Steve stared straight ahead, holding Thor's Hammer in his hand.

"Avengers, assemble..."

The human army behind swarmed up, Thanos was expressionless, but calmly waved his war blade forward, and the alien troops behind him also began to charge.


Yake was not in the mood to fight with miscellaneous soldiers, and jumped straight in front of Thanos.

"I have to say, I'm a little excited now, but you are just a training partner to me. Now, I'm going to get serious."

Yake had an unruly smile on his face, and a majestic thunder surged from his body, sweeping the world.

"Others call me the Mad Titan, but in my opinion, you are the real madman."

Thanos spun his war blade to block the escaping thunder, and said to Yake lightly.

"I have fought for so many years, and I have never mixed any personal emotions, so I am the same as you..."

Yake slightly adapted what Thanos said just now, and Thanos was a little helpless. What can he do when he meets a person like Yake? Pick up the war blade and cut it.

Thanos and Yake, you punched each other, and you stabbed me with each other. No one around the two dared to disturb the battle between them. If you are not careful, you may be affected by AOE damage. Of course, the main It's AOE damage from Ark.

"Is this all you can do? Thanos? Always say, I'm disappointed!"

Yake held the wolf's tail tightly with both hands and raised it high, and chopped it off towards Thanos' head.


Thanos raised his war blade to block the deadly attack, but Yake's tyrannical strength made Thanos kneel on one knee and smashed a deep hole in the ground.

"Ahh! Get out of here!"

Thanos forcefully pushed Yake's knife aside, and kicked Yake's chest. Unfortunately, Yake had already expected it, elementalized it in advance, and let Thanos kick in vain.

"What the hell are you!"

"Damn thing!!!"

Yake grabbed Thanos' thick right leg and threw him out, killing several soldiers. Yake scratched his head, as if hitting a strong man covered in tattoos. It seemed to be a friendly army. Alas, It doesn't matter, anyway, he is strong, so he should be fine.

After Thanos was beaten out, Yake was surrounded by endless soldiers. They threw themselves on Yake and bit him without fear of life and death, and then trembled from the electric shock, but it also made Yake very annoying.

"It's disgusting, I'm going to be angry, don't come here, I swear, you will end up miserable after I get angry."

But Yake also said nothing, the group of monster soldiers resolutely continued to pounce on Yake after a while, and soon drowned Yake.

"Enough! You all follow me to death!"

A thunderbolt with a diameter of ten meters descended from the sky, instantly turning the minions who were rushing towards Yake into ashes. Yake flew straight into the sky, raised his hands high, and triggered thunderclouds. The color of knowledge was fully opened, scanning the characteristics of the enemy and us, It is convenient for the map gun to lock the target.

Thanos glanced at Yake in the sky lightly, and turned his head to fight other superheroes. He was too tired to fight Yake. When he got the Infinity Gauntlet, Yake was just a matter of snapping his fingers.

"Captain, what about this terrible thing?"

"Take it as far away as possible!"

"No, we have to send it back to where it came from!"

"They can't go back, Thanos destroyed the quantum channel."

Ant-Man seemed to remember something, and hurriedly said: "Wait, we have other time machines." He took out a car key, pressed it, a bell rang, and a small broken car in the middle of the battlefield sent out a signal.

"Anyone see a brown van?"

"I saw it, but the place where it stopped is not very good! Besides, look at the sky, I think we should dodge it quickly!" The Valkyrie rode on a pegasus and looked at the abnormality in the sky in fear.


The Avengers who heard the news looked at the sky and couldn't help swallowing.

"Valter.. Law..."

At this time, there was no light in the sky except for thunder. Inky thunderclouds covered the entire sky, and countless lightnings could be vaguely seen swimming, and there were constant crackling sounds.

"Clint, what kind of monster did you bring from other universes? I think he is much more powerful than Thanos."

"I don't know, don't ask me, he left after throwing the Infinity Gauntlet to me, I thought he wouldn't come back..."

Yake looked at the rich thunder energy in the world and nodded with satisfaction, almost.

"Let's see it! The kingdom of thunder!"

"Wan Lei!!!"

There was a loud noise in the sky, as if the horn of attack had been sounded, and the thunder that had accumulated for a long time fell one after another, not one or two lightning bolts, but the doomsday thunder like a violent storm.

"Damn! Pay attention to defense!"

Strange summoned a shield and put it on top of his head to avoid being affected by lightning, but it was obviously superfluous. Yake is a man with a radar scan, and he will never accidentally injure friendly troops unless he flashes his skills.

The Avengers, who had no time to hide, found that Thunder seems to be intelligent, and they automatically found Thanos' army. As long as their own people don't move around, they will not be shocked by Thunder.

"Thor? Are you sure it's Thor?"

" doesn't matter..."

Seeing that the situation was not good, Thanos quickly shouted loudly: "Shooting salvo!"

The mothership in the sky stretched out countless turrets, and the artillery attacks landed on the ground like a meteor shower. Thanos, regardless of his own army, directly launched an indiscriminate strike. This is the test for the Avengers.

Peter was running around with the Infinity Gauntlet at this time, Yake decisively withdrew his ability, Thanos's troops were almost done, and it was time to end all of this.

"Thanos, you're on time."

"Really? I don't think so!"

Yake smiled slightly, a thunder blade gathered on his right hand, and slowly walked towards Thanos. At this moment, there was a loud noise in the sky, and Yake squinted his eyes. Let's talk about killing the tyrant.

Little Spider holding the Infinity Gauntlet looked at a bewildered face when he saw the Alliance of True and Worried Women next to him, so Auntie Surprised walked up to him with a smile on her face.

"Boy, do you have anything for me?"

Peter looked at the Widow, Pepper, Valkyrie, