Crust Tower.

"Wow wow wow ~"

Shirahoshi has sensed the malice from outside the tower and is crying loudly. The current Shirahoshi is only a little girl about 11 years old, although she is already quite big.

"Shirahoshi, don't cry, I've already found someone to help you, you will never be harassed by Vanderdyken IX again." Neptune comforted Shirahoshi in a hurry, but still couldn't stop the bucket-sized tears Drops splashed to the ground.

"Crybaby, stop crying, be quiet for a while, and you will be free soon." Yake pinched his brows in distress, the crying was too loud, which made people a little upset, and there was no way to concentrate on starting the Observation Haki search The position of Van der Dyken IX.

crying louder....

"I'm sorry, my tone was not very good just now. Miss Shirahoshi, I'm here to help you fight the bad guys. Can you save your tears first and cry later?" Yake came to Shirahoshi's side and comforted him softly.

"Really, really? Will you help me fight... the bad guys?" Shirahoshi was a little quieter, but still with tears, as if he would cry at the slightest sign of trouble.

"You're so cute, how could I be willing to lie to you? You wait." Seeing that Shirahoshi's mood had stabilized, Yake immediately activated his knowledge perception.

The color of knowledge continued to expand, and the voices of all the murlocs on The fish men island were transmitted to Yake's perception. Yake quickly screened and found no trace of Van der Daken IX in The fish men island.

There is no way, and the knowledge is expanded again, and finally, an abnormality is found not far from The fish men island.

Flying Dutchman, Van der Daken IX just used his ability to throw a spinning axe.

"Captain, you threw it in the wrong direction..." the bald sea monster said in a low voice.

"Shut up, Captain, my attack will never fail!!" Vander Daken IX, who looked wretched and strange, roared. He always thought that he and the Murloc princess were really in love, even though she was only six years old. age.

I really envy him, he looks so ugly, but he is so confident.

"I found you!" Yake smiled, raised his hand and fired a huge ball of electricity into the sky.

"God's punishment!"

Outside the fishmen island.

"Captain, what's that?" The bald sea monster noticed a blue-white ball about the size of his head approaching quickly.

"No, it's coming towards us, hurry up and escape with the boat!" Seeing that the object was obviously coming towards their ship, Vander Daken IX hurriedly asked the sea monster to pull the boat away.

However, the Thunderball went straight up when it was about to collide with the Flying Dutchman.

"Isn't the target us?" Van der Dyken IX wiped his cold sweat.

The next moment, the huge and dazzling thunderbolt engulfed the Flying Dutchman and turned into dust in the sea. The high-voltage current also stunned the bald sea monster pulling the boat ahead, and the legend of the Flying Dutchman ended.

Yake's knowledge color continued to stare at this area for about ten minutes, and after confirming that there was no one alive except for sea monsters, he turned off his knowledge color perception, and the thunderbolt group on his right hand that was about to make up the knife also dissipated.

As for the other uses of the bald sea monster, let it live, what's the fight with a fool.

Yake clapped his hands and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, Van der Dyken IX will never bother you again, little Shirahoshi."

Neptune said in disbelief, "Could it be that group of lightning?"

Yake nodded and pointed to the hard shell tower.

"This can be dismantled, if you are not at ease, leave it for a few more days!"


Today's Dragon Palace City is extremely lively. In addition to the royal family attending the banquet, Shirahoshi, the mermaid princess who has lived in the hard shell tower for nearly six years, finally freed herself from the threat of King Van der Daken IX and participated in the banquet as Seven Warlords of the Sea Jinbei also came to the banquet.

"Your Excellency Yake, you have always remembered the kindness of The Fish Men Island, old man. I have always wanted to solve the problem of Vander Daken IX. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find his whereabouts, so I just gave up."

"In the future, if you need help from this old man, please feel free to ask, and this old man will definitely help you!"

Jinbei first expressed his gratitude to Yake for his actions.

"However, how do you explain that Your Excellency took the lives of Hody Jones and his party for no reason? Although they hate human beings, the sin..."

"Wait!" Yake Exit interrupted Jinbei.

"Hody Jones killed Princess Otto, don't you know? He said it himself, your soldiers heard it too!" Yake pointed to the guard next to him.

"I'm very sorry Lord Yake, before we could notify King Neptune, King VanderDayken IX attacked Princess Shirahoshi, so..." the murloc soldier said profusely, his heart full of panic.

"Forget it, that's the way it is. I blamed Lord Yake wrongly." Jinbei said he wanted to bow and apologize to Yake, but Yake stopped him.

"Okay, Brother Jinbei, you don't know about it. If you have to apologize, help me collect the text of the history, and rubbings are also fine." Yake said indifferently, Jinbei is a hero, and he is worthy of being called Hai Xia Jinbei will definitely give him a rubbing copy after he finds the historical text in the future, and will not hand it over to the aunt directly.

This will save Yake from searching all over the world.

"Well, don't worry, the old man will definitely help you pay attention." Jinbei said with a serious face.

Several people in Reiju whispered together around Shirahoshi. The understanding Reiju saw Shirahoshi's discomfort at a glance. The lovely mermaid princess blended into the atmosphere as soon as possible.

After the banquet was over and the host and guests had a good time, Yake and others also followed Neptune to the location of the historical text of The fish men island - Sea Forest.

This is a huge coral forest, and it is also the cemetery of Shirahoshi's mother, Princess Otohime.

In the depths of the sea forest, there is a huge and simple stone tablet.

"Sure enough, it's really a historical text." Robin's eyes were all attracted by the stele in front of him, and he ran to the stele on his own.

"Joey Boy? Who is he apologizing to?"

Neptune's eyes widened just like Cobra, the king of Alabasta.

"Can you read the text?"

Robin clasped his hands and said openly: "Yes, I am a survivor of Ohara. My purpose of living in this world is to pursue the truth of history!"

"Hey~ If that's the case, then I'll tell you!" Neptune said with a sigh, looking in the direction of Princess Otohime's tomb.

"This article is Joy Boy's letter of apology, written to the mermaid princess at the time."

"Joey Boy is a real person in the blank hundred years. He didn't abide by the agreement with the mermaid princess, so he left this letter of apology."

"What agreement?" Robin pressed.

"I don't know the specifics, but one day there will be someone who will fulfill the promise instead of Joey Boy. This is also a legend passed down from generation to generation in our royal family..."

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