There was nothing but endless silence on the other side of the phone bug.

"Sigh~ Celestial Dragons are all dead, that lord is going to make a move..."

Kong's face was very solemn, and the thing he was most worried about finally happened. After decades of being a Marine marshal, he still knew some inside information. Although Celestial Dragons are moths in this world, these moths can make everyone give They were buried with them.

"Do you know what you did?"

Yake looked back vigilantly, only to realize that there was an extra person behind him at some point.

"Who are you? Em?"

The person in front of him was wearing a strange black robe, and his face was pale, as if he hadn't seen the sun for a long time.

"It seems that you know a lot! But I didn't write this message in the final island, you are not from this era! Right!"

Im said with a sneer on his face, he is sure that Yake is definitely not a contemporary, otherwise it would be impossible to know this name, unless there are traitors among the Five Elders.

"who are you!"

Yake seems to have guessed the truth, but he is still not sure. There are many people who can leave a message on the final island, people from the huge kingdom, craftsmen from the Kozuki family, and even Joey Boi himself.

"Hahaha, what does a dead person know so much?"

Im smiled arrogantly, waved his right hand, and the rushing blue water wrapped Yake tightly, Yake struggled painfully in the water, and he couldn't breathe.

"Hahaha, a Demon fruit power also wants to subvert my rule! How ridiculous!"

"All the Celestial Dragons were killed by you, what a trouble..."

Im shook his head, turned and left, in his opinion, Demon fruit power is absolutely powerless in front of him.

Yake in the water showed sly eyes, he is a perfect Demon fruit power, without any weakness, how could mere sea water kill him!

Not surprisingly, his Devil Fruit ability is related to the sea, either Logia, or special Paramecia, which does work for normal Demon fruit power...

Yake directly elementalized and rushed out of the encirclement of the sea to give the departing Im a righteous backstab.

"How can it be!"

"How can Demon fruit power break free from the shackles of sea water!"

Sensing the danger behind him, Im turned into a puddle and walked away, staring at Yake in disbelief.

It's not surprising that Yake didn't succeed. It's still in Yake's expectation. Im is at least a person who has lived for hundreds of years. Such strength is normal.

"Hahaha, it seems that you have some strength! Come on, I hope you don't let me down!"

Yake pulled out Tensa Zangetsu, black thunder wrapped around the blade, and looked at Im provocatively.

"The guy who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth!"

Im spread out his hands, the whole Mariejois turned into a vast ocean, and the venue was changed in an instant.

"Be swallowed by the sea!"

All the sea water has become Im's weapon, and all kinds of monsters have been transformed into Yake, who has no fear on his face.


Yake held back Tensa Zangetsu and slashed through it, the atmosphere cracked and the void shattered, and all the sea beasts were shaken into waves and reintegrated into the sea. The sea was turbulent for a while, setting off a huge wave and hitting Im.

"Not bad ability, but attacking me with sea water is too small for me!"

Im waved his hand in disdain, and Ju Lang turned around.

"Thunder Hell·Zhenhai!"

The ocean is Im's home field, and the sky is Yake's home field. Who wouldn't be able to wake up the fruit!

Since Im's ability is the sea, Nayak boils the sea with thunder, and electrolyzes the water to produce a large amount of hydrogen that permeates the battlefield!

"Thunder God descends into the world!"

Yake's state was turned on instantly, and the whole person was surrounded by blue-purple electric current, and he came to Im in the blink of an eye. The sea water didn't work on Yake, and more than half of his ability was disabled. It was only a matter of time before he was killed.

"Broken Slash!"

"Sea God Trident!"

Apart from the competition of ability, the rest depends on physical skills, and it depends on who gets down first!

Im retreated under Yake's attack, and the condensed seawater attacks were all shaken into splashes by strong vibrations without exception. The seawater, which was a nightmare for all Demon fruit power, was ineffective against Yake.

"Enough! Go to hell!"

Im erupted with a strong momentum, and a water dragon knocked Yake into the air. I saw Im opening his palm at Yake, and suddenly clenched his fist.


Yake roared in pain, and his body kept oozing water! The skin became dry, as if the moisture of the whole body had been separated by Im.

"This is impossible!"

Yake obviously used Armament Haki to cover the whole body, but the water in the body is still oozing out a little bit!

"Hahahaha, I am the master of the water. I can control all the water here as I like. Don't forget, the human body is 75% water. Turn me into a mummy!"

What Im said is correct, as long as there is human beings, there will be water in the body. This trick of Im is similar to Crocodile, which separates the water in the human body. This situation cannot even heal itself.

This is the closest Yake has come to dying.

"Ton, ton, ton~"

Yake took out drinking water from the storage bar and poured it into his mouth. He found that Im could not drain the water in his body instantly, which showed that the defense of armed color still had a certain effect. The internal circulation brought by a strong physique quickly transported water To every corner of the body, as long as I drink enough water, you can't pump me dry!

Im's smug smile froze. He didn't expect this trick to kill Yake. This trick was just to lure Yake to drink the sea water. As long as Yake drank the product of his ability, Yake would definitely die, but he I didn't expect Yake to have such a thing as a storage bar.

"Ugh~ Now it's my turn!"

Yake stared at Im fiercely. This was the first time he tried to use Shock Fruit's awakening, and he didn't know how the effect would be.


This kind of vibration acts on the inside of the human body, keeping the vibration at the same vibration frequency as the internal organs of the human body, and affecting the enemy's body from the inside. As long as Im is a normal person and not a robot, it will definitely have an effect!

"what have you done?"

Im feels a little weird in his body, but he can't tell what's wrong, it's because the resonance has just started!

Yake continued to attack at close range, so as to make the vibration silent. In addition to this usage, there is also space resonance, but this method is too destructive. If you kill one thousand enemies, you will lose eight hundred. Yake is going to save one hand first.

"Atomic Vibration Slash!"

After Yake opened the fruit and awakened, he found that he had a new understanding of vibration. The ultra-high-speed vibration provides a powerful cutting ability for the blade. With the addition of Conqueror's winding, as long as it cuts Im, it will either die or be injured.

"Damn, my body...uhhhh~"

Just as Im was about to avoid Yake's fatal attack, he found that his internal organs had been severely injured, his seven orifices were bleeding, and blood was leaking from his skin.

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