After thanking Yake, he left the Mermaid Cafe.

The picture just now is definitely not an illusion. If there is no accident, I used the time shuttle card to come to the era of Roger in the parallel world. I just happened to be looking for the youth version of Whitebeard to single out, which is very in line with my personality.

Yake's destination is the square of The fish men island, where Neptune will announce important news to all the residents of The fish men island, and the Dragon Palace guards are passing the news around The fish men island to inform the people of The fish men island When the residents went to the square, there were already some mermaids and murlocs rushing over.

The fish men island has quite a large number of residents. It is the country with the largest number of people that Yake has seen so far. There are about 5 million people. Although there are many murlocs who hate and hate humans, most of them are murlocs. I still have a good impression of the human heart, but after the pirates' attack a few days ago, the people here will inevitably have some stress reactions.

There are all kinds of murlocs and mermaids here. The murloc has a fish upper body and a human lower body, and a mermaid has a human upper body and a fish lower body. Female mermaids will fork their legs at the age of thirty, and they can intermarry with humans, but the offspring they will produce will only be humans. Murlocs and mermaids will marry and have children normally, and the offspring can be murlocs , can also be a mermaid. In this way, the number of mermaids and murlocs will not be one-sided.

Although mermaids are more popular, especially women, mermaids are weaker than murlocs, but they swim extremely fast, making them the fastest race in the sea. Although murlocs basically don't look very good, their strength is ten times that of ordinary humans. It can be said that each has its own advantages and disadvantages! But they all have a common feature, that is, they live amphibiously on land and water, and there is no difficulty in living ashore.

Yake looked at the densely packed residents of The fish men island in the square, thinking that these would be his residents in the future. He originally wanted Anna to directly move The fish men island to the sky, but Neptune refused. The gap between murlocs and humans will not be eliminated for a while. After some residents adapt to life on land, they will consider letting The fishmen island see the light of day again.

When Yake was thinking wildly, there were already murlocs around him. Neptune still had prestige in The Fish Men Island. He was a competent king, and the residents of The Fish Men Island naturally gave him a lot of face.

When almost everyone arrived, Neptune rode his car to the center of the square. , along with the lovely Princess Shirahoshi.

"Hello residents of The fish men island, I am King Neptune, and today I want to tell you a good thing!"

As soon as Neptune spoke, the whole square fell silent, and the residents were all waiting for Neptune's next words.

"Since this period of time, our The fish men island has been plagued by pirate invasions. Just yesterday, the members of the Ark Pirates repelled all the pirates for us and rescued all the residents of our The fish men island. Here I would like to sincerely thank everyone in the Ark Pirates. I, the king, cannot protect everyone well. I am sorry for everyone! Fortunately, the original Seven Warlords of the Sea Jinbei is also a member of the Ark Pirates. He returned early Going to The fish men island took some of the stress off of us."

The residents of The fish men island immediately talked a lot. Some of them knew that a group of pirates had repelled them, but they didn’t quite know which group of pirates it was. It was only now that they suddenly realized, not to mention the fact that they have been protecting The fish men island all along. The hero Jinbei turned out to be a member of the Ark, and his affection for the Ark Pirates suddenly rose.

"From today, our The fish men island has been sheltered by Lord Yake's Ark Pirates, and everyone must have seen this flag!" Neptune took out a flag of the Ark Pirates, although it was already in the The entrances and exits are all hung, but it is inevitable that some residents cannot see it. This flag means that they are members of the Ark Pirates.

"At the same time, we, The fish men island, finally have the opportunity to return to live on land. This is our long-standing wish, and today it can finally be realized. His Excellency Yake is also a king, and his country needs a large number of residents. Our The If the residents of Fish Men Island are interested, they can go to the Sky God Kingdom at any time and register as residents of the Sky God Kingdom."

Speaking of this, Neptune paused for a moment before continuing.

"Live in the sun, breathe the fresh air, and be an equal!"

All the residents burst into cheers, and most of the residents were still very interested in life on land. But the few residents who have been to the human kingdom are a little silent. They still have doubts about living on land, thinking that human beings will not accept them at all, and regard them as scourges.

It's not that no one has tried it. On land, not only is he precarious, but he will also be discriminated against by humans. Humans think that murlocs will carry germs on their bodies, and they will never accept murlocs unless they become pirates.

Yake saw the doubts of these murlocs in his eyes, and felt that it was time for him to play.

Suddenly, the sound of electric current came from next to Neptune, and the blue lightning gradually converged into the shape of a person. The eyes of the residents of The fish men island were all attracted by the dazzling lightning.

The thunder and lightning dissipated, and Yake's figure slowly emerged.

"I am Yake, the captain of the Ark Pirates, and the king of the Kingdom of God in the Sky. I know that many people have doubts about whether they will be discriminated against and hated by humans in the country on earth. Here I am sure Let me tell you, no!!"

"Sky Island is originally a country of immigrants. In addition to humans, there are also aborigines, feathered people, and Sandiya people. Their appearance and characteristics are different, but they have one thing in common... They are all my people, I Treat everyone equally. Whether you are a murloc, a mermaid, a fur tribe, or a long-handed tribe, even if you are a giant, you are all equal and do not enjoy any privileges."

After Yake finished speaking, he gradually had an idea in his heart. He also wanted to build a country where multiple races coexist peacefully, just like Auntie. The God of Sky Kingdom needs more races to join. But these murlocs didn't respond, and Yake looked at the square with at least a hundred thousand people.

After a moment of eerie silence, more fanatical cheers erupted! Yake was relieved immediately. Although he said so, he still had no idea in his heart. After all, it was all a temporary play.

"Everyone can completely trust His Excellency Yake, because he is not only the king of the Sky God Kingdom, but also the son-in-law of The Fish Men Island. I am going to let Princess Shirahoshi and Lord Yake get engaged today under your witness!" Neptune Released more exciting news, Yake found that some male murlocs looked a little offended by their eyes, which was an emotion called jealousy.

Neptune took out two huge rings, and was a little embarrassed, forgetting that they were all made according to Shirahoshi's size, and the acrylic was too small...

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