In the waters near the Chambord Islands, a large number of ambush fleets of the naval headquarters have gathered together and are quickly rushing to the thirty-sixth dock of the Chambord Islands!

There, the blocking force composed of the elite of the headquarters such as General Qinghe and Vice Admiral Burning Mountain is fighting a bloody battle with Planck’s fleet!

“Hurry up, Lieutenant General Stérez is defeated hard, and General Pheasant and Planck are indistinguishable for a while,”

“The Planck Pirates have become a powerful pirate group that threatens the world,” ”

They must be completely annihilated in the Chambord Islands!”

On the ambush warship, the admirals who had just learned that the Chambord Islands naval blocking force was in a bitter battle, and it was extremely urgent!

Even after a series of battles

with the Planck Pirates, after dispatching the Admiral

Pheasants of the Navy headquarters, they felt that these so-called ambush fleets of theirs only needed to do one thing, that

is, to receive prisoners, and at the same time surround Planck’s pirate fleet, check and fill in the gaps, avoid some of the pirate ships of Planck’s fleet,

and escape from their pursuit again with strange speed!

It’s just that they never expected that even if they dispatched the admiral of the navy headquarters, they still failed to take down the Planck Pirates!

On the contrary, the naval elites who blocked it seemed to have fallen behind.

Planck’s pirate fleet is working overtime to coat, really let them send out the admirals

and a large number of headquarters elites, let the Planck pirate group kill the blood road and successfully arrive in the new world!

Then the entire naval headquarters, as well as the world government, including this so-called ambush plan, will be completely reduced to a laughing stock, and

even shake the authority of the naval headquarters and the world government in the entire world!

The general is the highest combat power of the world government and the naval headquarters to deter the world, no matter what, the general should not be defeated, nor can he be defeated!

At the very least, it should not be lost at the hands of a newcomer pirate.

The alternate general Cha Dolphin and some officials of the world government are anxious, and want to rush to the Chambord Islands as soon as possible to surround and annihilate the Planck Pirates!

But at this moment, the originally beautiful weather instantly became weird!

The wind began to howl and the sea began to churn!

The terrifying hurricane broke the masts of many naval warships, and wave after wave of raging waves made it difficult for the ambush fleet of the navy headquarters to move an inch!

And in the fierce wind and huge waves, a small blue bird and a beautiful mermaid are constantly swimming!

Cana and Nami work together, and in this vast sea, they can be called the nemesis of almost all fleets.


“Damn, why is there a storm at this time?”

“Could it be that the heavens are also protecting that damn pirate group!”

“Forward, forward, nothing can stand in the way of justice in the Navy!”

“For the sake of justice, justice will triumph!”

Daoberman and other admirals with a livid face, constantly waving the blade in their hands to cut the wind and waves

, originally have been lazy, living like a street slippery candidate general tea dolphin

, but also at this time with a solemn expression, with Daoberman and others, defeating the storm!

On this cruel sea, the weak succumb to the storm!

But the real strong one is to rise to the challenge and defeat the storm.

If the mast breaks, then it is supported by manpower, the sail is cracked, then it is quickly repaired!

Even without sails, a large number of elite naval headquarters are paddling the oars abruptly, constantly moving forward, forward!

In the ambush unit of the navy headquarters, there are a large number of strong people.

Kana and Nami constantly create storms, but because of their low rank

, and in order to prevent themselves from being directly exposed to the eyes of Chagu and the others, they do not do their best to stop the ambush troops!

But if those ambush troops want to successfully arrive in the Chambord Islands within half an hour according to the plan, and complete the encirclement and suppression of the Planck Pirates, it is undoubtedly a fool’s dream!

Time is ticking.

The Burning Mountain Lieutenant General had just struggled to avoid a piercing spike from Pike, and the fat body of the barrel Gulagas was

like Tarzan pressing the top, and it rushed towards him!

Lieutenant General of the Burning Mountain just wanted to dodge again, and he clearly knew how terrifying the collision of the wine barrel Gulagas was!

With his internal organs broken and a lot of blood loss, he could no longer withstand any heavy blows!

It’s just that when he was about to turn around and dodge, a large amount of blood loss and fiercely consumed physical strength made his eyes slightly dark, and his figure instantly stopped for half a moment!

Then, the moment he returned to his senses, a huge force had already hit his body hard.

