Army soldiers, Marine soldiers, Air Force soldiers, and Marine Marine Corps soldiers rose one after another.

Yake looked at Hammer's happy look and couldn't help but feel sorry for him. Pity him for being a big fool. He was sold and counted the money for others. Wouldn't it be good to honestly sell some low-end arms? Yu He Shengliang, Stark is a hurdle he will never be able to cross.

Yake felt a little bit, these soldiers can be controlled by the magnetic force, so he started to watch the show with peace of mind, at least he didn't have to worry about Peter being killed by unknown AOE.

"While this is revolutionary technology, real soldiers are still needed on the battlefield. Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to introduce to you the first prototype, the Total Threat Response Combat Armor, and its pilot, the Air Force Principal James Lord!"

Hammer gradually retreated, the center stage was lit up, and a silver iron man with a shoulder cannon slowly rose from the ground, and saluted the audience in the audience, followed by the steel soldiers and Hammer also started salute.

"Hammer Industries reports to American!"

At this time, there was an uproar in the auditorium, and the sound of propellers came from the air. Looking up, it was Iron Man who had replaced the new energy source. The reactor changed from the original circular shape to an inverted triangle, shining with incandescent light.

"Uncle Yake, I knew that Iron Man would definitely come! Teach him a lesson! Iron Man!"

Peter stood up from his seat and flaunted his power to Hammer, as if Iron Man was himself. Pepper next to him couldn't help showing a smile.

Tony landed on the stage and whispered to Rhodes. Jacques guessed that he wanted the people to evacuate. After all, Hammer was not the real controller of these steel soldiers, he was a clown.

Tony turned around and began to press Hammer for Ivan Vanke's location. Hammer naturally pretended to be completely ignorant, otherwise, wouldn't the previous pressure be for nothing?

After Ivan Vanke saw Iron Man from the perspective of War Machine, he showed a cruel smile, decisively manipulated the system of War Machine, and activated the shoulder cannon.

"Oh oh oh oh~"

Rhodes sensed something was wrong, and the shoulder cannon was aimed at Tony.

"Is it you?" "It's not me, it's not me! I can't move, the system is locked, damn it!"

"Go! The whole system is under his control!"

Rhodes shouted anxiously, and the weapons of the steel soldiers behind him also aimed at Tony one by one, without paying attention to the lives of the audience who came to visit the exhibition.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Tony immediately flew into the sky, and Ivan came for him!

The Iron Soldiers fired immediately, and the audience screamed one after another, and fell into chaos. People ran away like headless chickens. All the gentlemanly demeanor, all respect for the old and the young, go to hell, your own life is the last thing. important.

Rhodes and the Air Force soldiers had already chased Tony under the control of Ivan and flew into the sky. Other steel soldiers also started to move, preparing to leave the exhibition hall. Soldiers were trampled to death.

"Free America, what's the next sentence?"

Yake sat motionless like an old monk in meditation, and put his big hand on Peter's head to signal him not to be nervous.

"Uncle Yake, me, what should we do?"

Peter finally took off his Iron Man mask, shaking Yake's arm anxiously.

This scene was seen by the Black Widow. She had read Yake's information from Black Braised Egg and knew Yake's ability. Before she went to find Ivan Vanke's lair, she might ask Yake to help calm down the situation.

"Mr. Yake, I know your ability. On behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D., I ask you to stop this chaos and avoid more civilian casualties!"

Agent Romanoff deliberately undid a few buttons on his chest, revealing his white and tender skin.

"It's easy for me, but I'm not a member of the human race. What does it matter to me if they die?"

Seeing that the black widow tried to use moral kidnapping and seduction to prostitute him for nothing, Yake snorted, as long as I have no morals, you can't kidnap me, seduction? Forget it, after living for so many years, who knows how many men's bulls she has held with her little hand.

Natasha was at a loss for words suddenly, she didn't expect Jacques to not care at all, it seems that Fury misjudged him! Looking at the chaotic meeting place, Natasha gritted her teeth, since prostitution for free is not an option, she can only be lured.

"Mr. Yake, as long as you solve the chaos, you can ask for anything, uh...except for the Cosmic Rubik's Cube."

Yake smiled, and said that I am excited, mutual benefit is the best way to get along.

"Okay, if you ask, I will talk to Fury in person, as for these steel soldiers..."

"Planetary Devastation!"

Yake suddenly stretched out his right hand towards the outside of the venue. The black widow thought it was about to emit some light. After all, it was an alien, but nothing happened. She looked at Yake strangely.

Soon, the Black Widow knew she was wrong, and the iron soldiers she could see flew into the sky one after another, colliding together like countless bucky balls, and turned into a huge iron ball, Hammer Industries Countless metal materials flew out of the venue and gathered on the iron ball.

Peter was stunned. Unexpectedly, Uncle Yake, who only knew how to play games, was really a superhero. His little head was filled with countless questions, but his attention was already attracted by the giant iron ball outside. .

Romanov and Pepper were stunned, and they couldn't help covering their mouths.

Tony and Rhodes, who were chasing in the air, were a little confused when they saw the big iron ball. What's going on? However, Tony scanned Jake's figure in the venue, and Pepper was by his side, so he didn't feel strange for a short time, and he was much more relieved about Pepper's safety.


With the sigh of Little Pepper, Yake clenched his hands into fists, the iron ball made a sound of being overwhelmed, and then burst into flames with a bang, a violent explosion occurred, and the steel soldier had a self-destruct device in his body.

Pepper and the Black Widow saw the scattered fragments, and when they were worried that the falling fragments would harm civilians, all the fragments gathered again, turned into an iron ball again, and flew into a woods.

"Oh my god, Uncle Yake, are you a Jedi Knight? Did you use the Force just now? Just like Master Yoda..."

Peter looked at Yake's eyes changed, full of little stars, and his admiration for Yake suddenly surpassed that of Iron Man and the US team. Who would have thought that a superhero is his neighbor?

"Is there anything else you want?"

Yake saw the two standing in place with a wooden man, so he applauded anyway!

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