Pirate World has all kinds of strange fruit abilities.

Laffitte's fruit has the ability to bewitch, Yake has been handed over to Laki, this fruit has to be taken back to the storage bar first.

"Captain, thank you for saving The fish men island. I thank you on behalf of all the residents of The fish men island." Jinbei came to Yake after the battle and expressed his gratitude to Yake.

Yake waved his hand: "Don't worry, this is what we should do. The hometown of the crew is our hometown. No matter whose hometown is in trouble, we will help."

At this time, Jinbei recognized Yake as the captain from the bottom of his heart. He is fundamentally different from other pirates. It's just that The fish men island is now a mess, and he still has a lot of things to do. Let the soldiers take Yake and the others to the palace as guests first, and deal with some trivial chores by himself.

"Camie, Pappagu, come with us to Dragon Palace!"

Now The fish men island is safe, and it will take some time to restore the previous order. Camie and Papagu agreed to Yake's request and took Xiaoba to the Dragon Palace as guests.


"Long time no see! Princess Shirahoshi, you've grown up!" As soon as Yake came to the Dragon Palace, she found Shirahoshi who was waiting for her. After more than two years, her uh... is older.

"Master Yake, Shirahoshi misses you so much, and Sister Robin, Sister Reiju, Sister Anna! Sister Perona!" Shirahoshi only met these members of the Ark Pirates two years ago.

"Shirahoshi, I'm here to play with you! Now you are so beautiful meow!" Anna looked at Shirahoshi enviously. Not only is she cute and attractive, but she also has a good figure. It's just a small steamed bun and a big steamed bun.

Shirahoshi covered his mouth and smiled. Compared with the cowardly and cowardly appearance two years ago, Shirahoshi now has the demeanor of a princess, dignified, polite, and generous.

"Don't stand still, my father is waiting for you! Thank you for saving The fish men island. I was really scared just now. Fortunately, you are here, otherwise Master Jinbei would be exhausted."

Under the guidance of Shirahoshi, everyone came to the magnificent Dragon Palace. The dark hard shell tower has been demolished. Shirahoshi has her own bright palace. She took Robin; Reiju and others went to visit her room together . Yake brought others to Neptune's side.

"Your Excellency Yake, thank you for your help. Alas~ I sent a large number of soldiers, but I still couldn't stop the continuous stream of pirates. Fortunately, Jinbei arrived in time to prevent the pirates from breaking through the Dragon Palace. Without you, maybe Jinbei is really going to fight these pirates!" Neptune said with some fear.

"After Whitebeard's death, his flag can no longer deter these pirates with ulterior motives. If it weren't for your arrival, maybe we would really surrender to the Big Mom Pirates."

Yake heard Neptune's subtext, and he naturally knew the follow-up arrangement of The fish men island, but there is no free lunch in the world.

Aunt wants The fish men island because she is greedy for the delicious desserts of The fish men island, Yake wants the mermaid lady of The fish men island, no, the population of The fish men island.

"King Neptune, I understand what you mean. I can let you use the flag of the Ark Pirates to shelter The fish men island. After all, Jinbei is also one of us. But we need a lot of labor, or I need The residents of The fish men island!" Yake said his purpose, the recent immigration of the Sky God Kingdom is relatively small, but the development of the country cannot be separated from a large number of residents.

"Resident, Lord Yake, what do you mean..." Neptune was overjoyed, but he was a little afraid to confirm.

"That's right, the residents of The Fish Men Island are regularly sent to the Kingdom of the Gods of the Sky to become a part of the Kingdom of the Gods of the Sky. They can live in the sun normally and have equal rights with the residents of the Kingdom of the Gods of the Sky."

After Yake finished speaking, Neptune admitted that he was moved. Living in the real sunshine is not only the wish of all the residents of The fish men island, but also the goal of his wife Princess Otohime's lifelong efforts. Now there is a A great opportunity was in front of him.

"That's great, Your Excellency Yake. It has always been my wish to let the residents of The fish men island live in the sun." Neptune was overjoyed. With Yake's strength, there was no need to lie to him, but in his heart But there is an idea to make this unilateral agreement with a stable idea.

"Your Excellency Yake, I have an unfeeling request. I want to betroth Shirahoshi to you, let her live in the sun with you, and she can also help you manage the residents of The fish men island." Neptune sincerely said Said that if Yake is willing to marry Shirahoshi, the connection between The Fish Men Island and the God of Sky Kingdom will be closer, and Yake is strong and young, and he is definitely a high-quality husband-in-law choice.

Everyone in the Ark: Damn!

Yake: I regard you as a friend, but you want to be my father-in-law?

"King Neptune, Shirahoshi is still young, do you think this is reasonable?"

"Your Excellency Yake, you also know that Shirahoshi is the contemporary Poseidon. With the power of our The fish men island, there is no way to protect Shirahoshi. She is the safest only by your side. As a father, I only hope that Shirahoshi I can live in peace and live my own life!"

Neptune also thought about it after experiencing the pirate turmoil. The power of The fish men island is too weak. As long as Shirahoshi's true identity is discovered by outsiders, Shirahoshi will inevitably become the target of snatching by ambitious people. Finding a good home for her daughter is more important than making an agreement. What if Yake happens to be the one in the prophecy?

"King Neptune, such a big event as marriage requires the consent of the parties involved, and I already have three lovers, so..."

Yake was a little hesitant, why did he start a family when his career was not successful! The main thing is that I don't want to get married, Shi Hammer Yake is a scumbag.

"Your Excellency Yake, don't be in a hurry to refuse, you will know when the time comes." Neptune seemed to be full of confidence in this, and did not talk about this topic again. He greeted everyone to enjoy the wine and wait until the evening to attend the dinner in the Dragon Palace.


"Sister Robin, will you be angry if you say that I want to marry Master Yake?"

Robin turned his head in surprise, Reiju did too, Anna and Perona pricked up their ears, there is such a big melon!

"Shirahoshi, you, you said you were going to marry Yake?"

Shirahoshi nodded, grabbed Robin and Reiju and whispered in his palms, Anna's teeth were itchy in anger.

In the evening, all the members of the Ark Pirates joined the Dragon Palace dinner, which was even more lively than the last time they came to The fish men island.

It's just that Yake always feels that the eyes of Robin and Reiju are not right, do they know?

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