Seeing Sakaski’s furious look, these CP0 people were also stunned, but they didn’t expect Sakaski to refuse so decisively.

But it’s normal to think about it, to be honest, although Sakaski is now a marshal in the Navy, he feels more or less lonely because there are not enough people on his side.

Although Borusalino and Abel are different from Sakaski’s factions, as the three people who have the best relationship and the most chatty at the beginning, they are still trying to help Sakaski solve some trouble.

It’s just that when faced with the interests of their respective factions, they will fight separately.

“Since Marshal Sakaski is unwilling, then forget it, and we will relay the next thing to Lieutenant General Abel on behalf of His Excellency the Five Old Stars.” This time, we have one more thing in addition to what we just said. A CP0 in front of him said.

Seeing that Sakaski’s attitude was so resolute, they stopped insisting on the issue.

This time, they came to have a more important matter besides the naval faction issue they just talked about.

“Regarding Doflamingo, the World Government hopes that the Navy will do its best to block information about him, including the next question about Vice Admiral Abel, and hope that Marshal Sakaski can calm the voice in the Navy as much as possible.” CP0’s human voice did not ripple at all.

As if he hadn’t noticed that Sakaski’s face in front of him was already gloomy and about to drip water, the whole person was as terrifying as a volcano about to explode!

“Why do you have to make the whole naval regiment turn around for the sake of a Doflamingo! In doing so, you put the face of the old man there! Could it be that Lieutenant General Abel’s influence is not as influential as a Doflamingo! The three great thieves who used to be defeated in his hands were all defeated, and now the six kings of the new world are the same! One person suppresses the prestige of the entire New World, don’t you think that the officers of the Navy are not clear! ”

“Marshal Sakaski, please calm down. We are just passing on the word in place of the five old stars. Seeing Sakaski’s look of being about to start, these CP0s also hurried to appease.

Although it is said to be in place of the five old stars, but in the face of the furious Sakaski, they are also a little afraid, after all, they are not the five old stars, and they do not have the strength of the strongest shield of CP0 comparable to the generals, if there is a conflict with Sakaski, it will be them who will suffer at that time.

After all, Sakaski is different from the Warring States, and people with a big temper are indeed more advantageous to some extent, and they will not be so bullied.

If it were a Warring States, I am afraid that these people from CP0 would directly return to it.

“Interesting, just came in and heard some interesting topics. I heard that the world government wants to dispose of me? But that’s when Sakaski’s office was suddenly opened.

Then a young looking man who was also dressed casually, but with a cape on his shoulder, appeared at the door.

There is no doubt that this is the same person who has just rushed back from outside, and it is also the one who has just been related to CP0’s mouth!

“Abel… Lieutenant General Abel. Seeing Abel, these people subconsciously took two steps back, and their faces were a little strange.

The person they were discussing just now was in front of them, which made these CP0s a little embarrassed.

If they didn’t dare to fight back when Sakaski scolded them just now, then when they faced Abel, they didn’t know what to do.

The relationship between the good hawks and the world government is not bad, although Sakaski’s temper is not very good, as long as they are careful to speak, there will be no conflict.

But the hardliners are completely different, the hardliners themselves are not used to each other with the world government, plus Abel is also a person with a considerable temper, they have no doubt that if they dare to speak, Abel will send them to the exclusive hospital of the world government to lie for half a year.

Don’t look at Abel’s usual kindness to people and temperament, but people who are not used to themselves are also quite ruthless, and the people who were sent to other places under him can be said to be countless, and even when the G5 branch, several vice admirals were directly removed from the middle position by him.

Although Abel’s hand could not reach into CP0 and remove the position of these people, it was still a simple matter to send several of them to the hospital.

As the strongest in the world today, Abel can do this step without much effort, and even the strongest shield of CP0 probably does not dare to be too presumptuous in front of Abel.

“Lieutenant General Abel, we will leave first, and His Excellency the Five Old Stars will personally talk to you about the matter after that.” After dropping such a sentence, CP0 people immediately left Sakaski’s office.

“The group of guys from the Five Old Stars is simply deceiving people! Think of our Navy as something! After seeing the CP0 man leave, Sakaski also unclenched his fists and sat in his position.

However, the tone is still quite unpleasant.

It seems that the words that CP0 just passed to Sakaski really upset him.

Of course, Abel also roughly guessed what the words passed on to Sakaski from the world government.

“Hey! Sakaski, do you want to find a way to confront the world government. Abel randomly found a place to sit down, and without saying a word, he directly threw out his thoughts.

In the face of a guy like Sakaski, it is better to say it is convenient to say it around the corner.

Hearing Abel’s words, Sakaski glanced at Abel with a little surprise.

“I think the world government does not represent the justice of the navy, you should find out after becoming a marshal, the pirates of the new world have not been completely solved, and a large part of the reason is because the world government is obstructing it.”

Abel’s words immediately silenced Sakaski.


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Chapter 105: Armed, Domineering Nemesis

“Didn’t it just get cut by one size fits all? It really deserves to be a sea thief of 500 million. Seeing that the green pepper actually looked like nothing after being shot by himself, Abel also felt a little surprised.

