Yakeha emitted a faint mist and appeared in front of Im in an instant.

Without the use of ability, pure physical strength has already shown the effect of teleportation, spanning kilometers in the blink of an eye.

Yake knew that this state would not last long, but he punched first and said after the punch.

At this time, Yake was like a tank full of agility, playing with Im in his fists, and Im was kicked around like a ball as if he was surrounded by five blind boys.

He was kicked away before landing, and the air waves and sonic booms formed by Yake trampling the air were everywhere in the sky.

Yake kicked Im into the sky with one kick, and appeared above Im in the next second, raising his right foot high.

"Die to my father!"

Yake dropped his right foot with a ferocious face. This was a powerful tomahawk-style slash. Im fell like a meteor in the center of the Mariejois square, deeply embedded in the pit, surrounded by dense cracks.

Yake panted heavily, feeling the strength gradually dissipating.

"Oops, I played too much, I forgot the time, I can't delay."

Yake took a deep breath and hammered his hands to the sky suddenly. With a burst of teeth creaking, white cracks appeared in the atmosphere.

"Thunder of the Void!"

Cracks appeared in the void, and the purple thunder rushed to the world from the cracks, rushing towards their masters.

Yake raised his right hand high, and the purple void thunder condensed in his right hand, slowly landing over Im.

"Maybe your life is long, but don't forget, Uzumaki's indestructible rock will eventually wear out under the scouring of time. Times will always change, and we are the masters of the new era!!!"

"You who are rotten, the ultimate fate is to dissipate..."

Yake holds the sword of the void in his hand, and a little bit of starlight shines down, shining like thunder.


"The time of death!"

Swinging the sword down, everyone saw the dazzling sword light in their eyes, and there was nothing else...

The dense clouds in the sky and Mariejois were all split in two under this sword light, and even the Red Line below had a gully thousands of meters deep.

As a swordsman, Momousagi has completely lost the ability to speak. The scene just now flashed back and forth in his mind, and suddenly felt that the swordsmanship he had practiced for many years was so ridiculous.

"This kind of power...is enough to kill a god, if there really is a god..."

"No, Yake is God!"

Hancock took up Drago's words, and his eyes full of love never left Yake's figure.

Yake's body returned to normal, and the shadows of the strong men began to dissipate and returned to their masters. Only then did everyone realize that the sky had been torn apart by the sword energy, and the sun was falling with the cracks.

Fortunately, the shadow has returned, so there is no need to fear the sun.

Yake grabbed Im's separated body from the cracks in the ground and threw them on both sides. It seemed that he was dead, but Yake knew that Im was not dead, and his soul was still alive.

"Jie Jie Jie~ I said it before, I am eternity!"

Im's voice came from all directions, and a faint phantom appeared in front of Yake, laughing wildly, as if mocking Yake's overreach.

"Oh~ I knew it! Hancock!"

Yake shook his head. He had done what he could, and it was up to Hancock and Brook.

Hancock brought Brook to Yake's side and nodded.

"It's all on you."

Yake sat down on the ground, enjoying it quietly and taking a rest.

Seeing that Yake asked these two people to come over to deal with him, Im couldn't help but mocked: "Give up? Huh, just rely on her? A woman? I really laughed to death."

"And that skeleton, is he here to be funny?"

"Aijia Boa·Hancock, dare to speak rudely, hehe, you will die miserably!"

Hancock stretched out her hands and made a series of gestures, and Im's soul watched with a mocking face, to see what she could do first.

The Soul Blade appeared in front of Hancock, disintegrating into souls one after another, swarming up and grabbing Im firmly.

"How is it possible! When did the soul soul fruit have such power!"

Im looked at Hancock with a horrified expression. He guessed that she might be a soul fruit capable user, but he didn't think she could control his soul, but the facts were often beyond expectations. Im panicked for the first time and struggled desperately.

Hancock didn't speak, but condensed the excess soul into a smaller soul blade and handed it to Brook.

"Use the cold air from the underworld to freeze him!"

Hancock said lightly, standing proudly behind Yake with his arms around him, a veritable woman behind Yake.

"Hehehe~ No problem!"

Brook held the Soul Blade in his hand, held a sword flower, and said to Im with a smile.

"Rest in peace Brook!"

"No, you can't kill me. If I really die, Uranus will go berserk! The whole world will be destroyed by it!"

Brook aimed the soul blade at Im, whose eyes were about to split open, and turned his head to look at Yake. After seeing Yake nod, he faintly read the name of the move he had just thought of.

"Song of Death·Death Slash!"

"You will regret this!!!"

Brook walked through Im's spirit body and took a few steps, and the soul blade dissipated.

Im's soul then dissipated, reduced to ashes.

Yake didn't speak, and continued to wait, and he was ready for Im not dead yet.

In the end, there was still no movement, the body and soul died one after another, and Im really died.

At this time, deep in the Red Line, a huge eye suddenly opened, revealing scarlet pupils...

"It seems that he is really dead!"

Yake waited for a long time without any movement, and let out a sigh of relief, but the next bigger challenge awaits everyone. Yake naturally paid attention to what Im said just now.

If what he said was true, then Yake would be facing an angry beast that lost its mind, and there would be no reason to speak of it.

Suddenly, the ground trembled, as if something was about to break through the ground, and everyone heard an angry roar.

Yake's complexion changed, this TM is too fast!

"Go! Everyone retreat! Uranus Uranus will wake up soon!"

Yake shouted loudly, and quickly took Hancock to run away. Now this place is no longer safe, and there is a high probability that it will become the first target of Uranus' attack.

Brook left alone: ​​Wrong payment after all...

However, seeing the ground that was getting harder to stand on, he quickly moved his legs to keep up with the large army.

If it weren't for well-trained, it would have been a mess long ago.

The surviving soldiers boarded the giant war beast one by one. Although they didn't know what was coming out, the oppressive feeling was suffocating.

"Speed ​​up! Return to the Kingdom of God in the Sky!"

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