Chapter 96 CP0 people

What Abel said worked even for Sakaski.

Abel said that the lieutenant generals would be returned to the position of major general, and the next day they would have to be removed.

You must know that when Sakaski was a marshal, Abel’s words accounted for at least one-third of the weight.

Even the position of a marshal is still like this, not to mention a lieutenant general in several branches.

It’s just that before these people, Abel has never removed the lieutenant general.

“I’ll inform them immediately!” The adjutant saluted Abel and prepared to leave.

And at this moment Abel called out to him again; “By the way, by the way, I would like to mention to the soldiers of G5, immediately pack up your weapons and equipment, and leave to find Doflamingo before tonight.”

“Yes!” Hearing this, the adjutant immediately came to the spirit, saluted Abel neatly, and then left Abel’s office directly.

After being bullied, now everyone is holding their breath in their hearts, and now they are naturally the happiest to hear that Abel is going to find the Pirate Alliance.

At the same time, Abel also went to the hospital of the G5 branch, ready to see what was going on with Smogg.


Arriving at the G5 hospital, Abel soon found Smogg.

“You guy, I told you before, although the natural fruit has a very high start, if you don’t pay attention to domineering development, you will be taught a lesson sooner or later.” Abel said.

Smogg is also a trainee from the elite camp, and he is also an old man who was brought under Abel during the internship period of the new book.

Although Smogg is also a natural ability, the gap between the ability of the Smoke Fruit and the ability of the previous three generals is a little too far.

The destructive power of the three major generals’ natural system abilities all belongs to the top batch of Devil Fruit abilities,

And although Smogg’s ability is natural, the destructive power is quite average.

But before Smogg always thought that his Devil Fruit was quite powerful in nature, so the advice for Zefa and Abel was left ear in and right ear out, and he was always obsessed with developing the Devil Fruit ability, and even domineering relied on the Sea Lou Stone weapon as a substitute.

Although he has been honed under Abel for so many years, coupled with the environment of the new world, Smogg has to master the basic two-color domineering, but this level of domineering is only the level of a rear admiral.

But even so, Smogg still stubbornly believes that what he is doing is right.

“How? Could it be that after being taught a lesson, you still hold such a stupid view? The gap between you and Doflamingo doesn’t need me to say more, right? Abel looked into Smogg’s eyes, as if he understood what he was thinking.

“Don’t dare.” Although Smogg was a little unconvinced and a little arrogant in his heart, he still didn’t dare to say anything in the face of Abel, after all, he had also listened to Abel’s legends all the way since the elite camp.

Even now, both vice admirals, Smogg is still a little afraid of Abel.

Not only him, but almost all the students of the elite camp feel this way, except for Borusalino and Sakaski.

“Whatever you want, train yourself well, your strength is never something that can be improved for no reason.” For Smogg, Abel just said so far.

After all, he is not a nanny, and if Smogg is not willing to continue to train domineering and focus on the development of his own strength, then Abel has nothing to do.

Even he got to where he is today through hard day-to-day training.

Although Abel will not say it directly, he looks down on this kind of person who wants to ascend to heaven without working hard, but Abel still looks down on this kind of person in his heart.

“Your strength is not enough to fight Doflamingo, rest in the G5 branch in peace, and think about it by the way.” After staying with such a sentence, Abel left the hospital directly.

And Smog just clenched his fists tightly and sulked, even if he wanted to participate in this mission, now his physical condition did not allow it.

However, just as Abel walked out of the G5 branch, three guys dressed in white and wearing silver masks appeared in front of Abel.

This dress has to be said to be quite conspicuous, Abel recognized these three people as CP0 at a glance!

Unlike other CP series, the CP0 organization is a group of guys who specialize in serving Draco.

“What’s the matter with CP0 coming to me?” Abel observed it for a while, and found that the other party had indeed come to find him and asked directly.

“Lieutenant General Abel, I heard that you are preparing to take the people of the G5 branch to the sea.” One of the leading men at CP0 asked.

“That’s right, isn’t it normal to eliminate pirates?” Abel casually dealt with the other party, as if he didn’t take this matter to heart at all.

“Lieutenant General Abel, now Doflamingo of the Pirate Alliance is a partner of the government, a legitimate pirate recognized by the government, I hope you understand this.”

“Didn’t you say that too? The Doflamingo guy was a partner of the government, not a partner of the Navy. If that’s all you guys talk nonsense, you can go back. Abel ignored the three and walked on, and it was ridiculous that a pack of dogs were worthy of talking to him.

“Wait! Lieutenant General Abel, you are such a five-old star…”

“Let the five old stars go and eat! Whether it is in the G5 branch or within the Navy, I have the final say. The government’s hand is not yet that long! Abel turned around, his icy gaze scanned the three CP0 people, and the undisguised killing intent had said it all.

Immediately afterwards, Abel left the place directly, leaving only three CP0s trembling.