Obviously, his chest has collapsed, and his ribs have broken so many roots, but he can still continue to fight.

“It seems that it can only be useful if you are directly killed with a knife.”

“Damn the Navy!” Green Pepper’s heart was already furious at this time.

It’s just that Abel won’t be stupid to play turn-based games with Green Peppers.

Brush –

A slash flew directly towards the green pepper.

And Green Pepper also decisively chose to face it head-on, although his head cone was lost by the Kapu hammer, but if you want to use it, there is still no big problem.

I saw that the green pepper directly gathered all the domineering energy above the head.

“Eight Chong Fist Aoyi No Cone Dragon No Cone Nails!”

I saw that the green pepper rushed the strength and weight of the whole body to the cloud at high speed, and then gathered all the shock waves to one point.

Then he directly met Abel’s slash and crashed into it.

Boom boom –

There was an astonishing muffled sound in the sky, and the slash collided with the iron head of the green pepper, as if it had hit a substantial spark.

The whole sky began to overcast, as if the sky was about to go angry.

“Give me a top!” Green Pepper burst out with more power than before, trying to smash Abel’s slash to pieces.

“Just one slash makes you so tired, so what about the second slash?”

“Empty Slash Thunder!”

In the next second, an irregular slash like thunder and its rapid speed directly blasted towards the green pepper.

The speed is so fast, even if the green pepper senses it with the domineering color, there is no way to react.

A thunderous slash shot out, and in the blink of an eye, it flew to Green Pepper’s body.

When the second slash came, Green Pepper immediately felt a mortal threat.

If he wanted to block Abel’s first slash, he had already exhausted all his strength, let alone blocked the second slash.

“What a joke! I’m a green pepper, how could I be killed by a young imp in a place like the West Sea! This kind of thing! “The green tendons on the forehead of the green pepper jumped violently.

Immediately afterwards, I only listened to him burst into laughter, and the strength of his body was directly covered with an armed color domineering.


“It’s too whimsical to concentrate on one point and block my first slash through Ao, and to use this little bit of power you burst out to resist me.”


The thunder-like slash directly hit Green Pepper’s body, and then exploded instantly.

The thin layer of domineering on the green pepper was forcibly torn apart by a very domineering one.

“Fighting is not something you can get stronger with two roars, if you want to blame, blame you for not paying more time to make yourself stronger beforehand.” Seeing that Green Pepper’s chest was directly bombarded into a mess, Abel said with great disdain.

What he hates the most is this kind of guy who thinks he is getting stronger after two words on his mouth, if he wants to defeat the enemy and protect what he wants to protect, then he will show his real strength.

The effort is proportional to the return, and only the sweat that has been shed on your body will not deceive you.


The green pepper was directly beaten down and covered his chest and screamed in pain, and the screams like killing pigs resounded in the sky.

The thunderous slash destroyed the chest of the green pepper into an inhuman shape, and the flesh on the chest was completely exploded, and countless flesh thorns turned over and protruded outward, looking extremely disgusting.

And one of them, a hole the size of two or three fists appeared on the chest of Green Pepper, making people’s scalp tingle.

If it is an ordinary big sword hao’s slash, it is impossible to directly defeat the armed color domineering of the green pepper, at most, it will shake the green pepper into the air, and even more powerful, it will only beat the green pepper with internal bleeding.

But Abel’s slash was completely different.

He can hear the weakness of the green pepper armed color domineering, and then directly attack this weakness.

If other people’s slashing and armed domineering belong to non-interference with each other, simply compete to see which side is more powerful.

That Abel’s slash can be said to be a natural nemesis of armed color domineering, which can defeat the strong with weakness and kill in seconds at the same level.

“Although it is not a giant race, but it also brings stronger vitality because its body is too large?”

Seeing that the green pepper’s chest had been completely bombarded into mud and did not die, Abel was also a little helpless.

“Little ghost, cough…” At this time, the green pepper was already speechless, and as soon as he opened his mouth, a pool of blood burst out of the green pepper’s mouth.

But from those hideous eyes and dense bloodshots, Abel could probably guess what Green Pepper was thinking.

“The eyes like a ghost are really unpleasant! Let me give you a pain. Your strength and your disgusting vitality really don’t match. Watching the green pepper forcibly trying to support his body and stand up, Abel couldn’t stand it anymore.

Although he is extremely ruthless about pirates, he will never do anything deliberately to kill.

After all, he is a navy, not a butcher. Killing pirates is his responsibility as a navy, and giving the other party an understanding is the bottom line as a person.

Green pepper can’t blame Abel for this look, who made his vitality too strong.

It is clear that his chest has been smashed to pieces, and he is still breathing.

“Lie down honestly! Stop being a pirate in your next life. Abel hung the knife around Green Pepper’s neck.

“Farewell, Green Pepper.”

A light flashed before the green pepper’s eyes.

In the next second, blood suddenly came out.

The sea thief green pepper with a bounty of 500 million is so simple to pull down here.

“The rest will be left to the other navies, and it can be regarded as cultivating a little self-confidence for them.”

Glancing at the other pirates who followed Green Pepper, Abel easily destroyed all the pirate ships directly.


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