ten years later.

Sabaody Archipelago, Shakky's rip-off BAR.

Yake was cleaning the tavern, and Shakky, who had hardly changed, was smoking a cigarette at the bar and reading the newspaper.

After being rescued by Shakky and Rayleigh, Yake captured Shakky's heart with the child's innocent and lovely face, so Shakky adopted Yake as his adopted son. As for Rayleigh, Yake usually called him Dad.

"Mom, is there anything fun to do today?" After cleaning, Yake sat on the bar counter boredly playing with a ball of lightning in his hand, kneading it into various shapes.

Today, Yake has turned 18 years old, with a height of 2.15 meters, a body full of tendons, and his skin has become fair and smooth. Putting it in Blue Star, he is at least a handsome guy at the level of Wu Yanzu. After ten years of teaching and training by Rayleigh, a professional mentor and father, it is no exaggeration to say that Yake, who has the ability of Thunder Fruit, already has the confidence to gallop in this sea.

If you want to become a strong man standing on the peak of this sea, a strong physique is fundamental. It is precisely because Yake deeply understands this that he has developed the ability to temper the body with lightning, which can not only continuously improve his physique, strengthen his muscles, It also allows every cell in the body to undergo a qualitative change, providing Yake with inexhaustible physical strength.

In addition to his strong physique, Yake mastered Conqueror's Haki at only eighteen years old. The Observation Haki with a larger scope than Enel in the original book, the Armament Haki that can be wound freely and can be destroyed internally, and even the Conqueror's Haki, which only one person in a million can awaken, Yake also awakened by accident.

As for the development of Devil Fruit, Rayleigh can't teach too much, and the development is all based on Yake's powerful brain, which gave Rayleigh a lot of small frights.

"Ah, does little Yake want to go to sea? It seems that you can't wait any longer!" Shakky looked at this adopted son whom he had raised for ten years, and he already regarded him as his own. Yake has already formed his own three views, otherwise he will really be spoiled by Shakky.

"Mom, it's obviously what you said, okay? I can go to sea at the age of eighteen, you are not allowed to go back on it!" Yake rolled his eyes and said angrily.

"Hahaha, of course not, when are you going to leave, I will pack your luggage for you." Shakky smiled slightly, she would naturally expect such a day, but Yuzu was away, so the old mother could not help but worry.

"No need, mom, I have money, I want to go to sea by myself and form my own pirate group!" Yake waved his hand, indicating that he didn't need it.

"You have your own ideas since you were a child, you can take these." Shakky took out a few permanent pointers from the drawer and put them on the table.

"Mom, I'm ready to make a big news and let the whole world know of my existence!! Don't be too surprised when the time comes!" Yake grinned, as if he was already ready.

"Okay, then I'll wait for your good news, why don't you say goodbye to Rayleigh?" Shakky sighed, already used to Yake's virtue.

"No, I've already told my dad, I'm leaving, mom!" Yake put all the pointers into his pockets, turned into electric particles and disappeared on the spot.

"The child has grown up, I can't keep it anymore..." Lighting the cigarette, Shakky's eyes shed tears unconsciously, but they were quickly wiped away.

It is now Sea Circle Calendar 1517, Ace is 17 years old, and he just went out to sea to make a living in the sea. Luffy is 14 years old and is still staying in Windmill Village, preparing to go to sea. Calculating the time, Yake and Ace came out of the mountain in the same year.

After Yake disappeared in Shakky's ripping off BAR, he came to the No. 1 island of Sabaody Archipelago, which is a gathering place for human trafficking shops, human auctions, illegal areas and other places. In Yake's knowledge and color perception, the place where Yake feels the most disgusting, the darkness of the whole world seems to gather here.

