“What the hell do you want?”

“Do you want to start a big scuffle between the mafia families?”

“The five major families will not let you go!”

Among the ruins, the godfather of the Qatari family, Mongo. Qatar collapsed to the ground covered in blood and said tremblingly!

Above him, the muzzle of Graves’s double-barreled shotgun was steaming wisps of gunsmoke.

“Relax man!”

Graves took a cigar, spat out a smoke ring, and said to the godfather of Qatar at his feet,

“The godfather of the five major families will come to accompany you soon!”

“Now, turn off the lights!”

With a bang, the world of the Godfather of Qatar suddenly fell into eternal darkness!

This is the last godfather of the four major mafia families who have besieged the Valoran family.

“That guy from Qatar is also dead,”

“Counting the several mafia families that were annexed by them before,” ”

The sea area controlled by the Valoran family now is not weaker than our five major families!”

West Sea, Corsica, five mafia families gathered together, the godfather of the Genovese family said in a deep voice!

“So what?”

“There are countless mafias in the West Sea,”

“But the five major families are still the five major families!”

“The strength of the family is never based on how much it controls the sea!”

The godfather of the Lukaisai family smiled contemptuously, spit out a smoke ring, and replied casually!

“However, there are already too many people who think that the Valoran family will become the next five major families,”

“In addition to the sea area, their disciples and power are also expanding wildly!”

“The patriarch of the Valoran family will not stop their expansion,”

“The target of their next challenge will definitely be one of us!”

The godfather of the Kolobo family frowned and said in a low voice!

After the Valorans annexed several surrounding mafia families, the Valorans already bordered the territory of the Kolobo family.

The Koluobo family is most likely to be the next target for the Valoran family!

“So what,”

“Are we still afraid of the challenges of the rest of the family?”

“Kolobo, don’t disgrace the five mafia families!”

The godfather of the Ponano family playfully said that his family’s sphere of influence is the farthest from Duke’s current sphere of influence!

“Enough, don’t forget the vows of our five major families,”

the godfather of the most powerful Gambino family among the five mafia families glanced coldly at the godfather of the Ponano family, and said in a deep voice

, “If we sit back and watch the rest of the families decline today, the next family to decline, it will be us!”

“In the West Sea, only by uniting together can we survive forever!”

“The expansion of the Valoran family must be curbed!”

The five major mafia families in the West Sea signed an alliance treaty a long time ago, and they have been helping each other for a long time, and they have been prosperous in the West Sea for a long time!

But under the long-term peace covenant, some of the five major mafia families

have gradually begun to have different ideas!

The godfather of the Ponano family has always wanted to annex the other four major families, become the true underground overlord of the West Sea, and

even use this to become the emperor of the entire dark world.

“How to curb it?”

“Are we declaring war together on the Valoran family?”

“This will make the entire West Sea chaotic!”

The godfather of the Ponano family replied faintly!

If the West Sea becomes chaotic, it will inevitably attract the interference of the world government and navy!

This is not a good thing for the five major families.

“Of course, there is no need to declare war,”

“As long as you find a way to kill the godfather of

the Valoran family, the newly established Valoran family will naturally fall apart!”

“I remember, the godfather of the Valoran family has no heir now!”

Father Gambino said in a deep voice.

“Killing the godfather of the Valoran family, that won’t be that easy?”

“Do you want to move him?”

“Didn’t he say recently that he was leaving the West Sea and heading for the Great Route?”

The godfather of the Kolobo family asked suspiciously!

“Two hundred million Baileys before leaving the West Sea,”

“He would gladly take out that guy!”

Godfather Gambino replied with a smile.

The five mafia families plan to hire killers to kill Duke directly!

On the other hand, after the annexation of four surrounding mafia families.

Duke looked at the large amount of gold and silver treasure harvested, and his eyes began to shine!

Although the four mafia families around the Valoran family are not as powerful as the previous Grimm family, the wealth accumulated by the four mafia families

adds up!

It also provides Duke with more than a billion dollars in wealth.

This is also Duke deliberately left some money in order to maintain the development and expansion of the Valoran family’s power.

Otherwise, the wealth in Duke’s hands now may be enough to exceed 1.5 billion.

Duke can’t top up all the money he collects!

He must leave some money to maintain his power and

find a way to earn more money.

Before you start your own money-making scheme, though.

It’s time for another draw!

Duke pressed the draw button heavily after bathing in incense and burning incense, especially after washing his hands white


Real men

, if you want to smoke, you can smoke a billion!

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