The battle became more and more intense, and the battle between Big Mom and Yake also became fierce.

Yake knocked Big Mom into the air with one blow, and the power of Shock Fruit could easily hurt Big Mom's monster-like body. Big Mom, known as the steel balloon, retreated steadily under Yake's fierce attack.

"Damn! Yake, you just want to fight against me? Why!!!"

The aunt became more and more furious, surging air burst out of her body, and her scarlet eyes stared fiercely at Yake.

"Auntie, don't say something unnutritious. In this sea, the strong are always respected, aren't they?"

Yake hooked his fingers and motioned for aunt to come again, he hasn't beaten enough yet!

In a normal state, Auntie’s strength is somewhat stronger than Kaido’s, and her physical strength is comparable to the awakened state of a Zoan fruit ability user. It is indeed a bit tricky, but her weakness is also obvious, and her emotions are extremely unstable. will get out of hand.

Yake has been provoking aunt's nerves, making her gradually lose her mind, so that she can take it down as quickly as possible.

"Prometheus, Zeus!"

The aunt let out a roar, and the two Homiz quickly merged with the aunt, and the old woman began to act. The flames on her head were burning fiercely, and she was stepping on a thundercloud, looking like a madman.

"Kill you!"

Yake held the end of the wolf tightly, and the aunt's counterattack began. The violent majestic sword spirit and deadly slashes followed one after another. Yake had to deal with it carefully. He didn't want to get hurt. After all, it hurts to cut his body.

"Tsk tsk tsk~ I didn't expect that the mighty aunt would have no power to fight back in front of God. It's really surprising."

Capone Bege, the captain of the flame tank pirates, watched the battle between Big Mom and Yak with a cigar in his mouth. Although he joined Big Mom's banner, he never really joined, and was always waiting for the opportunity to replace him.

But now it seems that there is no chance. The power of the Four Emperors is far beyond his imagination. Even though the aunt was beaten badly by Yake, the power of the aunt is still not something he can contend with, and he has not been exposed.

"Boss, should we continue with our plan?"

Werther flicked his long tongue and raised the black revolver in his hand, eager to try. Before that, he had been watching the battle of Reiju, the legendary princess of Germa, and it was exactly the same as what he saw in the story. If Gotti hadn’t pulled him away, Otherwise, he would have died under Reiju's AOE skills.

"Of course we have to continue. This god came prepared. Auntie will lose this time. Let's go help Yake. Have you brought anything?"

Bege exhaled the smoke ring and turned to look at Gotti.

"Bring it a long time ago, Boss, look..."

Gotti held a portrait in his hand, and the person in the portrait was the person most valued by the aunt—the nun Carmelite.

"Heh heh heh, let me add another fire to this battle!"

Bege let his men enter his body, and he joined the battlefield between Big Mom and Yake with the photo of the nun.

"Auntie! Look what this is!"

Bege's stature is very short, but his voice is very loud. The aunt looked down when she heard this.

"Sister... Bege, what do you want! Are you going to betray the Charlotte family?"

Seeing the nun's photo, Auntie's eyes showed a moment of warmth, but it was quickly replaced by anger. She knew Bege's thoughts at a glance, but this was also a conspiracy.

If the photo of the nun is broken, Big Mom will no longer be able to control her emotions, lose her mind, and become a beast that only relies on instinct to kill.

"Hahaha, I have never sincerely joined the Charlotte family, so how can I say betrayal?"

Bege laughed wildly, and didn't pay attention to the aunt at all. Under the desperate eyes of the aunt, he punched and smashed the nun's portrait.

"No!!! Ahhh!!!"

Big Mom covered her head in pain, and the ear-piercing screams resounded throughout the battlefield. Almost everyone immediately covered their ears, but Big Mom's screams were too harsh, and it was useless at all.

Those who are farther away are fine, but those who are closer will suffer.

Yake frowned and released an electromagnetic barrier, which weakened Big Mom's screaming sound, and the sonic attack could only be defended in this way. Yake looked at Bege in disgust. He hated others to intervene in his battle.

"Nun~ woo woo woo...Ahhhhh!"

The aunt raised her hands high as if her mother was dead, and the surrounding buildings were shattered by the piercing sound waves.

"Bege... Yake, I must kill you!"

After the aunt cried and howled like wolves, she fell into a strange calm, and a depressive atmosphere enveloped Bege's heart, and she was sweating coldly, because the aunt was staring at him right now.

"Damn... attack me!"

There was a small hole in Bege's body, and a company of soldiers fired a volley, hitting the aunt's body like scratching.

"Things that don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, get out of here!"

Yake teleported to Bege's side, and sent Bege to a long voyage with a big foot, and the annoying guy finally got out.

The aunt's current state is very wrong. I don't know whether it is conscious or unconscious, but this does not affect Yake's beating her.

"What the hell?"

Yake picked up the wolf's end and slashed at the aunt, but it was bounced off. What's the situation? Isn't the defense reduced by running away?

Yake couldn't help but click his tongue: "Monster, definitely a monster!"

However, Yake is not a vegetarian, but Yake, who is not afraid that the movement will affect his crew, has long been awakened.

"Empty Shock Jade Fragment!"

The wolf's end with the black and red sword body was immediately covered by the white light. This blow was enough to crush the bones of ordinary people, and it directly slashed on the aunt.


The aunt screamed in pain, and a hideous scar was cut on her indestructible skin, and the severe pain also awakened the aunt's consciousness.

"Huh~huh~ Yake, you really pissed me off. I want you to know that I've been able to dominate the sea for so many years, but I'm not doing nothing for nothing!"

The aunt's body fluctuated for a while, and her obese body gradually lost weight. The breath on her body became stronger every time she lost weight. At the same time, the aunt took out a ball of light and swallowed it.

"Kill you! Three years of life is worth it! Die! Damn bastard!"

The aunt has started to explode, and she is willing to exchange her own life in order to kill Yake. The price of this move is definitely heavy, otherwise the aunt will use it from the beginning.

Big Mom's strength, speed, and defense have been strengthened in all directions, and every gesture has the power to destroy the world.

Yake dealt with Big Mom's attack cautiously. He had never encountered such a situation when he was fighting Whitebeard and Kaido. Presumably this is the special ability of the soul fruit.

Combustion life improves strength, interesting! Such a soul fruit, Yake wants it even more!

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