Yake stood outside the door looking at the scenery, and Robin Reiju stood beside Yake on the left and right.

"The plants here are quite interesting. Is that a grape? It's a big one!"

Robin pointed to a bunch of dark purple round fruits on the tree and said, seeing Yake's interested look, he used his ability to pick a few.

"Captain, do you want to try it? It should be edible!"

Robin tore a piece of skin from the fruit, and the plump lavender juice overflowed, exuding a sweet smell. Robin did the same and handed the other to Reiju.

"Thank you, Sister Robin!" "Yeah~"

Yake has already opened his mouth, sucking the pulp and juice in the fruit: "Ah, it's really good, this fruit is very interesting, I wonder if it can be transplanted to the Kingdom of God in the Sky!"

Reiju nodded in agreement, her food was more elegant than Yake, Robin chuckled and said: "Captain, I think Zou is already in your pocket!"

Yake gave a thumbs up: "Robin, you really understand me!"


The door behind Yake opened, and Anna, who still had tears in her eyes, came out with her parents.

"He is Yake, my captain, this is sister Reiju, this is sister Robin!"

"This is my parents!"

Anna's parents nodded to Yake to thank them. Just now they learned from Anna that Yake saved Anna back then, otherwise they might never see Anna again.

"Mr. Yake, I'm Andy, and this is my wife Tina. Thank you for taking care of Anna, a naughty child. I'm sorry for causing you trouble!"

Anna's father, Andy, bowed 90° to express his thanks to Yake. Anna glanced at his father when he said that he was mischievous. This scene was seen by Robin, and he couldn't help smiling.

"This is what it should be. Anna has also helped us a lot. Now she is a child who can stand on her own. We can no longer look at her from the previous perspective. Our pirates are all supported by her cooking. !Ha ha!"

Yake scratched Anna's chin and said what was in his heart. Everyone has seen Anna's growth in the past few years. Her cooking skills, combat power, and even her cultural level have all improved significantly!

"Hehehe~ I think you should stop praising Anna, her tail is almost up to the sky!" Anna's mother, Tina, touched Anna's head. It was obvious that Yake's words were very helpful. Anna can achieve such an achievement already It exceeded their expectations.

"Master Yake, Ms. Robin, Ms. Reiju, why don't you stay here for a few days! Let us treat you well."

"No problem, I just plan to live here for a few days."

Yake nodded and agreed, it would be fine to stay for a day or two, it mainly depends on Luo's progress in Dressrosa.

"Bang bang~ bang bang!"

"Huchi, Huchi, Master Yake, Miss Anna, the old Duke Yamato Inuarashi wants to invite you to the banquet, please come!"

The little rabbit Garrett ran over panting and said, holding his knees and panting non-stop, at least ran a few miles.

Yake bowed his head and pondered for a while: "Well, okay, I happen to have something to tell them."

Originally, Mobamushi and Inuarashi were deadly enemies, but because of Yake's appearance, Zou's crisis was resolved, and they coexisted peacefully for the time being, at least until Yake left.

A group of people followed Garrett through the Whale Forest again, and came to the inner city area. It was already in full swing, and the atmosphere of the banquet was gradually rising. The most conspicuous ones were the cat vipers and Inuarashi in the crowd.

"Meow meow~ Your Excellency Yake is really extraordinary."

The cat viper was holding a cigarette butt, meowing and laughing.

Yake had to look up to see the face of the cat viper. Compared with Anna's petite body, the cat viper can be called a giant fat cat, with a height of nearly five meters. Natural enemies.

"Haha, it's ridiculous, it's just a matter of convenience."

Yake waved his hand, complimenting him enough.

"Hahaha, come on, let's make a toast to Zou's benefactor first!!!"

Inuarashi raised his wine glass, pushing the atmosphere to a climax!


After the banquet, the scene gradually became deserted. The fur people who attended the banquet either lay down on the spot or went home to sleep. Robin Reiju went back to the boat to sleep. Only in a familiar place could they sleep peacefully.

Yake, Mamushi, and Inuarashi were sleepless, and the three stood at the top of the Whale Forest.

"Your Excellency Yake, if you have anything to say, just say it!"

"Meow, meow, I hate Inuarashi, but I agree with him!"

Yake pointed to the moon in the sky and said, "You are the retainers of Kozuki Oden!"

After Yake finished speaking, the scene suddenly calmed down. Cats and dogs looked at Yake in shock, wondering how he would know this past event.

"How did Lord Yake know! We are indeed Lord Oden's retainers, and the warrior Jack is looking for - Lei Zang is also one of the retainers."

Inulan and Maomushi looked at each other, they didn't hide the truth, they said it honestly.

"It's ridiculous. As Zou, there are actually two kings, and both kings are other people's retainers, the king of the day and the king of the night. Hehe, what an irony!"

Cat Viper stepped forward and pointed at Yake: "You! So what? Zou and the people of Wanokuni are brothers!"

"Brother? You sacrificed so many people for one person? This is a brother? If I don't come, maybe Zou will be destroyed by Jack. Are all the people of the fur tribe willing to sacrifice for some shit Oden's retainers?"

Yake's words were merciless. These two people had some connections with him. After all, they had stayed on Roger's boat for a while, and their father Rayleigh also knew them, but Yake was not going to give them face.

"Shut up! You are not allowed to insult Master Oden!!!"

Inulan and Maomushi are in a hurry, but it wasn't because Yake saved Zou today, they might have turned their faces on the spot!

Yake shook his head, feeling rather regretful: "Tsk tsk tsk~ You are so loyal! Tell you the truth! Oden's son Momonosuke will come here in a few days, and I will kill him then."

"You guys, do you have any comments?"

Yake turned around and faced the cat and dog with a smile, and the atmosphere was tense.

Inulan remained silent. He knew in his heart that neither of them was a match for Yake, but he still couldn't hold back when he heard Momonosuke's name. Momonosuke is one of Oden's bloodlines left in the world. He, can't die !

The more irritable cat viper exploded on the spot, and directly picked up its sharp claws to attack Yake, and the unique thunder and lightning of the fur clan wrapped around its huge sharp claws.

"Hehe, play thunder in front of me, I don't think you know how to write the word dead!"

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