Vegapunk thought for a while before speaking slowly.

"Uranus is a huge creature. There is no doubt that it has Devil Fruit ability, but it is in a strange state, delirious, and has no consciousness of its own."

Yake frowned and said, "It's like being controlled by someone?"

"That's right, it has been in a deep sleep state when I was researching it. According to the World Government, it has been asleep for nearly seven hundred years, that is to say, it acted once at the end of the hundred years it disappeared."

Vegapunk said his inference, but it caused waves in Yake's heart. If nothing else, Uranus Uranus dispatched the "D family" to suppress the resistance at least once.

This time, most of the resistance forces in Rear Admiral were suppressed, so the rest of D's tribe would remain anonymous.

"That's right, Dr. Vegapunk, I agree with you. I wonder if there is any way to restrain Uranus? If we want to overthrow the World government, Uranus is an unavoidable hurdle!"

Vegapunk laughed, making Yake a little confused.

"Hahaha, Mr. Yake, it's actually very simple. Isn't it Demon fruit power? Just use seastone."

"It's that simple?"

Yake couldn't believe it. He had guessed that Uranus was a Demon fruit power, but he didn't think that using seastone could restrain Uranus because it was too big.

Luffy's shadow is attached to Ozzy's body, and it's fine to play with the lower body in the sea, as long as the whole body is not submerged in the sea. The same goes for Uranus.

"It's not easy to say, because what we need is not ordinary seastone, but the essence of seastone!"

Vegapunk spoke a word that Yark had never heard before, but Yark immediately understood what Vegapunk meant.

"Is it the substance extracted from seastone?"

Vegapunk shook his head: "Yes or no, seastone essence is the associated mineral of seastone, a mineral that can only appear in large seastone veins."

"This is it!"

Vegapunk took out a gray stone from his pocket, the size of a marble, with a plain appearance and nothing special.

"This is the essence of seastone?"

Holding Yake in his hand, he couldn't feel anything special!

Vegapunk’s eyes almost popped out. The essence of seastone is a hundred times more effective than seastone. When he took it out just now, he wanted to see his reaction. It’s fine in the air, but he has a strong physique.

But now, he actually got it directly in his hand, and he looked like he was okay!

"You, what kind of monster are you? Aren't you Demon fruit power?"

Yake looked at Vegapunk a little strangely, what happened to the Demon fruit power, I...wait, it seems that I am really different from ordinary Demon fruit power.

"Hahaha, Dr. Vegapunk, I am no longer afraid of the weakness of the sea and seastone, so this thing...doesn't work for me."

Vegapunk gasped, and his eyes turned green when he saw Yake.

"Really? I don't believe it, unless you let me check the body..."


Yake slapped Vegapunk's salty pig's hand away with a slap, and he made a move as soon as he came up. Don't I, Yaxama, want to lose face?

"We'll talk about that at a later time. Tell me Uranus' solution first."

"Hey hey, I was the one who was abrupt."

Vegapunk scratched his head in embarrassment.

"While researching Uranus, I have created a rapid cooling device, which can shorten the attack interval of Uranus by 80%, but I did not tell the world government."

"To get rid of Uranus, I need to make a small change to the rapid cooling device. The key to the change is to get a lot of seastone essence."

Vegapunk held the essence of seastone in his hand and said solemnly.

Nobody knows Uranus better than he!

"At first, I thought that it might be necessary to dig a lot of seastone to find enough seastone essence. I didn't expect you to have such a magical device as a material converter. It seems that you can get it together in a short time."

"Dr. Vegapunk, I'm not too sure about the conversion ratio of the material converter. I'll trouble you to do more experiments as soon as something is converted into seastone essence."

Yake spread his hands helplessly. The material converter is indeed buggy, but it is also very mysterious. Throwing a few pieces of wood into it can be converted into a large pile of diamonds, and only one ton of garbage can be converted into one gram of gold. It is very fascinating.

"Oh? Is that so? I understand, but I still need to get used to it for a while, Mr. Yake, if you have anything else, just ask!"

Yake thought for a while and remembered a person.

"Vegapunk, Barolomew Bear, do you still have an impression!"

"Bear! Haha, of course I have an impression. It was his sacrifice that moved me, otherwise I wouldn't have the idea of ​​escaping from the Marine research base."

"Is there no way for him to recover? Since you have a way to annihilate his consciousness, did you leave any behind-the-scenes? After all, he is also an important cadre of the Revolutionary Army!"

Yake is very sorry for what happened to the bear. The fruit of the bear has been developed to an extremely deep level, and it is a rare special combat power. Yake needs his strength.

"Well... there is indeed a chance, as long as you find his body and plug this in."

Vegapunk took out another black hard drive-like thing, and Yake's eyes lit up.

"Does this contain the consciousness of a bear?"

"No, this can activate his self-awareness, but it will take some time to recover. Now the bear should carry out his final mission with the pirate!"

Vegapunk handed over the black hard drive to Yake without any regrets.

"Hmph, thank you, Mr. Vegapunk, you have really helped me a lot, you should familiarize yourself with this place first! I won't bother you."

Yake saw that Vegapunk couldn't wait to enter the research state, so he turned and left with interest.

As soon as he went out, Yake found that Drago and Sabo were waiting for him outside the door.

"Your Excellency Yake, Dr. Vegapunk will study with you for the time being, I don't know..."

Dorag wants to talk to Vegapunk himself, but this is Yake's territory, so he has to say hello to the master anyway.

"Dorag, Vegapunk is currently researching, don't worry, there are many opportunities to meet, by the way, the bear is saved."

Sabo looked at Yake excitedly: "Bear? Is it Mr. Bear?"

"That's right, after a while, when he finishes his mission, I'll go and bring him back!"

Yake showed a smile, two years are almost here...

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