At this time, the situation has changed again.

In addition to the nun's soul, there were some children's souls. They talked a lot, and the aunt's body soul became the weaker party.

Yake was thoughtful, Carmelite was the owner of the soul fruit of the first person, and later Charlotte Linlin was adopted by Carmelite when the aunt was a child, and lived with the children she found everywhere, until some One day they all disappeared.

They may have been eaten by the aunt, but Carmelite is a soul fruit capable person. She did not die, but survived in another way, parasitic in the soul of the aunt, so that the aunt showed a dual personality Shape.

The souls of the children are too weak, they can only be suppressed by the souls of Carmelite and Big Mom, and even drawn out to become Big Mom's three strongest Homiz.

"Carmelite, has Big Mom always been under your control?"

After thinking for a while in Yake's mind, he continued to ask, with the sword in his hand pointing at the aunt's throat.

"Jie Jie Jie~ Don't you recognize me so soon?"

"I'm a victim! Hahahaha~"

The soul of the nun Carmelite smiled arrogantly, with a ferocious face, and Yake frowned when she saw it.


As if the tip of the sword was pierced in, Carmelite suddenly became nervous and shouted in panic:

"Stop it, stop it! That's the body I got with great difficulty!"

The corner of Yake's mouth raised slightly, and seeing Carmelite's state, he gradually had a little understanding of the inexplicable relationship between Im and Soul Soul Fruit.

"Tell me everything honestly, or die for me!"

"Reiju! Come and help the captain!"

It is impossible for Yake to let go of the soul soul fruit, first ask Reiju to come over and get ready.

"Okay, Captain, we'll be there soon!"

Reiju glanced at Yake's direction and hung up the phone, smiling charmingly at the minions who surrounded him.

"Sorry, the captain is calling someone, I can't fight with you...Dark Storm!"

As soon as the words fell, a black Uzumaki appeared behind Reiju, gradually forming a black violent tornado, sucking everything on the ground into the eye of the storm and blending into the darkness.

"Darkness released!"

Reiju snapped his fingers, the tornado exploded, and all the objects and people sucked in were thrown out, so there were a bunch of mosaic people around Reiju, and the surviving minions didn't dare to look at Reiju again, fuck off escaped.

On Yake's side, after a peaceful and friendly conversation, Carmelite happily told Yake the story of the past, but his expression was a little unconvinced.

"It was her birthday that day, but she ate everyone. Fortunately, I am a soul fruit capable user. Although my body is gone, I can occupy her soul..."

"I didn't expect that she not only had a terrifying body, but also had such a strong soul. I had to extract the souls of the children to fight her soul together. In the end, I failed and was forced to merge with her soul..."

"Hehehe, it's not a complete failure. Without my soul, she wouldn't be able to use the power of the soul fruit! It's all thanks to me that she is today!"

Yake was silent, thinking about the meaning of Carmelite's words.

"Boy, thank you very much. This monster's soul has never been so weak. As long as you don't harm my body and let me assimilate her soul at ease, we can cooperate later, and I can join you! Be your help!"

Carmel smiled evilly. She has been secretly obliterating the consciousness of the aunt and other children since her consciousness was fully awakened. As long as she is given a little time, her plan will succeed.

"Reiju, it's your turn!"

Yake felt that he knew enough, whether it was Big Mom or Carmelite, they could die!

Reiju took a step forward, stretched out the hand of the black mist, and pressed it against Big Mom's head, and the Carmelite suddenly let out a piercing scream.

"Ahh! Damn bitch, what did you do? Why did my ability disappear! Ahhh~"

The power of the soul soul fruit was temporarily suppressed by Reiju, unable to take effect, Carmelite and all the souls returned to Big Mom's body, and fell into a coma together with Big Mom.

"Bah~ bang~"

Big Mom's head was chopped off by Yake, and all the Homiz were turned into fly ash at the same time, and the soul of Big Mom's body began to dissipate, and the unwilling roar of Carmelite could be heard vaguely.

"Captain, Fruit, her energy is starting to dissipate."

Reiju turned to Yake and said, Yake immediately took out a lot of fruits and put them in a neat stack for Reiju to choose.


"Mom... is dead? That's impossible!"

"Impossible, mother is invincible, how could she..."

The Homiz created by Big Mom dissipated, and there was only one possibility, and that was her death. The children of the Charlotte family, some are happy and some are worried. There are not a few who love and love the aunt, and there are also those who hate and fear the aunt.

"Sir, it seems that our captain has won! Do you want to fight again?"

Fujitora saw that Katakuri, who had been fighting him tenaciously, stopped suddenly. Fujitora, who was very good at martial arts, did not choose to take the opportunity to attack. After all, his mother died, so it was not good to do so.

Katakuri stared blankly at the head of the aunt who was thrown into the center of the battlefield by Yake, and walked over step by step. At this moment, he thought a lot in his heart, his mother died... the biggest influence is his brothers and sisters, what should they do? Where to go.

To fight in blood until death? Surrender on the spot and save his life. He wanted to do something, but he didn't know how to do it.

"Big Mom is dead, and the Big Mom Pirates have failed. The Charlotte family put down their weapons and surrender immediately, or they will be shot!"

Beibo yelled seriously with the megaphone, and yelled three times. It's just that the simple tone is really hard to believe, but the effect is indeed remarkable.

The members of the Charlotte family gradually put down the weapons in their hands. At the moment when the aunt died, they had lost their belief in fighting and started to retreat. Some people even never thought of fighting for the Charlotte family, but because of the aunt's despicable power , have to fight!

"Katakuri, we meet again..."

After Yake got the soul soul fruit, he went to Ka Er directly, and he was the key factor in subduing the Charlotte family.

"Are you here to kill me? Please do it! I just hope you can spare the lives of my brothers and sisters. Some of them are not members of the Big Mom Pirates, and they are no different from ordinary people..."

Katakuri knelt in front of Yake on one knee, lowered his head, and only asked for a way out for his brothers and sisters.

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