Marco panicked and explained to Yake with dancing.

"Yake, it's not what you think, I'm treating Ace!!"

Yake patted Marco on the shoulder and encouraged him with his eyes.

"No need to explain, Marco, I can understand. Don't worry, I have no other advantages, but my mouth is very strict. I know this matter, and I will never tell anyone else!"

Marco wanted to cry but had no tears, and if he continued to describe it, it would only get darker and darker. He never thought that Yake was such a person!

"What's the matter with you here?"

Marco took a deep breath, calmed down, and regained his composure.

"I'm going to war with Wan Guo in a few days, do you want to get involved? If I remember correctly, aunt took a lot of your territory after Whitebeard died, right? Are you going to take it back?"

Yake is going to invite the Whitebeard Pirates to take a share of the pie. The main reason is that the aunt has too many children. Although their strengths are uneven, there are many people who cannot stand up to their abilities, and some of their abilities are rather strange.

"Big Mom Pirates? Are you going to kill Big Mom?"

Marko frowned and said that the Whitebeard Pirates are rebuilding now. Although most of the high-end combat power is still there, there are almost half fewer people than in its heyday. It is not a wise choice to launch a war at this time.

"You don't need to work hard, just help the Ark Pirates restrain the children of the aunt, and the aunt will leave it to me."

"This time, I will make the Big Mom Pirates disappear from this world!"

Yake said confidently that the Revolutionary Army is going to let Sabo and Belo Betty, who has the ability to inspire fruits, assist in the battle. With Sabo, he does not believe that Ace will not go.


Marco is now the second-in-command of the Whitebeard Pirates, with a relatively high voice and status. As long as he agrees, the Whitebeard Pirates will definitely come to help.

The Ark Pirates also fought as a whole, suppressing all the children of the aunt. When Yake kills the aunt, the kingdoms will be destroyed.

"I agreed, how will the benefits be distributed after the war?"

Marco thought for a while and agreed to Yake. He was very confident in Yake's strength, and the Big Mom Pirates might be in danger.

"I only want the population and Devil Fruit, and you can talk to the Revolutionary Army about the rest!"

Yake smiled and said that land and money are meaningless to him. Except for arms sales, Wabo Metal can provide him with a steady stream of income, which is not bad for this little money.

"Revolutionary Army?"

"The Revolutionary Army is also cooperating with us. When Ace wakes up, tell him that there is a man named Sabo in the Revolutionary Army who will participate in this battle!"

"Ten days later, attack all nations!"

After Yake finished speaking, he left a phone bug number and left the room.

Marco looked at Ace who fell into a deep sleep and was speechless for a long time.

The research and development base of the Kingdom of God in the Sky.

Yake came directly to Judge's laboratory: "Judge, is the war monster I want ready?"

Judge proudly took out a remote control, pressed the red button, and a door of the laboratory opened, and inside was a neatly arranged giant airship.

"Master Yake, the project was completed a month ago, and the test was just completed yesterday. This war behemoth is definitely a killing machine that subverts this era. With it, we can conquer the world!"

Judge's tone was full of pride, and it wasn't that he was complacent, but that this giant war beast was indeed an epoch-making work.

Resembling a whale in shape, a war behemoth can hold 1,000 soldiers and is equipped with an electromagnetic cannon that can penetrate islands with a single blow. With such a weapon, one war behemoth is equipped with ten doors.

"Not bad, very good, how about battery life?"

Yake nodded in satisfaction. Technology is the right direction for this world. This kind of war machine is already comparable to the lethality of the Four Emperors level powerhouse. The whole body is also very brittle with Wabo metal, which cannot hold the Four Emperors. Continuous strikes, typical high attack and low defense.

But the war behemoth can be mass-produced, and this is his scariest place.

Yake found a bench and sat down casually, and asked casually: "Very well Judge, I heard that Vegapunk used to be your colleague?"

Judge frowned when he heard Vegapunk's name. As a colleague, he always hoped that a wise monster like Vegapunk would die soon. But it's been a long time since I heard his name on the sea.

"Uh... That's right, I used to do research with Vegapunk and Guy Sa in the Marine Science Corps, but the relationship between the three of us is not very good, Mr. Yake, if you are looking for Vegapunk, I can't help you What's busy..."

The corner of Yake's mouth rose slightly: "It's nothing, I will find Vegapunk in a short time, and then you have to be mentally prepared to work with Vegapunk again..."

"What! Master Yake, do you have Vegapunk's whereabouts?"

Judge tried his best to stare at Yake with wide eyes, and his breathing was a little short.

He is very clear about Vegapunk's research ability. He can do what he can, and he can do what he can't. If he came to the laboratory, what would be waiting for him?

"Hahaha, don't worry, Judge, you have worked for the God of the Sky Kingdom for so long, and you have worked hard without credit, not to mention that your credit is not small, I will not kill a donkey."

Yake patted Judge on the shoulder to relax him.

"Not only Vegapunk, I also want to get Guy over here. The three of you will work together to research something. As for what it is, I will tell you when the time comes."

Yake smiled mysteriously and left the laboratory, leaving Judge with a tangled face. Although he survived, the feeling of being hit by Vegapunk's genius wisdom is not so good.

This time, Yake's plan to attack the nations was well prepared, and he directly suppressed the army and took down the Big Mom Pirates at the lowest cost.

Katakuri is a good crew member. After the death of the aunt, as long as he surrenders Yake with his brothers and sisters, he will subdue him. If he resists stubbornly, he can only be killed on the spot.

"Blue, blue, blue~"

At this time, Yake's phone bug rang, so he had to find a place to land and answer the call.

"Moshi moxi~"

"Captain, a group of suspicious people has entered the Kingdom of Sky God. I suspect they are agents of CP. Do you want to kill them?"

Robin's voice came over the phone, and she notified Yake immediately after receiving the report from Dengtian Island.

"CP? Don't panic, let's see what they want to do!"

Yake, a spy in the God of Sky Kingdom, knew that it was the first time he had seen Yake who was exposed so quickly, unless they didn't want to hide their identities in the first place.

"Okay, I'll keep an eye on them."

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