"Captain Buggy, we will follow you for the rest of our lives!!!"

The younger brothers clasped their hands into fists, with rippling smiles on their faces, tears of happiness falling from the corners of their eyes, and their thoughts were completely distilled. In their eyes, Buggy is no less than any Four Emperors. What a shit Kaido, Captain Buggy cut a knife can be stabbed to death!

"I see, don't be angry." Shanks comforted Buggy like a girlfriend, and walked to Yake step by step.

Buggy was about to explode, then realized he'd be safe out of this place if he walked with the red-haired bastard, which is great, it's me.

"Yake, don't shoot anymore, give me a face..."

Shanks walked up to Yake and said, in his opinion, maybe Yake is already the biggest winner of this war, and if it continues, the result will be unpredictable. Although he is also a pirate, the world also needs Marine. Once Marine's combat power drops significantly, those arrogant pirates will cause unpredictable damage to this world.

Yake: You are the most face-saving, and I will listen to you.

In fact, Yake didn't even want to make a move at all. Marine is just a violent organization of Celestial Dragons. But he left Akainu with his life, so the next Marine Marshal Aokiji is basically stable.

Hawkeye also left after seeing this. In his opinion, the battle was over.

The redhead moved on and walked to the center of the field, followed by all members of the Red Hair Pirates.

"Continuing the fight like this will only increase the losses of both parties without limit. If there are still guys who haven't made enough trouble..."

"Come on, let us accompany you!!!"

Shanks stood in front of the Marines, with his right hand on Griffin's handle, and said calmly.

"Everyone, I hope you can give me a face here..."

At this time, everyone had time to think quietly. At this time, there were corpses everywhere on the cracked ground, blood flowed like rivers, and the Marine soldiers were bruised and bruised. Although the Whitebeard regiment has withdrawn, there are countless pirates who died in battle.

The Ark Pirates were intact except for Luo Duo Fu who was injured. Except for Yake and Reiju, the others had returned to the Eternal Truth in the sky and waited.

Most of the elite Marines that Marine gathered from all over the world were killed or injured. When they gathered at the Gate of Justice, 100,000 people were all neatly dressed in justice coats. Now, less than 40% of them can stand. Sengoku, Kong, and the three Admirals were physically exhausted, and Akainu lost his right arm. CP has lost two chiefs, leaving only one spy chief with his special ability and basically nothing to do.

Although Sengoku was mentally prepared, he did not expect such a huge loss, and Marine did not achieve any effective victory results, and even Whitebeard was not killed by Marine himself. This is definitely the worst defeat in Marine history.

"What are you claiming on your own, you want to keep Yake here, we..."

"Forget it...we have already lost, go to heal the wounded, the war is over..." Sengoku said frankly, looking at Yake and Reiju next to him, meeting such an opponent, Marine will not lose injustice. Admitting defeat is not so difficult, maybe when Yake first appeared in Sabaody, the ending was already doomed!

The battle is indeed over, everything Jacques wants has been obtained, and his pirate group has also shown their strength in this battle, there is nothing to miss. So Yake took Reiju slowly to the red hair.

"Shanks, I'm leaving, and Whitebeard's body will be left to you, please."

After Yake finished speaking, he took Reiju into the sky, and the aftermath had nothing to do with him, and he did everything he could do.

Shanks watched Yake leave. He was a little surprised that he didn't see Blackbeard this time. In his opinion, Blackbeard was the most threatening person. He didn't expect that he didn't participate in this war.

Marine blocked the Impel down event, and Shanks was busy on his way and fighting Kaido. Naturally, he didn't know the latest news, but luckily he caught up at the last moment.

Sabaody Archipelago.

The reporters present were speechless. They did not expect that Marine, who had placed high hopes, would fail so completely. On the contrary, the Ark Pirates became the biggest winners.

Each of them is very powerful, and Yake, the captain known as the god, killed Whitebeard directly with his own hands.

The most shocking thing is their last sentence. The big secret treasure really exists. The conversation between the two emperors undoubtedly confirmed the authenticity of this sentence. The pirates who watched the live broadcast in Sabaody went crazy again, and the world entered the crowd The era of separatism.

"Let's go!" Kid beckoned Kira to leave.

Kid is very excited. After Whitebeard's death, a new era begins. Yake will take Whitebeard's place, so someone must take Yake's place as the Fifth Emperor. Why can't this person be himself? Buggy, forget it, in his opinion, he is just a grandstanding clown.

Buggy: Buggy the Clown is right here!


Redhead successfully uses her ability to stop the fight from deteriorating, and leaves with Whitebeard's body.

The Marines are also busy. As long as they have a breath, the Marines will not give up. The medical soldiers have never been so busy.

Garp, who suffered some skin trauma, is directing the action of the medical soldiers. Akainu has been carried away. He is the worst of the three Admirals, without an arm, and he lost the promotion match.

"Marine's future, where should we go?" Sengoku looked up at the sky. He has the greatest responsibility for this failure. It is impossible to retain the position of marshal. After he leaves, who should take the position of marshal?

Akainu, this is too extreme. If the authority is given to Akainu, Marine will definitely usher in a big change.

Aokiji, the laziness of justice will prevent him from doing extreme things, and he will be able to better maintain world peace. Choosing Aokiji as the marshal will do more good than harm to the whole world, and he has a similar philosophy to himself, and he can also maintain the internal balance of Marine very well.

Kizaru, ahem, I am so old, why would I think of him?

After much deliberation, Sengoku is determined to recommend Aokiji to the World government as the next Marine Marshal.

Sengoku saw that Garp was out of breath, and was punched off the assembly line by his grandson, which was outrageous. However, seeing Garp's serious and responsible assistance in saving the wounded, Sengoku sighed.

The winner is the king, the loser is the bandit, and the loser is the loser. There is no need to worry about these.

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