Pirates: The Beginning Makes The World Feel The Pain

217. Leaflets Flying All Over The Sky

Luffy was sent to Angel Island to recover from his injuries, and Chopper has been taking care of him.

Fractures all over the body, coupled with great psychological trauma, Dr. Chopper said that it can still be rescued.

Yake took Brook away to try his abilities.

"This is Hancock, my wife."

Yake put his arms around Hancock and introduced to Brook. Brook was stunned when he saw Hancock, his body trembling uncontrollably.

"Please, can you... ahhh~"

Yake didn't wait for Brook to finish speaking and punched Brook directly on the head, almost sending Brook away. Brook felt wronged because he didn't say anything.

"Yake, who is this? It looks so disgusting..."

Hancock unabashedly expressed his feelings for Brook. Brook lying on the ground felt his heart was stabbed again, ah, he has no heart.

Yake kissed Hancock lightly on the cheek, and said in his ear: "Hancock, you created a creature, and I want to see if his ability can kill souls."


Hancock blushed after being attacked by Yake, and raised his hand to give life to a big tree. Without exception, the big tree grew a humanized face, and then became Hancock's licking dog.

"My Lady Queen, My Lady Queen! I am your most loyal servant!!"

Yake yelled impatiently at the big tree, "Shut up!", the Homiz made by Hancock is very strong, but it is too noisy.

"Okay... wait, who are you fighting! Laozi won't shut up!"

When Dashu saw that Yake dared to order him, he was immediately angry, and stared at Yake with big green eyes. He only recognized Hancock, and everyone else was rubbish.

"What? How dare you speak to Yake like that, Aijia will tear you apart!"

Hancock blew his hair. If Yake hadn't stopped him, he would have tore this Homiz to pieces.

"Brook, it's your turn, just use your abilities."

Yake stopped Hancock and turned to Brook, saying that although the big tree was very rude, its fate was to die, and Yake didn't want to argue with him.

"Oh, let me try!"

Brook stood up and slowly drew out the Death of Soul Sword hidden in the crutch.

"Song of Grabbing: Blowing Snow Slash!"

Brook passed through Homiz's body at an extremely fast speed, appeared behind the big tree, slowly put the sword back into the scabbard, and bowed to Yake: "You're making a fool of yourself..."

As soon as the words fell, the whole body of the big tree Homiz condensed into ice and shattered.

Yake couldn't see the soul, so he had to ask Hancock: "Hancock, do you feel anything?"

"The moment he drew his sword, Homiz's soul dissipated, and his ability seemed to restrain me..."

Hancock looked at Brook solemnly. The moment she drew the sword just now, she actually shuddered a little, like the cold air from the underworld, but soon this feeling disappeared without a trace.

"Well, I see, it seems that my guess is correct, all right, Brook, you can take a look around the island of Ascension, I have sent Laboon to the Grand Line."

"Laboon? La~ cloth!!!"

Hearing Laboon's name, Brook burst into tears, his voice became choked, and he ran towards the gate of heaven.

Hancock looked at the excited Brook with some doubts: "Laboon? Is he an important person?"

"Almost, they haven't seen each other for fifty years, they are the most important partners!"

Yake put Hancock in his arms and turned to leave. This is also a fulfillment of his little wish!


Marine headquarters.

Today is the day when the Revolutionary Army declares war on the World Government. In addition to countries around the world, Marine Base is also the top priority of the Revolutionary Army's propaganda, but in a somewhat special way.

send flyer!

The Revolutionary Army's declaration of war leaflets fell like snowflakes from the sky over Marine headquarters, bases, family quarters, etc. Thanks to Yake's pick-up of the Dorag war monster, it was possible to drop them accurately.

The Marines who were on duty or rested curiously looked at the leaflets of the Revolutionary Army, and soon most of the Marines knew the news.

Marshal's office.

"It's unreasonable, the revolutionary army is too courageous! This old man must find them all!"

Akainu suddenly patted the table, which means that the quality of Aokiji's table is better, otherwise Akainu couldn't help but toss.

But Aokiji can understand, because the content written on the leaflet pays attention to breaking the defense line of Marine soldiers.

"Shocked, Marine and the Revolutionary Army turned out to be a family!"

"We recognize the justice of Marine, but Marine also recognizes the darkness of World government!"

"Put on red clothes, we are comrades, we don't beat our own people!"


The title of the flyer is very eye-catching, and most Marines who received the flyer will continue to read it. With such a wide spread rate, it spread throughout the entire Marine system in just one day.

The implication of the flyer is nothing more than that Marine is an unawakened revolutionary army; Marine is not the enemy of the revolutionary army;

Except for Marine's high-level executives who have seen through the essence, most Marines believed this extremely deceptive propaganda, thinking that to practice justice, they should resist the World government and throw them into the trash can.

As a result, the supply of red clothes and dyes in the Marine was in short supply. Anyway, wearing red clothes on the day of the war was one of our own. Didn’t the leaflets say that if your own people don’t beat you...

The store at Marine headquarters is overcrowded, basically all Marine.

"Boss, do you still have any red ink?" "Leave me alone, I was the first to come, so I can share some with you when I buy it!"

The store owner is very heartbroken. The red ink is used less. If I knew it, I would buy a little more, but I can’t make so much Bailey. Alas~

"What are you all doing? How decent!"

The hawk Vice Admiral ghost spider walked into the store with a dark face and shouted at these Marine officers and soldiers.

"Report Ghost Spider Vice Admiral, we're just..."

"Shut up! Did I tell you to talk? Go back to your jobs!"

No way, who told him to be Vice Admiral, the Marine soldiers crowded in the store had to leave angrily.

After the people went to the building, the ghost spider said to the boss with a serious face: "Boss, do you have red cloth here? Red ink is also fine..."

Store owner:  …

At night, Akainu returned to his room and put the coat of justice on the hanger, but the hanger was empty, and he always felt as if he had forgotten something very important.

Akainu looked down at his clothes, and then, a roar came from the family area.

"Who! Stole Laozi's red suit!!!"

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