Franky dismantles the house.

"Hey, brother, you are so loud, but today I am in a super good mood, so hurry up and go! Otherwise, I will get angry too." Franky, who was wearing a pair of black briefs, walked out of the house and said contemptuously, standing next to him Full of grotesque little brothers.

"Is this litter full of perverts? It's really scary." Yake couldn't bear to look directly at it, feeling like a myocardial infarction.

"Hahaha, are you complimenting us? Your vision is surprisingly good!" Franky is not ashamed, but proud, and the younger brothers are also complacent.

"Oh~ forget it, just lie down for me." Yake couldn't help but sighed with his hands on his forehead. He was too tired to communicate with this group of people. Conqueror's deterrence was activated. Except for Franky who was left on purpose, all the younger brothers were wiped out.

"Damn, what did you do to my little brother!! The left hand of the weapon!" Franky suddenly became furious and attacked Yake.

Yake firmly received Franky's explosive iron fist with one hand, and threw it back with his backhand, smashing Franky all the way into the disintegration room.

Franky lay on the ground panting for a while, wondering where the monster came from, and Yake appeared in front of him.

"Brother Pervert, I just came to ask you to print a design drawing of Pluton, don't be so excited?" Yake stepped on Franky's body with his left foot, making him unable to move.

"Damn it, are you really from the World government? Don't even think about it, I will never hand it over to you." Franky firmly refused.

"I'm not from the World Government, little brother." Yake took off his mask, revealing the well-known face.

"I seem to have seen this face somewhere... You, you are God Yake!!" Franky said in horror, this is the absolute enemy of the World government, and it is also the one with a bounty of two billion Baileys The man, after confirming his eyes, is just a man.

"It's easy to handle now. I need the Pluton design drawings in your body as a force against the World government. No one will know about this except you and me." Yake talked eloquently, telling his plan .

"Tch, so what, I won't give it to you, by the way, did that bastard Bingshan tell you?" Franky still refused to hand over the blueprint to Yake.

"Hey~ Don't worry about how I know, I have a special source of information." Yake shook his head with some nerve-wracking.

"It's really difficult, so how about this, is this your little brother?" Yake raised his hand and used Universal Pull to attract an unknown humanoid creature.

"I'll count to three. If you don't give it to me, his life will be gone." Yake grabbed Franky's neck with a little force.

Franky gritted his teeth tightly and looked at Yake angrily, but the strength of the opponent was too strong, far from what he could match.

", what a stubborn pervert, say goodbye to your little brother!" Yake clenched his fist with his right hand, as if to kill the pervert boy in black fishnet stockings.

"Wait, I'll just give it to you." Franky let out a sigh of relief, and agreed to Yake's request dejectedly, even his hairstyle collapsed.

After hearing Franky's promise, Yake didn't let go of his hand, just looked at Franky and didn't speak.

Franky understood what Yake meant, opened his body, took out a small stack of design drawings and handed it to Yake.

Yake let go of Franky's little brother, took the design drawings, and looked at them carefully.

The scene became a little deserted for a while, and Franky didn't dare to speak, for fear of offending the plague god.

After a long time, Yake put away the drawing, "Yes, it is indeed the design drawing of Pluton. I thought you could at least move your hands and feet? Wait, I will come back later. Your little brother will be in a coma for a whole day, Don't worry." After speaking, Yake disappeared directly into an electric current.

Aboard the Eternal Truth.

"Robin, you can make a rubbing copy of this drawing, uh~ thank you so much!" Yake sensed Robin's position and moved directly to Robin's side, who knew that Robin was taking a bath, and Yake saw it with.

"Mr. Captain, don't you understand the most basic manners? Get out soon." Robin forced Yake out with embarrassment, and Yake rushed out the door.

"I really didn't expect the captain to have such a habit. What can you do with me?" Robin came out of the bathroom after a while, and Robin, who had just taken a shower, was even more glamorous, even Yake was stunned.

"Ahem, that... accident, it's an accident, the main thing is to trouble you to print this blueprint." Yake sucked his saliva, sat upright, and handed the Pluton blueprint to Robin with a righteous face.

Robin was also a little happy to see Yake's embarrassment, which showed that he was still a little attractive to the captain. Turning his head to look at the drawings that Yake handed over.

"This... this is Pluton's design blueprint! Where did you get it?" Robin became more and more shocked as he looked at it. The historical text that he had just deciphered not long ago found the blueprint so quickly? Is it possible that Yake really has some unknown secrets?

"Haha, I have a special source of news, so you don't have to worry about it. Make a copy quickly, and don't make a mistake when you go." Yake smiled proudly, and didn't explain it to Robin. I can't say that I have seen it. Anime.

Robin turned on his ability, multi-threaded work, and it didn't take long for a brand new replica of Pluton's blueprint to be completed. Yake has been attracted by Robin, and women who work hard also exude a fatal attraction to men.

"Captain, here, it's finished, what are you going to do with the extra copy?" Robin asked doubtfully while holding the two blueprints.

"I want to return the original one to its owner. I'm leaving first." Yake picked up the original Pluton design and left.

Franky dismantles the house.

Franky carefully observed the situation of the younger brothers after Yake left, and it was indeed as Yake said that he was relieved only after he passed out of a coma. Sitting in the position of the boss, I don't know what I'm thinking.

"Franky, I've been waiting for a long time. This is the reward you deserve." Yake quietly appeared beside Franky and handed a large box to Franky.

"Ah~ It's really scary, what is this?" Franky was taken aback by Yake's sudden appearance, and caught the box Yake gave him with a dazed expression.

"Three hundred million Baileys, and your blueprints, keep them well, the World government won't let them be left out, if you don't destroy them as soon as possible, it will bring you countless troubles." Yake kindly reminded Franky , As for whether to listen or not, it is not up to him to decide.

"That's how it is, see you later!" Yake saw that Franky didn't speak and didn't care, and turned to leave.

"Hey, what do you mean?"

"Haha, as long as we are still in this sea, we will meet again one day, won't we?"

Yake turned into a light blue electric light and dissipated.

At night, Yake was resting on the bed, and suddenly remembered that he still had 14 lottery draws, so he was going to try his luck.

Start ten consecutive draws.

"The lottery draw is complete, congratulations on getting Bailey's 1 billion (total), five beauty pills, and an indestructible robe. Thank you for patronizing X6"

"Is that all? Well, I really want to get another Devil Fruit enhancement card, but the beauty pill is good, just for Robin and Hancock." Yake has already eaten one by himself, and the effect is good, and his appearance is even better. one floor.

After putting away everything, Yake gradually fell asleep.

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