Mariejois, deep in the Holy Land.

Im looked at the report from Five Elders and fell into deep thought.

"Sea Kings from all over the world rise to the surface of the sea, cheering, as if welcoming someone..."

Im just glanced at the status of Sea Kings and knew what happened. A new generation of Poseidon- Poseidon awakened, and the king of Sea Kings was born.

"Go and check for me, where is the mermaid princess of this generation?"

"Yes, my lord..."

In the morning, the sun is shining.

The Long Chain Island is a circle formed by ten small islands. It is named because the overall shape is like a long chain. There are many strange creatures on the island. In the center of one of the small islands stands a big man with arms folded , quietly waiting.

Bullet is tall and strong, with long blond hair, earmuffs, and military uniform. Bullet's ship Bullet-Catapult is parked near the island.

This is a submarine that looks like a whale. This ship is full of weapons and iron. Bullet regards it as his only partner. He can use his ability to combine with the ship.

The super-long white dog passed by Bullet for half an hour, and I still haven't seen its buttocks. The surrounding animals are also strangely shaped. Their only feature is that they are long, very long!


Thunderclouds gathered in the sky, and there were continuous muffled thunder sounds, and the clear sky gradually darkened.

Bullet looked up at the sky, with an unruly smile on the corner of his mouth, finally came...


A group of lightning particles combined into a human form and appeared directly opposite Bullet. Yake stretched his muscles and bones and looked at Bullet with his head tilted.

"are you ready?"

"Hey, I can't wait!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Shura-like Conqueror's Haki broke out in full force, Yake raised the corner of his mouth, and the more powerful Conqueror's Haki spewed out. The momentum of the two competed, and Yake had the upper hand.

"Hehe, it's really a good momentum, but... it's not enough!"

Bullet took the lead and set off a surging air wave, and his iron-cast fist hit Yake. Without any fancy name, it was just an ordinary blow, but Yake had the illusion of fighting Garp.


Yake used all his strength to confront Bullet, all of which were pure physical confrontation, and it was not yet time to compete in ability.

Yake's full blow and Bullet's fist were in a stalemate, and they didn't even touch each other. It was completely the Armament Haki of the two who were outstretched.

The ground around the two of them had already been lifted up, the "long" animals were dizzy and dead, and the air was full of oppression.

Bullet was finally defeated and retracted his fist, but instead of flinching, he became more excited.

"Hahaha, sure enough, there is no one worthy of fame, and I didn't come in vain!"

Bullet smiled evilly, and a purple halo appeared on his face, which quickly spread to his whole body. He fused his own ghost energy with Haki, and his speed and strength were greatly improved, like a "devil from hell". One of the reasons it is called "Devil's Heir".

"Don't die!"

Bullet said lightly, and suddenly disappeared in place. The black and purple fist had appeared in front of Yake's eyes, and it went straight to Yake's temple, which was fatal.

Yake has already shot Bullet with all his strength, so it is impossible to release the water. Lei Yao's dragon pattern is fully opened, his body is covered by violent lightning, he tilts his head to avoid Bullet's attack, and punches him in the chest, hitting him fly.

Bullet strode out from the dust, tore off his military uniform, revealing the muscular muscles trained to Ultimate, with many scars on his body and a tattoo on his left arm.

Yake's blow just now didn't seem to have any effect on him, Bullet disappeared in the next second, but Yake clearly saw his trajectory, it has to be said, very fast.

If there is no fruit ability, Yake's speed is at best comparable to him.

"It is worthy of being called a god, but today I will be a godslayer!"

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Bullet's boxing skills are very superb, presumably it is a boxing specifically for killing that he learned in the army when he was young.

Strength, speed, skill, and physique, Bullet seems to have been trained to Ultimate, Armament Haki can be called massive, almost the whole body is covered by black Armament Haki during the battle with Yake.

Under such a high-intensity battle, there was no trace of exhaustion, which surprised Yake a little.

But the battle still has to continue, Yake is also very comfortable fighting, the duel between real men, no weapons, punches to the flesh, Yake's fighting spirit is also constantly rising.


Naval Headquarters.

"Marshal Aokiji, received a message from the CP department that God Yake is fighting with the devil's heir Bullet on Long Chain Island, and asked Marine to take immediate action and launch... Buster Call!"

Aokiji looked at the message from the phone bug and fell silent, Buster Call, is it useful for Yake? But he can't disobey the order of the World government, otherwise he won't be able to be the marshal. Five Elders has already called, which makes Aokiji very headache.

"Stop rushing, I've activated Buster Call, what do you want from me?"

"Aokiji, watch your tone! Is this how you talk to us? Ah!"

Listening to the noisy sound of the phone bug, Aokiji was upset, grabbed the phone bug and put it to his mouth.

"Enough, I will personally participate in this operation, are you satisfied?"


Aokiji hung up the phone, put on the uniform of justice, and walked out of the marshal's office with a dark face.

After a while, fifteen Naval Headquarters warships sailed to Long Chain Island at the same time. Surprisingly, Akainu also went with them. Aokiji had no choice but to take him with him.

The scale of the Buster Call this time is very large, with six Vice Admirals, ten Rear Admirals, more than 10,000 Marine elites, fifteen large Marine warships, and more than fifty small warships. The lineup of the team has already looked up to Bullet and Yake.

If it wasn't for the time urgency, there might be more warships called, and they had to launch the attack while Yake and Bullet were still there.

Yake and Bullet still don't know anything about Marine's actions. The two have been fighting for nearly a day and a night, and they have smashed two islands in the Long Chain Island. Fortunately, there are still many islands in the Long Chain Island.

Yake took advantage of the interval between their attacks and asked suddenly: "Bullet, do you think your strength has surpassed Roger's?"


Bullet thought for a moment before he answered with certainty: "Yes, I have far surpassed Roger. Roger in his heyday must not be my opponent!"

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