When Yake was twelve years old, when he was tricked by Rayleigh to sell himself for the first time, Yake, who put on an explosive collar, awakened Conqueror's Haki in the auction house. According to Rayleigh's recollection, many ladies and even Celestial Dragons scrambled to bid for Yake's beauty and cuteness. At that time, Yake's eyes flashed with uncontrollable anger, and Conqueror's Haki broke out on the spot, stunned the whole audience. island people. It is precisely because of this that Rayleigh made up his mind to teach Yake well.

Although Conqueror's Haki was awakened here, Yake didn't have the slightest gratitude for this place. Instead, he often reminded himself not to impulsively destroy this place, so as not to cause trouble for Shakky and Rayleigh, but today is different.

However, the main purpose of Yake today is not this place. The real source of evil is the so-called Celestial Dragons. Without Celestial Dragons, the human trade would not be so rampant.

Yake disguised himself as a guest and walked into the population auction. Today's gimmick is the catwoman of the fur family, and the key words on the leaflet are written like this.

Yake took a cursory glance at today's auction items. Most of them were slaves. There was nothing Yake was interested in. Of course, the finale was the catwoman of the fur clan. Yake closed his eyes and rested in his seat, waiting for today's important person to appear.

"Welcome the distinguished nobleman of the world, St. Charles Rose, to our auction site..." the master of ceremonies exaggeratedly explained, his tone full of flattery.

Wearing a transparent glass cover with a snot in his nose, Charros rode his human slave to the auction site, surrounded by a few vicious bodyguards in black, and walked to the VIP seat in style.

"Let's get started, I want that catwoman to be my slave, Shalulia will definitely envy me. Don't make me wait too long!" Charles Rose said impatiently, sniffing his nose.

The master of ceremonies quickly nodded and bowed in agreement, and ordered his subordinates to start the auction immediately. The first one to play was the male pirate, with many scars on his body and gray eyes, as if he had become a puppet who had lost his will.

"No matter how many times I see it, the scum of Celestial Dragons still makes me feel extremely disgusted." Yake made no secret of his disgust for Celestial Dragons, thinking that he would let the garbage of Charlos shine for a while. After all, it is a key figure in Yake's planning incident.

As the auction progressed, it was finally the turn of the finale, the fur-tribe catwoman. Yake opened his eyes wide and saw that a white cat-eared girl was staying in the cage pitifully, with tears on her face, and the clothes on her body were in tatters. Their blood pulsed, their nostrils were panting heavily, and their red eyes looked extra crazy.

"I offer 10 million Baileys, I want to ravage her well, make her a specimen and hang it on the wall hahaha." A noble-looking old man yelled crazily, completely forgetting that the Celestial Dragons were there.

Celestial Dragons Charlos was furious. After waiting for so long, someone dared to snatch him.

"Damn bastard, Catwoman is mine, go to hell!" He took out a pistol and shot at the old man on the spot, killing several innocent nobles before he could shoot down the old man.

The auction site was already in chaos, screaming and crying, and the remaining nobles scrambled to escape from the auction site.

"20 million Baileys, I want this Catwoman, take her away." Charl Rose proudly handed the gun to his subordinates, and walked towards Catwoman eagerly.

"Hehe, rubbish like Celestial Dragons shouldn't exist in this world, Universal Pull." Yake said in a calm voice, with monstrous anger hidden under the calm appearance. Stretching out his left hand, Charlos' body flew in the direction of Yake involuntarily.

When Charros flew over, Yake grabbed its neck tightly, crushed the glass cover by the way, and lifted it high. Charlos kept struggling, beating Yake's body trying to let Yake Ke stopped.

"Call Marine, let Marine rescue their...master, otherwise, this trash will really die." Yake said to the bodyguard of Celestial Dragons with a face full of sarcasm, and Celestial Dragons in his hand had already fallen into a coma , unable to struggle.

"You are so brave, let go of St. Charles Ross, or you will die without a burial!" A black-clothed bodyguard shouted in horror, and the other bodyguards had already pulled out their phone bugs, looking anxious.

"Don't be nervous, it's a good show, it's starting..." Yake showed a meaningful smile.

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