Yake smiled, since he dared to come, he didn't worry about how to go back.

"It doesn't matter, Asgard is pretty good, just treat it as a tourist."

Loki was completely desperate, but he couldn't just watch Thor destroy his plan. He struggled to stand up, holding a weapon and preparing to attack Thor.

"Forgive me, Jane!"

Thor smashed it down with a hammer, causing a violent explosion, the crystal burst, and the two flew out.

The Rainbow Bridge fell into the void with a creaking whine, and Jotunheim was finally spared.

Seeing that the two were about to fall into the void, Yake was unmoved, thinking that his father was coming to save his son, how could he destroy this warm scene!

"Father, I could have done it, I could destroy Jotunheim, for you! For us!"

Yake frowned. Loki seems to be Laufey's biological son. This wave is considered to have killed his biological father for his adoptive father. He deserves to be a dutiful son of Loki!

"No, Loki!"

Odin's words became the last straw that broke the camel's back. Loki's heart was completely dead, but everything he planned was not approved by his father. Only Loki knew the despair.

Loki let go of his hand expressionlessly, giving up hope.

"No! Loki!!!"

Thor yelled in despair, watching Loki fall into the void.

Odin took a deep breath, and pulled Thor up. Thor reluctantly looked at the void under his feet, hoping that it was just Loki's phantom, but in the end it was just hope, and Loki died.

Thor was silent, crossing Odin and Yak, he wanted to be alone.

"Who are you? A strong man from Earth."

Odin sighed looking at Thor's back, and stared at Yake with his arms folded with one eye.

"Yake, a person from another world, I'm here to negotiate a deal with you."

Odin looked at Yake meaningfully: "What do you want from me?"

"Ether Particles, and Ice Treasure Box."

Yake slowly stretched out his right hand, with purple lines all over his arm, the power gem was suspended in Yake's palm, Odin's pupils shrank, if he read correctly, only those who have fully mastered the power gem can drive power like an arm The ability of gems, obviously, Yake is such a person.

"It seems that I underestimated you, come here, kid, let's have a good talk."

Odin walked forward, and Yake followed him as he officially set foot on the land of Asgard.


"Are you collecting cosmic spirit stones?"

Yake said bluntly: "Yes, I want to collect them. My wife is still in another world. I want to take them all back."

Odin showed a look of reminiscence, and said after being silent for a while.

"I used to pursue the power of the cosmic spirit stones, and I was only one step away from collecting all six cosmic spirit stones, but I gave up in the end, kid, do you know why?"

Yake shook his head. Where would he know about Odin? He was even younger than Thor by how many years: "I don't know, please ask His Highness Odin to clarify."

"That was the last gem, the soul gem, but when I learned that it required sacrificing the person I love the most, I gave up, and suddenly realized that if you can even give up the person you love most for the sake of power, then the power you get is for what?"

"So, I gave up, and put all the gems I collected into every corner of the universe, leaving only the ether particles to store in the treasure house, so as not to be used by the dark elves."

Odin paused, remembering the power gem in Yake's hand just now.

"Since you can make the power gem surrender to you, your belief must have surpassed the power itself, and you will not become a puppet of power. I can give you the ether particle, but you must promise me one condition."

Yake smiled and said: "What conditions? Your Highness Odin, as long as I can do it."

"My time is running out. Ragnarok is coming soon. I hope you can help Thor. This is a father's request. What do you want?"

After a moment of silence, Yake said slowly: "Deal..."

"That's great, but I still have a question, why do you need the ice treasure box? It doesn't seem to be useful to you, does it?"

Odin thought that Yake seemed to want not only ether, but also the treasures of the frost giants. He was going to use the ice treasure box to make peace with the frost giants. If Yake had no better reason, he was not going to give this to Yake. .

"I really don't need it, but my wife does. You should be familiar with her identity. She is a disciple of Gu Yi. In my opinion, she is the future supreme mage."

Yake took out a brass-colored magic weapon that Robin gave her and stroked it gently.

Robin, who was far away on the earth, opened his eyes, and immediately opened the portal according to the location of the magic weapon in Yake's hand.

"Look, here she comes."

Yake smiled and looked at the sparks in front of him, and Robin walked out in the next second.

"Your Highness Odin, I'm Robin, Teacher Gu Yi wants me to say hello to you on her behalf."

Odin suddenly laughed: "Hahaha, it seems that I will not give you this ice treasure box. Miss Robin, please also send my greetings to Mage Ancient One! Maybe I will never see her again!"

Odin waved his hand, and a guard held a box and placed it in front of Yake, exuding a faint cold air, with ice blue light shining inside, the ice treasure box, released with all its strength, could even freeze everything in the Nine Realms.

"Yake, I'm going to the ice elemental dimension, it may take a while."

"Do you need my help?"

Robin shook his head: "If you can't get the recognition of the dimension with the power of others, I have to go alone, don't worry, Yake, look."

Robin made a complicated gesture, and the invisibility barrier of the Eye of Agamotto opened, which had been worn on Robin's chest. Following Robin's spell, the Eye of Agamotto opened, revealing the green time gem inside.

"The teacher has given me the time gem for safekeeping, but I can't give it to you for the time being, my dear, sorry."

Robin closed the Eye of Agamotto and said apologetically.

"It's okay, it's on your side."

Yake was relieved after seeing the time gem, and with Robin's wisdom, he would be able to easily solve any problems. Even Yake had never touched the power of time.

"Then I'm leaving, it won't be too long, I will come to Asgard to pick you up, boo!"

After giving Yake a kiss, Robin cast a spell to open the portal, and a world covered in ice and snow was at the other end. Holding the ice treasure box, Robin walked in without hesitation.

The portal disappeared, leaving only the faint scent of Robin's body in the air.

Odin, who was sitting on the throne watching the play, couldn't help but click his tongue. He didn't expect Gu Yi to value this disciple so much that he even gave her the Eye of Agamotto.

It seems that the next Supreme Master is her.

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