Not long after Li Yake died, his soul has not completely dissipated, and there is still salvation.

If you die for too long and your soul dissipates, Yake will have nothing to do. Although the power of the infinite gems is infinite, the premise is that all the collections are completed. Now that there is a lack of soul gems, Yake can't do anything.

Zhang Cheng watched Yake's actions intently. What does this man want to do? Won't...

"I owe you, wake up! Li Yake..."

The reporters around were gasping heavily in their nostrils. Could it be that they revived a person who had been declared dead? This is big news! With superpowers, resurrection of the dead, and other undisclosed abilities, this man is simply their god!

Li Yake's blood-stained body gradually became clean, returning to a normal appearance, and slowly opened his eyes.

"I, this is..."

Li Yake looked at everything in front of him in a daze, didn't he just meet a girlfriend? It was all lying in the body bag, and it was pulled away with a click.

Yake: ...

Yake shook his head, he had done what he had to do, and it was time to leave.

"Li Shiqing, goodbye, no, I should never see you again..."

Yake waved to Li Shiqing, and the blue-gray thick fog covered Yake and disappeared without a trace.

"Xiao Jiang, are we dreaming?"

Zhang Cheng rubbed his eyes, what happened just now was too outrageous, beyond his cognition.

"I don't know, I really, don't know..."

Several medical staff rushed to Li Yake's side, checked his body, and found that he had returned to normal, but fainted from too much excitement, and it would be fine to rest.

The next day, the whole world was overwhelmed by the news of "God Descends". There were pictures, truth, and videos. As we all know, videos cannot be faked, and everything is true.

Yake's arrival sparked countless discussions, and the details of the case were rediscovered. The motives of the driver Wang Xingde and his wife Tao Yinghong, as well as the death of Wang Mengmeng, and the power of the country are also following up.

After all, who knows if that person is watching silently?

The arrival of Yake has become a legend and a proof that the true God is alive. Countless people are looking for Yake. After all, being able to resurrect the dead is enough to make many people excited.

But Yake has already left that world, even that universe, and now Yake has returned to the Marvel universe, taking Mei and Peter on vacation.

After the Great War in New York, May didn't have to go to work, Peter's school was bombed, so he didn't have to go to school for a while, until the school was repaired...

"Don't worry, there is nothing interesting on the earth, so I can only take you to other universes to have fun, with me here, it's okay!"

Yake hugged Mei and comforted him, while Peter looked excited: "Uncle Yake, my God, can we really go to the universe? I want to see Master Yoda! Is it possible?"

Yake took a deep breath: "No..."

"Okay, everything is ready, Peter, take your Aunt May's hand."

A thick blue-gray fog enveloped the three of them. Walking through the dark corridor, Mei stared with bated breath, her heart was pounding, and she tightly held Yake's hand.

"Welcome to the new world!"

Yake shouted exaggeratedly, Peter's face gradually pulled down: "Uncle Yake, this seems to be a horror theme park, right? Nothing special?"

Peter looked at the gloomy and dark forest around him and felt a little disappointed, but Yake showed a mysterious smile. You will know later that this is not an ordinary forest. There are Dracula, Frankenstein, and werewolves here. ...

This place is a world that Jacques found by accident. It is very suitable for vacation, and it happens that he also happens to know the owner of the castle.

"Yake, I think this place is a little weird..."

Mei looked around in fear. The sound of the bat flapping its wings just now almost didn't frighten her. She had already "grown" on Yake's arm, and she didn't dare to let go.

"Don't worry, it's coming soon!"

As soon as Yake finished speaking, a beautiful classic car stopped in front of Yake and others. The person who came down was wearing a gorgeous suit, but it was a pumpkin head. Mei and Peter screamed in fright, and quickly hid behind Yake. .

"Mr. Yake, Dracula has been waiting for you for a long time, please get in the car!"

The pumpkin head driver made a gentleman's salute and invited them to get in the car. Jacques nodded and got into the classic car with May and Peter in his arms.

Mei looked at the luxurious decoration in the carriage and asked, "What the hell is this!"

Yake looked at Mei, and found that Peter was also looking at him expectantly, waiting for him to explain his confusion, cleared his throat, and Yake came slowly.

"This is a travel agency, I call it the Elf Hotel, the guests here are all... ghosts and the like, such as Dracula, werewolves, Bigfoot, zombies, etc., but don't be afraid, they are very Friendly, and they're afraid of humans."

Peter cheered loudly excitedly: "Really? It's so interesting, but we are all human! Then..."

Yake smiled and shook his head: "Don't worry, I have already turned you into ghosts, but you can't see it, or do you want to see yourself as a ghost?"

Mei hurriedly checked her body and found that nothing had changed, it was still the same, so she breathed a sigh of relief: "Forget it, I still like the way I am now."

Peter shouted excitedly: "Uncle Yake, I want to see me turn into a ghost, hurry up!!!"

Yake snapped his fingers, Peter's body became unreal, his face was pale, his legs were gone, and he became A Piao.

"Damn it, Peter, don't get on me!"

Seeing Peter's appearance, Mei backed down again and again in fright, not daring to look at Peter's appearance.

"Don't worry, it's just a hallucination. You are all like this to other ghosts."

Yake patted Mei on the shoulder to let her not be nervous.

"how about you?"

Yake laughed when he heard this: Hahaha, I am an alien, so you understand! "

The classic car was very fast, passed through the dark forest, and arrived at the destination in a short time.

"Let's go, get out of the car!"

Jacques walked out of the classic car with his arms around Mei's shoulders, and what came into view was a very old-looking castle with a medieval style and rampant ghosts.

"Oh my God! That's a snow monster! My god, that's a mummy! My God! It's amazing!"

A Piao Peter was flying around in the sky, and only after looking at the ground did he realize that he was flying and could pass through walls, and he was immediately overjoyed.

Walking into the revolving door, the room is full of demons and ghosts, villains in horror movies appear one by one, and Dracula in a black cloak walks up the stairs and shouts.

"Welcome to the Spirit Hotel!"

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