Time passed by every minute and every second, and the atmosphere became more and more oppressive.

Natasha and Clint huddled in the corner and did not dare to move. The thunder in the sky vividly interpreted Yake's inner restlessness at this time, and the Red Skull had long since disappeared.

"I have a hunch that this person is definitely more terrifying than Thanos..."

"Stop talking, there is movement."

Yake's clenched fist slowly loosened. Standing on the edge of the cliff and looking down, the orange light flickered. Yake suppressed the ecstasy in his heart. He knew what Hancock could do, but he didn't know why it took for so long.

The thunderclouds in the sky slowly dissipated, and Natasha and Clint gasped for breath, almost thinking they were going to die.

"How's it going, Hancock?"

Hancock rose slowly from the ground, holding an orange gemstone in his hand, and looked at Yake with a smile on his face.

"It's nothing. It's really cunning enough to want to devour my soul. Unfortunately, it's too tender. It's just a newly born ignorant soul. I've already killed it."

Hancock smiled like a flower, but what she said made Natasha and Clint shudder. This woman who was too beautiful turned out to be a cruel character. Natasha raised her heart. Their mission is to bring back the soul gem and save World, what now?

Although the lineups of both sides are one man and one woman, they have no winning percentage here.

"Great, Hancock, it's a good thing you're okay, what should I do if you die..."

Jacques and Hancock no matter what, Natasha and Clint seem to have become oversized humanoid light bulbs.

"Yake, wait, this is the gemstone you want, take it quickly! Isn't it the only thing missing?"

Hancock pushed Yake away, looked at him playfully, raised his right arm and sent the soul gem to him.

Natasha walked up to the two awkwardly: "Well, I'm sorry to bother you, I have something to say."

Only then did Hancock realize that the two civilians were still standing here, and immediately raised her proud head. With Natasha's height, she could only see her chin.

Yake probably knew what Natasha wanted to say in his heart. He just wanted the soul gem to save their universe, save the creatures in that universe, and even... fight against Thanos.

"Say it! For the sake of knowing you."

Natasha breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly said: "Our universe is different from yours. We have encountered an unprecedented crisis. 50 people on the earth disappeared because of a Thanos."

"In our universe, he destroyed all the Infinity Stones, so we came to this timeline and wanted to borrow the Soul Stone."

Yake nodded. They thought it was the timeline of their world. In fact, different timelines are different parallel universes.

"Don't worry, we will return the soul gem to you after we use it, we promise..."

"This is impossible."

Yake decisively rejected Natasha.

"But... I can go with you, the soul gem must be in my hands."

Natasha's mood can be described as ups and downs, can you speak without panting! But after thinking about it, this is not bad. With Yake's powerful combat power, their chances of winning will be higher, but new problems will follow.

"But, how do we take you to our timeline? We carry..." "Don't worry."

Yake pulled out one of Natasha's hair: "It will lead me to you, you go back first! I will come over later!"

Natasha stared intently at Yake's eyes, but the situation was pressing. It was a fact that they couldn't beat Yake, and they could only hope that Yake was a person who kept his promise.

"let's go!"

Natasha gritted her teeth, and pulled Clint to shrink rapidly until he disappeared without a trace in this universe.

"Let's go back too! Thank you, Hancock."

"It doesn't matter, for you, I am willing to do anything."

The yellow circle of light flickered for a while, the portal opened, and Yake walked in with Hancock.

"It seems to be a success!"

Robin nodded quietly when she saw the two returned intact. Standing beside her were Anna and Shirahoshi, each wearing their own Infinity Ring.

Yake looked at the soul gem in his palm and said: "It seems that we have all succeeded, but I have a small problem. I have to go to other universes and lend the soul gem to others."

"Do you need help?"

Yake looked at Robin and laughed: "Haha, maybe it will be needed, but I should be enough alone, Robin, please find the coordinates of their universe!"

Yake handed a wine-red hair to Robin, and Robin took it and began to use it to cast spells.

Here Clint and Natasha come back empty-handed.

"Have you got all the gems?"

"Can't believe we made it."

"We didn't get it, a powerful man said that the soul gem can only be guarded by the guardian, so..."

"But he said he would come to our world, he is very powerful, we dare not snatch him."

Natasha said with a heavy face, praying in her heart that Yake would come as soon as possible, otherwise they would really have nothing to do. The Pym particles they had were only enough for them to go back and forth once. If Yake didn't come, they really had no hope.

Stark took a deep breath, he knew it wasn't Natasha who lied to them, but they were powerless in this situation.

"It's okay, we can still find a way. Besides, didn't he say it back? I hope he can have fun with us."

Rhodes made an embarrassing joke, as if he wanted to ease the awkward atmosphere, but he didn't quite believe what he said.

A circle of sparks flickered in the air with difficulty, and Stark's pupils shrank. If he remembered correctly, it was Strange's signature skill. Could it be that he is back.

The portal opened, and Yake came out of the portal. The powerful aura made all the Avengers present stand ready. Their eyes could not help but look at Yake's palm, where an orange gemstone lay quietly.

Yake smiled and looked at everyone present: "Why are you so surprised?"

Stark whispered to Natasha: "This is the powerful man you mentioned? If he wasn't purple, I almost thought he was Thanos."

"Ahem, hello my friend, we are the Avengers of the region, I am Stark, welcome to come."

"I'm Banner." "Rod." "Clint." "Steve." "Rocket." …

Everyone has their own name, they are the Avengers who survived the snap of Thanos' fingers.

"Hahaha, I know, but you probably don't know me, my name is Yake."

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