Yake's voice echoed over the square, and twenty war behemoths lined up.

The Marine officers and soldiers looked up at the sky, and a huge spaceship descended from the sky, docked in mid-air, and Yake continued to talk.

"Marines, wake up! Be a participant in history, not a bystander! Not yesterday, not tomorrow, just today, just now!!!"

As soon as Yake finished speaking, the hatches of twenty war behemoths opened and stopped in an open place, waiting for Marine to join.

A Marine took off his righteous coat, revealing the bright red underwear inside, strutted into the war monster under the envious eyes of others, and became a member of the rebellion against the World government.

Obviously, this is the lucky one who grabbed the red ink, and most Marine soldiers have at most a little red on their bodies.

Someone takes the lead and there is a second one. More and more Marine soldiers enter the war beast, and the internal revolutionary army and Sky God Kingdom fighters also welcome the Marines who joined, and show them a brief understanding of the structure and operation of the spaceship. principle.

Aokiji couldn't help scratching his head when he saw fewer and fewer Marine soldiers. He didn't know whether to be happy or angry. Now that they were all gone, he didn't struggle and followed Yake directly.

About one-third of the Marine soldiers left in the square were mostly hawkish officers. They were still in a period of confusion, and Yake expressed his understanding.

All the elite Marines came, and there were not too many people, only about 5,000 people. Yake ordered the hatch to be closed and prepared to go to Mariejois.

Aokiji walked up to Yake with a cold-tempered woman and smiled wryly: "The new Ms. Marine Admiral Momousagi, she is the only Admiral who is willing to join the team against the World government."

"Hello, Mr. Yake, I have heard about you for a long time. You are not as vicious as the report said!"

Momousagi is also the former Marine Admiral candidate - Gion. She is a powerful swordsman. The sword in her hand is the supreme sharp sword - Jinpiluo. Her sharp sword intent can be felt from a long distance.

"Miss Momousagi, you are beautiful too, this is my wife Hancock and Reiju."

Yake greeted politely, and then greeted Aokiji. He didn't bring too many people with Mariejois this time. Most of the members of the Ark Pirates were preparing in the Kingdom of Sky God. The ones brought here are Bullet, Fujitora, Hancock and Reiju, as well as Brook who helped, and the one brought by Hancock, Margaret, or Daisy.

Red Line.

There are a large number of CP agents patrolling around, no surprises, CP is already a loyal lackey of the World government, and the special period plus the World Summit, the alert level has been stretched to full.

There are black bodyguards everywhere, and there is no sign of Celestial Dragons on the street, because they were grounded by the Five Elders, forced to be grounded, and it is strictly forbidden to sneak on the street.

It was suddenly dark, sirens sounded one after another, 20 war behemoths flew across the sky, electromagnetic artillery and gamma cannon concentrated bombing, and quickly eliminated Mariejois' defense force.

The weapons and physical skills of CP agents are useless against these steel giants, and they can only look at the sky anxiously.

"Go to the Holy Land to invite Lord Im!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, the Five Elders arranged for an old Whitebeard to go deep into the Holy Land without hesitation.

The other Five Elders looked at each other and rushed out of the palace one after another, attacking the war monster.

The Five Elders' combat power is at least Admiral level, and they still pose a great threat to the war beasts. Yake immediately ordered the war beasts to stop, and the soldiers were dispatched to sweep Mariejois.

Five Elders looked at Aokiji who came out to confront them, furious: "Aokiji, I didn't expect that you, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would betray you!"

"Hmph, I just made a righteous choice! This world will be better without you!"

"Frozen Time Capsule!"

Two blows of air-conditioning directly hit Five Elders' faces, and the four of them concentrated their attacks on Aokiji without hesitation. Traitors are the most hateful.

The forces on the Marine side saw the Marshal being besieged, so it was okay, and the Vice Admirals swarmed up, no need to talk about martial arts.

Yake said to Bullet beside him: "Bullet, start your performance!"


"Armor fusion!"

Bullet rushed into the sky with a roar, and the purple crystals quickly spread throughout Mariejois, avoiding the friendly forces precisely. Buildings, weapons, and metals are all absorbed by Bullet, and a towering monster appears in the center of Mariejois.


After absorbing all the weapons, Bullet resolutely canceled the fruit awakening. After all, there were too many friendly forces to use, so he could only follow Yake's request.

Proper tool man!

"Go to fight! Subvert this world! Change this world!"

"Sacrificing one's life for righteousness! Just today!!!"

Yake acted as the atmosphere group, constantly cheering up the soldiers participating in the battle, which was roughly equivalent to half of a person with the ability to inspire fruit. Yake wouldn't do anything until Im came out.

The battle was one-sided. Celestial Dragons' bodyguards and CP were retreating steadily. They were no match for the coalition forces. Everyone felt that victory was just around the corner.

At this time, a terrifying momentum came from the depths of the Holy Land. A 100-meter-high tsunami appeared out of thin air above the Holy Land. The sky turned dark immediately. The soldiers of the coalition forces looked at the huge waves in the sky in horror.

After Yake felt the aura deep in the Holy Land, he immediately became vigilant, looking around for the possible location of Im.

"Ice Age!"

Aokiji's body was icy cold, and the huge wave quickly froze, becoming threatening.

"Long live Marshal Aokiji!!!"

The confidence of the Marines has greatly increased, Frozen Fruit is the eternal god!

Aokiji said calmly: "Don't be distracted, we haven't won yet!"

A man in black robe broke through the ice and flew straight towards Aokiji.


Aokiji's pupils shrank, too fast for him to react.

"Empty Shock Jade Fragment!"

Yake's fist collided with Im's fist, and a strong momentum erupted, directly knocking Aokiji into the air, and fell to the ground with a swipe, turning into Wangwang crushed ice. It's nothing serious, Logia.

"You are strong, I can feel it! You are the leader! I have to say that your courage is commendable. In the past 800 years, apart from those remnants of D, you are the first one who can fight to the Holy Land. Yes, I appreciate it you."

Im wearing a mask, and his voice has no emotion at all, and Jacques doesn't know whether Im is a man or a woman now, after all, his body can be changed casually.

"Extremely rewarding...are you ready to die?"

"Hahahaha, death? What a distant word, young man, the world is far wider than you imagined, and you want to subvert this world? You are so naive, you can't imagine my power!"

"That's not necessarily true. People will die if they are killed. No one is immortal, and neither are you!"

Yake's aura suddenly exploded, black lightning and purple thunder surrounded his body, his eyes shot cold stars, and his eyebrows looked like paint.

Like the devil descending from the sky, he is really the Tai Sui God in the world!

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