Five months have passed in this world.

"Robin, is there still no news from Yake?"

Reiju looked at the newspapers in the room and the intelligence documents everywhere and asked, only to see Robin shook his head, and Reiju understood.

"Oh, I don't know where the captain went, Shirahoshi's current situation..."

Reiju looked sad. A few months after Jacques left, Shirahoshi gradually became a little bit wrong, and she could hear various voices calling her every day. Ren Chopper and Luo checked and found no cause.

"Well, it's been almost six months, and Jacques will be back soon, and the promise he made will not be false."

Robin was also very worried about Shirahoshi's situation, but he was still helpless about Shirahoshi's situation. He searched all kinds of books and found no records describing this situation. He could only collect information from various places to see if he could find Yake.

After Yake returned to this world, he found himself in a deserted place.

"Has it been five months? It's okay, I have to go back quickly."

Yake took out the eternal pointer of the God of the Sky Kingdom, and hurried back after confirming the direction.

Knowing the truth of this world in another world, Yake already knows what to do next and how to do it.


There was a muffled thunder in the clear sky, which was caused by Yake's rapid travel through the atmosphere.

"Thunder? It must be Yake!"

Robin ran out of the room and saw the man she had been thinking about outside, and he opened his arms.


Robin threw himself into Yake's arms, and Yake's robe was wet with tears.

"Miss me so much~ Haha, I'm back, don't worry."

Yake hugged Robin and turned around on the spot, and kissed Robin hard. In another world, he hadn't touched a woman for almost a year. Fortunately, Robin's "D" will inspired him in time.

"Whoa, I'm sorry Yake, I didn't take good care of Shirahoshi, she...she has a strange disease, neither Chopper nor Luo can do anything..."

Robin choked up and said, her shoulders kept twitching, she blamed herself very much.

"Shirahoshi? What happened to her?"

Yake frowned, feeling a little bad. Could it be that Shirahoshi's power has awakened? Yake remembered what Sea Kings said when he went to The fish men island with Roger.

Born ten years later, awakened fifteen years later, Shirahoshi is now exactly fifteen years old.

"Robin, don't beat yourself up, let's go and see Shirahoshi, maybe I know what's going on."

Yake comforted Robin, put his arms around her shoulders and came to the pool in the center of the God's House.

"Captain! It's great that you're back!" "Mr. Yake!"

Luo and Chopper are checking on Shirahoshi, who looks sick and looks very bad.

"Go do your own work, it's not caused by a disease, it's because her power has awakened!"

After Yake came to Shirahoshi's side, he immediately confirmed that Shirahoshi's discomfort was caused by the awakening of his ability. He has not fully awakened yet, and it may need some opportunities.

"Shirahoshi, look at me, I'm Yake, I'm back..."

Shirahoshi slowly opened his eyes, his eyes lit up when he saw Yake, and a smile appeared on his pale face.

"Master Yake, you finally came to see me, I'm sorry, I feel a little weird recently..."

Shirahoshi shook his head, as if trying to get the voice out of his head.

"Shirahoshi, you are just about to awaken your power, do you hear a voice calling your name all the time?"

Yake sensed it with his heart and found an indescribable force surrounding Shirahoshi's body, which was a sign of Poseidon's power awakening.

Putting everything else aside, Shirahoshi's awakening is the most important thing right now.

"Shirahoshi, I'm going to take you to the Calm Belt in Qinghai, it should be helpful." Yake turned into a giant and hugged Shirahoshi.

"Guys, I'll go and fix Shirahoshi's problems first, and I'll be back in a while!"

After Yake finished speaking, he took Shirahoshi and left, ready to go to Calm Belt.

The Calm Belt is the lair of the Sea Kings, where the giant Sea Kings live, and Shirahoshi is their king.

Giant Sea Kings can generally live for thousands of years or more, and they should have a solution to this situation.

Yake carried Shirahoshi to a calm sea area. There was neither wind nor current in this sea area, and the entire sea was absolutely calm.

"Shirahoshi, I'm taking you down..."

Yake took out a diving equipment and put it on himself. Although he could swim, he couldn't breathe underwater.

"Master Yake, aren't you Demon fruit power? It's too dangerous!"

Shirahoshi held Yake in her palm and said worriedly, but soon she covered her ears, and after coming here, the voice in her ears became louder.

"Ah~ who are you?"

Several giant Sea Kings swam around Shirahoshi, as if some ceremony was being held, and Yake was on alert. Although Shirahoshi is the king of all Sea Kings, what if there is any disobedience?

Most of these Sea Kings are more than three kilometers in size, and it will take a while for Yake to solve them, so he can only run away.

"The king! The king is back!" "Go and tell the elders that our king is coming!"

Yake touched his ears in surprise. What's the situation? Didn't he choose the all-things communicator? Where did this sound come from?

"There is another man beside the king, is he the promised one?"

"I don't know, can he understand us?"

"King, please come with us!"

Shirahoshi looked at the two giant Sea Kings ignorantly: "Yes, is it me?"

"That's right, you are our only king, come quickly! The elders are waiting for you..."

Shirahoshi glanced at Yake, as if asking for Yake's opinion.

"Shirahoshi, you go! I may not go any further, the water pressure here will kill me."

Yake said helplessly that he was not a murloc, and he was wearing only ordinary diving equipment, and it was impossible to go any further.

"Is there a way for you to take Lord Yake with you? He is very important to me!"

Shirahoshi clasped his hands together, hoping that the two wise Sea Kings would figure out a way.

"Hey..., human, take it, this is a treasure I picked up."

Sea Kings, who looked like a monkey, spit out a huge crystal ball, which slowly became smaller as it flew towards Yake, just enough to wrap Yake in it.

"This is..."

"It can keep you from being affected by the sea, remember to return it to me..."

"My lord, can I go now?"

Shirahoshi's eyes bent into crescents, holding the ball that wrapped Yake in the palm of his hand: "Yeah, it's ok, let's go!"

Two giant Sea Kings led the way, and Shirahoshi swam quickly holding the Yak.

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