Nine Snake Island.

"Honey, you did a great job!"

Hancock shouted excitedly when he read the content reported in the newspaper, his delicate and boneless body pressed tightly against Yake's chest.

The contents of the newspaper recorded the feats of Yake and Anna a few days ago, which caused a great shock in the world. This is definitely a huge blow to the reputation of Celestial Dragons!

"Twenty-three Celestial Dragons died. People in the world finally know that the descendants of the so-called creator are no different from them. They will die and get injured. This is the biggest effect of killing Celestial Dragons."

Yake stroked Hancock's smooth back and said lightly, killing the Celestial Dragons in Sabaody did not cause much repercussions, and subsequent reports were suppressed by the World government.

"By the way, my dear, I want to choose some of the slaves you rescued to join our Amazon kingdom, do you think it's okay?"

Hancock leaned on Yake's back and murmured that these slaves reminded her of her own experiences.


Yake pretended to be angry, and slapped Hancock's butt with his big hand, causing waves.


"Look at what you said. We are one. The experience of female slaves is even more tragic. Some even have phobias towards men. It's good to send them to you."

"Yeah, honey, I was wrong, can you give me a chance to make up for it?"

Hancock's big misty eyes looked at Yake coquettishly, and his smooth thighs rubbed lightly on Yake's body.


Yake's hairs stand on end at once, Hancock is really good at it!

"Bold snake demon, I want you to help me practice!"

"Sit up and move yourself!"

Yake lay on the bed with his hands open, presenting a "wooden" shape.

Hancock gave Yake a white look, and lowered his head.


After paying the public rations, Jacques stood in front of the palace with Hancock in his arms to enjoy the scenery.


"Hi, I'm Yake, what's the matter?"

Yake took out the phone bug, and at a glance, he knew it was Vegapunk. Yake couldn't complain about this messy hairstyle.

"The bear has woken up, and he wants to see you."

"Really? Great! I'll be right there!"

Yake's face brightened. Unexpectedly, the bear had regained consciousness in just a week. Vegapunk still has something!

"Hancock, you come with me..."

Yake tied Hancock's hair behind her ear and looked into Hancock's eyes.


Naturally, Hancock would not be absolute with Yake, and obediently lay on Yake's shoulder, allowing Yake to take her off.

Baibaihai, the research base.

Xiong stood upright by the wall. Although he had regained consciousness, his mind was in a mess. Vegapunk helped Xiong check his body and test his body functions with an instrument.

"Well, it doesn't seem to have any effect. Fortunately, your consciousness has not been asleep for a long time, otherwise even I would not be able to help you."

Vegapunk put away the instrument, there is no major problem with the bear's body, it just needs to get used to it for a while.

"Thank you, Mr. Vegapunk, I didn't expect so many things to happen after I lost consciousness. I still need a while to digest."

"Should be, but Yake is coming soon, he seems to need your ability."

"Mr. Yake? I see..."


"Knock knock!" "Come in!"

Yake walked into Vegapunk's research room with Hancock, who was a little bird, and saw the bear standing by the wall blankly, Yake smiled.

"Bear, congratulations on your rebirth!"

Bear looked down at Yake and got down on one knee.

"Thank you, Mr. Yake, for your rescue. If there is a need for me, I will do my best."

Yake waved his hand: "Hahaha, isn't it a coincidence, isn't it, I happen to have a place that needs your help, Hancock, come here."

Yake pulled Hancock to his side, and Hancock was a little shy, with a blush on his face.

"This is my fiancée - Boa·Hancock, one of the former Shichibukai, bear, you should know her."

Yake briefly introduced Hancock, and Hancock was the one who was most excited. This was the first time Yake disclosed her identity to the public, and her eyes on Yake became more and more fiery.

"Miss Boa Hancock, I have heard that I am Bartholomew Big Bear..."

Yake looked at Xiong expectantly: "Ahem, Xiong, it's like this, I remember you are a fleshy fruit ability user! Now you can develop to eject the fatigue and injuries of the human body out of the body, right?"

"That's right."

Xiong seldom talks. In fact, his ability has been awakened long ago, but he doesn't like to brag.

"Then can you try to eject the ability of Demon fruit power out of the body? I want to change Hancock's ability, so..."


"I can try it, but I can't guarantee it will work."

Xiong secretly clicked his tongue in his heart, Mr. Yake's brain hole is simply too strong, this is a road that has never been imagined! Although he is not absolutely sure, he believes in his ability.

"Well, try it, don't put too much pressure..."

Yake expressed his understanding, and suddenly found that Hancock was pulling his pants, and couldn't help turning to look at Hancock.

"What's the matter? Hancock, don't you want to?"

A trace of entanglement flashed in Hancock's eyes, and he whispered: "Yake, I am afraid that after losing the sweet fruit, I will not be the most beautiful woman in the world, I am afraid..."

Before Hancock finished speaking, Yake sealed Hancock's mouth, and after a long time, he separated, pulled out a silver thread, and closed his eyes fiercely, while Vegapunk looked at the two with interest.

"Hancock, don't be afraid, you are a natural beauty, don't worry, no matter what you become, my love for you will never change."


Hancock should agree, Jacques thinks so.

"Bear, come and try!"

Xiong slowly opened his eyes, and gracefully took off his gloves, revealing his lovely pink flesh pads.

"Offended, Miss Hancock..."

The bear walks up to Hancock, and the pink pads aim at Hancock.

Yake's eyes were fixed on the bear's pad, for fear of missing any details.


However nothing happened.


Yake: ...



"Uh, I'm sorry Lord Yake, I can't do it, the energy of Devil Fruit is in every corner of her body, and there is no way to pop it out alone."

Xiong said with a guilty face, a little embarrassed that he failed to help Yake.

"No need to apologize, Mr. Xiong, let me think again..."

Yake was still a little disappointed, but it was not the bear's fault.

Under normal conditions, there is no way, so what is abnormal?

Yake opened the door to the New World!

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