The terrain of the new cake island has changed several times and lost its original appearance.

There are basically no unknown people who can stand on the court now.

The Charlotte family included Katakuri, Daifuku, Owen, Cracker, etc., and other forces were coming to Cake Island to support them, and they launched a counterattack without showing any weakness.

"Cookie Soldiers!"

Intensive clapping sounds came from inside a biscuit soldier, and countless biscuit crumbs floated in the air to form new biscuit soldiers. Soon the field was full of tall biscuit soldiers, staring at Reiju Robin and others.

"Lamp Demon!"

Dafu rubbed against his body frantically, and his body became like an oil lamp emitting cloud of light blue smoke. A lamp demon with a fierce face and a big knife in his hand floated beside Dafu, ready to fight at any time.

Big Mom and Jacques are confronting each other. Before the two of them make a move, their respective men are fighting fiercely. Although Big Mom's men are far more numerous than Yake's crew, the situation of the battle is deadlocked.

"Victory inspired!"

Belo Betty, the commander of the "Eastern Army" of the Revolutionary Army, joined the battle, waving a large flag in his hand, and everyone in the Ark Pirates, who were also allies, felt greatly encouraged, and an inexplicable force poured into everyone's heart , full of energy all over!

Yake also felt this power and couldn't help but turn his head to look.

Betty wears a red top hat, short purple hair, and sunglasses. Wearing a red long-sleeved vest on the upper body, a tie around the neck, leather gloves, and no underwear. Wearing a long tail skirt on the lower body and red boots on the legs.

As the flags in their hands kept waving, the attacks of the Ark Pirates became more and more powerful, and their power also increased. This is an auxiliary ability that can increase the status of teammates. It is the opposite of Perona's negativity. It can give people the power to resist, so that people will not shrink back and move forward bravely.

While fighting, Sabo looked around, as if looking for Ace.

"There is a flaw! Weiguo!"

Seeing that Yake was distracted, the aunt launched an attack without hesitation, provoked a sword and flew towards Yake.


Yake didn't even look at it and blocked the aunt's sword energy with a knife before turning his attention to the aunt's side.

"Fat woman, you don't talk about martial arts, you engage in sneak attacks!"

After hearing this, the aunt's momentum rose again, and she picked up the giant sword and slashed with an unrivaled momentum. Although she was huge and fat, she was extremely flexible.

"Hmph~ just in time to come!"

Yake blocked Big Mom's fatal blow with a horizontal knife, and punched Big Mom in the stomach and sent him flying, but Big Mom quickly stabilized her body in the air and continued to attack Yake. The Conqueror's collision of the two swept the entire battlefield, and black thunder overflowed.

"Don't look at Anna, the captain doesn't need your help, go and throw stones at them!"

Robin said to Anna in the air that their opponents are Owen and Baron Dandan, both of whom have Demon fruit power. Although their abilities are dangerous, Robin is enough to deal with them.

"Okay meow! Damn eggs, Anna must make you into omelet rice meow!"

There was a crackling sound coming from Anna. Recently, she has exercised the static electricity well. Although it is not as good as Yake, it is still no problem to put tens of millions of voltages.

"Go Anna!"

"Hey! Tens of millions of volts!"

Robin turned his head to look at Owen after seeing Anna's attack. He is a hot fruit capable person. If he attacks him without adding an armed color, he will be easily burned, so Robin is going to make a single-point breakthrough.

"Six-Wheeled Armor Anchor Flower!"

Hands clasped together, six pitch-black arms grabbed Owen's neck, arms, and feet, forcing him to stop his charge and wrestle with Robin's illusioned arms.

"Van Oka! Shoot him in the stomach! He's a Demon fruit power!"

Robin called for Fan Aoka's fire support in the team voice, Robin played control, Fan Aoka output from a distance, perfect! Don't shoot him in the heart because he's greedy for his Devil Fruit, now dead Reiju may be too late to move.


"Momo Fifty Times Electromagnetic Bomb!"

The van Aoka scope hidden in a hidden corner locked on Owen's stomach, and an electromagnetic bomb was fired instantly. Fan Aoka greatly strengthened the speed and a little bit of size, a skill he had mastered after a long period of practice.

When Owen was locked, he felt bad when he heard Robin's words. He ran his ability crazily to heat his body, and Robin had to let him go, but it was too late. As long as the enemy's figure appeared in Van Oka's scope, Then he cannot escape.

After a muffled sound, Owen looked at his stomach, and a big bloody hole appeared on his waist. It was over, he was useless...

"Dazzling Hundred Blossoms: Heavy Strike Gun!"

Seeing Owen's appearance, Robin didn't soften his heart in the slightest. A spear made of an arm directly hit Owen on the head, making him lose his combat effectiveness.

"Hmph~ But that's all..."

The pink petals fell, Robin lowered his hands and lowered his glasses, and he could see the elegant demeanor of the intellectual beauty at a glance.

Originally, she only wore glasses occasionally to study the text, but Yake seemed to like the way she wore glasses, saying that it could increase attack speed and crit. Although she couldn't understand, as long as Yake liked it, it would be fine.

Reiju is dealing with Cracker. His ability is very troublesome. He continuously creates biscuit soldiers and hides in the biscuits to steal output. At the beginning, he is against Jinbei, but Jinbei is a bit too troublesome to beat him. Reiju let him deal with it. Others are gone.

"Dark Cave"

Reiju raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and released the dark water at the place where the biscuit soldiers were most dense. The biscuit soldiers are all products of abilities. Although they have strong defense, they have no Armament Haki and no ability to fly.

Once it touches the dark water, it will be sucked into the dark space and disappear immediately. The biscuit soldiers disappeared in pieces.

Cracker gritted his teeth and prepared to deal with this woman himself, otherwise the violence would not work at all.

"Waves Pretzels!"

The biscuit soldier controlled by Cracker himself rushed towards Reiju quickly, and the sword in his hand stabbed Reiju while sending out a powerful shock wave of sword energy, whose power should not be underestimated.

"Hehe~ This is useless to me, I have already predicted your future!"

Reiju turned on elementalization in advance, leaving a big hole in his body. Even if Armament Haki was added, it would not hurt Reiju at all.

"Dark water!"

Reiju dissipated into a black mist and emerged from behind Charlotte, and black Uzumaki emerged from the palm of his hand, directly piercing through the biscuit armor's defense.

The black palms pressed tightly against Cracker's body, making him feel weak for a while.

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