The Burning Mountain was directly hit by the meat bomb impact of the barrel Gulagas, and the violent impact made the Lieutenant General of the Burning Mountain in mid-air, his muscles and face were constantly trembling and twisting

, and then, with a boom, he fell heavily to the ground, directly losing all consciousness!

“The last cup before closing, every second…” The

barrel Gulagas, who was covered in wounds, but most of them had begun to heal, did not know where to feel a glass of fine wine

, looked at the fallen fire mountain lieutenant general, and drank it all!

The lieutenant generals of the headquarters were all defeated, and the blocking forces that were originally in a stalemate with the pirates under Planck

, and because of the defeat of Lieutenant General Burning Mountain and Vice Admiral Stérez, and the morale was greatly reduced

, not only failed to successfully push the front into Dock 36, but began to retreat step by step!

If it weren’t for the fact that the battle between the pheasant and Planck could still be heard in the distance.

This group of naval blocking forces has long been completely dispersed.

In the local battlefield of thousands of people, one or two powerful combat forces that can free their hands can completely dominate the battle situation.

Pirate World has never been a world of many people and great strength.

Those top combat power standing at the peak of the sea are the real key to dominating this world.

“Hey, hey,

hey,” “They can’t hold on anymore,” ”

Do you want to continue with me?”

Planck grinned, and the Hex’s pistol in his hand also shot a bullet wrapped around the chest of the pheasant!

Planck’s bullets pose no threat to the pheasant!

Before the bullet hits the pheasant, the pheasant leaves a hole in its chest in advance for Planck’s bullet to pass through.

Planck’s previous bullets can only distract the pheasant’s attention and delay the pheasant’s attack!

But this time, the green pheasant was not distracted to dodge, but stepped forward hard.

The domineering bullet wrapped around the armed color left a blood flower on the left shoulder of the green pheasant, but the right hand of the green pheasant also touched Planck’s right hand holding the gun at this time!

“Frozen Hour!”

A large amount of cold air instantly condensed all over Planck’s body, and a large amount of ice suddenly appeared around Planck’s body!

But before being completely frozen by the pheasant, Planck’s scimitar burning with strange flames in his left hand trembled slightly

, instantly shattering the ice around his body, and then hurriedly withdrew!

It’s just that it was attacked by a large amount of cold air, even if it was not directly frozen into an ice sculpture, it still made Planck shiver several times, and his figure slowed down a lot!

Looking at Planck, who withdrew in time, the green pheasant did not take advantage of the victory to pursue.

In the face of enemies of the same level, if you can’t seize the opportunity, you can win with one move.

What follows is nothing more than a war of attrition that wastes a lot of time.

After three days and three nights of fighting, the green pheasant was not sure of taking Planck!

However, Vice Admiral Burning Mountain and Vice Admiral Stérez, as well as those naval blocking forces, there are no three days and three nights left!

Fortunately, Planck and others also ran out of time.

Half an hour, it’s already here!

The figure of the green pheasant moved instantly, and at the moment when Planck had no time to block it, it directly entered the dock!

Then, suddenly stretched out his hand, and a large amount of cold air continued to spread on the sea!

The next moment, the originally blue sea near the entire dock suddenly turned into a world of ice and snow.

“Ice Age!”

The green pheasant roared lowly, and the wound left by the Planck bullet on his left shoulder dripped blood, which looked so dazzling on the snow-white ice!

But the pheasant feels that he has won!

His task has been accomplished.

Planck’s fleet this time, it was difficult to escape.

But in the distance, on the vast sea, the naval ambush troops, which should have arrived in time, were nowhere to be seen!

The green pheasant looked at the sea without a trace, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he just wanted to help the naval ambush force and defeat those pirates of Planck’s fleet!

In the next second, the green pheasant frowned tightly.

Planck, who should have been attacked by a large amount of cold and moved slowly, was ruddy at this time

, and stood coldly at the rear of the naval blocking force, the Hex’s pistol and machete in his hand had been aimed at his feet and had lost all consciousness

, only his chest was still slightly heaving, proving that they were still alive Stérez and Lieutenant General Burning Mountain.

Planck ate a few bloody red oranges to relieve his own coldness.

“Now, can we leave?”

Planck grinned, showing his white teeth, and said to the pheasant.

And the Hades, which had just completed the coating in the dock, also automatically stretched out a large number of guns at this time, ready to bombard everything in front of them at any time.

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