After hearing what Drago said, Yake laughed.

"This world is like a puzzle, it is incomplete, each island is like a part of the puzzle, the Red Line isolates it, if they can be put together completely, it is the great secret treasure that Joey Boy said Bar!"

"If one day, the Red Line disappears, the four seas are unimpeded, and then the islands begin to attract each other and gradually become a whole, have you ever thought about what such a world would look like?"

Drago fell into deep thought. If it is true what Jacques said, the problems faced by the new government will be solved, and the speed of message transmission will be directly improved, and there is no need to worry about following in the footsteps of World government...

No, no, the world depicted by Yake is indeed beautiful, but it is impossible!

Dorag said with a wry smile: "Mr. Yake, the idea is good, but unfortunately it is impossible to realize unless there is a miracle."

"Mr. Dorag, your full name is Monkey D. Dorag!"

Drago's face froze: "That's right, what's wrong?"

"Do you know what the D stands for?"

Dorag naturally knew that Jacques had shown him the text of the history.

Dorag said in a deep voice: "Dreams and hopes..."

Yake flew into the sky, and an emotionless voice came: "I said, go to the sky!"

The next moment, Yake disappeared, and Drago and Aokiji looked at each other. After a while of trance, the two also came to the sky.

It is not so much the sky as it is the space. The blue planet is surrounded by endless deep space, and the Red Line is like two giant dragons isolating the planet.

"What's happening here!"

"Have we come to space?"

In the Pirate Universe, space is not a vacuum, you can breathe and talk freely. (It's a wild guess, otherwise Enel will survive after reaching the infinite land-moon.)

"Let's appreciate this planet one last time! What happens next will subvert your cognition!"

"This is the power of dreams!"

Yake crossed his hands and watched the blue planet quietly.

"I said, the Red Line will disappear and become the cornerstone of the world..."

"I say that the inhabited islands will join together to form complete continents..."

After Yake finished three sentences, the power of dreams was exhausted, and then the planet began to change.

The Red Line suddenly disappeared, turning into a red foundation, and then countless islands began to gather on this foundation.

The sky is moving and the mountains and seas are changing...

The complete continent appeared in front of the three of them. It was a continent similar to a giant dragon, surrounding the entire planet.

The continents became one piece, and the world became complete from then on!

Like a dream bubble, the three returned to Shenju, as if everything just now had never happened.

"Mr. Yake, just now..."

"Has the world really changed?"

Yake turned his head and smiled mysteriously: "Go and see for yourself soon and know?"

Drago and Aokiji couldn't hold on any longer, and left without looking back.


"What's going on? Why does it feel that something is different outside? It's really weird..."

A fisherman was puzzled, walked out the door, and suddenly froze.

His home is on the coast, and he can see the sea when he goes out. Now the sea is gone, replaced by a big city in the distance.

The fisherman rubbed his eyes, unable to believe what he saw.

This happens in various places, the islands are connected together in a silky way, which can only be said to be the power of dreams, and a complete continent appears in an extremely reasonable way...

After Drago left the Sky God Kingdom, he immediately called Sabo. Although Sabo was already busy, he still connected to Drago.

"Sabo, did something strange happen?"

"That's right, Mr. Dorag, the town mayors from all over the place suddenly sent a message saying..."

"What? Say it!"

Sabo couldn't explain clearly for a while, so he had to say: "The sea seems to have disappeared, the land has become bigger, and the extra places are people from other islands..."

"I see, don't panic, call the bear to pick me up!"

Drago knew that Sabo was very busy now, so he hung up the phone after speaking, waiting for the arrival of the bear.

"Oh~ I didn't expect it to be true. Is Mr. Yake really a god?"

"The world is going to change..."

Initial chaos was inevitable, but the current situation is more convenient for the central government to govern.

But Drago couldn't hide the smile on the corner of his mouth, this can be regarded as a kind of happy trouble!

Soon, pooh, the bear has come to Drago and left with Drago and Aokiji.

The Kingdom of God in the sky, the residence of God.

The members of the Ark Pirates have all gathered here, and they have vaguely guessed what Yake will do.

Yes, the goal of this pirate group at the beginning was to subvert the world. Now that this goal has been achieved, everyone should go back to their respective homes.

I just didn't expect this day to come so soon...

"Everyone, I'm very happy that everyone is gathered here today. I didn't expect that I would fulfill my dream in just a few years."

"We defeated the emperor of the sea, we found the truth of history, we overthrew the rule of Celestial Dragons, and we successfully overturned the world!"

"Now, it's time to say goodbye. Here, I announce..."

Yake took a deep breath and faced all the crew members.

Hancock, Reiju, Robin, Ana, Perona, Luo, Bebo, Fujitora, Fan Oka, Jinbei, Sand Crocodile....

Sweeping across their faces one by one, nostalgia flashed in their eyes.

"Ark Pirates, disbanded!!!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and Beibo burst into tears directly, touching tears with his hands while weeping.

Fujitora took the lead, walked up to Yake, and bowed deeply.

"Captain Yake, the old man has seen a lot with you. I am a homeless person, and it is enough to live in the Kingdom of God in the Sky..."

"Captain, I am the same, I have no home, this is my home!"

Perona, who has a very low sense of existence, yelled and said that she is the only female crew member who has no close relationship with Yake, and she only has scary dolls in her heart...

Some people want to stay, some people have decided to go, especially Jinbei and Sand Crocodile.

"The fork of fate has arrived, Captain, I want to pursue my own destiny!"

The room became noisy, and Yake stood up and cleared his throat.

"The wind also has a way back. No matter where you go, as long as you don't lose your nobility, the whole world will be open to you."

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