The moment Abel turned his head just now, the terrifying momentum seemed to be like if they dared to say a word, they would be immediately torn apart.


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Chapter 96 Betting on the possibilities of the future


A cannonball exploded in the middle of this group of pirates, and the pirates, who originally thought that they had blocked the naval offensive, instantly woke up from a beautiful dream.

Immediately after that, several shells exploded, which immediately woke up those groupies.

The crowd continued to be so crowded that it would definitely be wiped out, and many guys ran out in panic.

However, the gunfire on the periphery has not stopped, and as soon as they went out, the pirates were directly beaten into a sieve.

However, there are also many smart guys who directly carry the corpse of the dead pirate next to them as their own bunker and prepare to break out.

After seeing that some people did this and successfully escaped, many people followed suit.

However, the thousands of pirates killed and injured are not more than half, and many people cannot find cover at all.

Of course, this naturally stimulated the ferocity of these pirates, and directly set their eyes on the people next to them.

For a time, the entire pirate’s camp was filled with blood and killing.

And this scene was completely transmitted to the world!

The bloody and violent unscrupulous appearance of the pirates is vividly displayed!

“How about Roger, is this your groupie? It’s ugly enough. Abel looked back at Roger, as if defiantly speaking to Roger.

And Roger, who saw this scene, was still silent.

“Now, I inform all the naval soldiers of the entire army!”

Suddenly, Abel’s voice spread throughout the navy! All navies, including in front of the imageworm, heard Abel’s voice.

“From now on, all navies under the management of our ministry will not allow anyone to send pirates into Advance City! All the pirates encountered are like today, this is also all killed, not one left! Abel said sternly!

As long as the navy is under his management, it is not allowed to send the captured pirates into the deep sea prison.

This is Abel’s bottom-line request to all of them, and all pirates must be killed on the spot!

In the past, he was the only one who did this, and now he is asking all the navies under his subordinates to do this!

When the words fell, a very timely lightning bolt suddenly fell, and the black cumulus clouds made the sky appear even lower.

In front of the execution table, the blood of countless people stained the entire ground.

The pirates’ mournful cries, roars, and pleas for mercy were endless, and the navy’s response to this was only relentless gunfire and shelling.

Many people who were already ready to go out to be pirates trembled in their hearts after seeing this bloody scene.

There is no contrast without a factual example, many pirates, there is not a trace of resistance at all in the presence of naval soldiers.

Only slaughtered, unilaterally

The combat effectiveness of the Navy was instantly manifested.

If the forward force that Roger gave those people was unparalleled desire and wealth.

What Abel used to stop them was bloody killing and deterrence!

Only beat him to pain, scared! Kill the chicken and frighten the monkey to set an example! These people will understand fear, understand the fear of life, and understand that it is time to retreat.

The excitement and cheers brought by Roger quietly dissipated, and all that remained was endless coldness.

“Did we win?”

Up to now, many admirals are still a little confused, not knowing who won in this game of betting on the future.

Did Roger win? Looking at Abel’s expression, they didn’t feel like it.

Did Abel win? Looking at Roger’s expression, they didn’t feel like it.

“General of the Warring States, are you going to be executed now?” And at this time, the most confused is undoubtedly the executioner above.

Originally, they should have been executed when the time came, but I don’t know when, they also felt that they were witnessing the turn of the times.

And when the weapons in their hands will be used, may even change history.

Shouldering such a mission, even the two who have been executed countless times do not dare to start.

“Hahaha!” Suddenly, Roger above laughed and said, “Fight hope with despair, suppress desire with deterrence?” It seems that we have played a draw chess in this game! ”

However, Roger suddenly changed his tone: “If I hadn’t arrived at [Ralph Drew], I might really have lost to you.” Losing to you in the future! But now, we’re a complete tie! ”

What Roger said made people feel a little confused.

Possibilities in the future?

Even Abel frowned, what kind of arrangement Roger had, he really couldn’t imagine.

“Executioner! Execute it! ”

Abel said lightly to the executioner on the side.

Hearing Abel’s words, the executioner did not dare to slack off a little, for fear that Roger would say something that shocked the world.

Two sharp forks pierced into Roger’s heart accurately, and blood suddenly stained the entire execution table.

At this point, a new era will begin today.

This is a time of blood, cruelty, hope and desire.

No one knows what will happen.

“I’m not going to die!.” Suddenly, a certain voice sounded in Abel’s ears.

Like Roger’s voice, but a little different.

“What?” Abel glanced at Roger’s body in amazement and determined that he had completely turned into a corpse.

And next to Abel, the Warring States Karp seemed to be fine, and it didn’t look like he heard anything at all.

“Auditory hallucinations? No! That’s Roger’s voice! Listen to the evolution of the voice of all things, or is it some other force? Abel frowned, although he was tempted to think of the sound as an auditory hallucination, but it was clearly not.

“You won’t die, are you betting on the future? I seem to have some understanding of what you mean. ”


End Three Sea Thieves Achievement (1.5/3)

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