But I still want to ask you a question, you just need to come back or not.”

“Roger! Will you die? ”


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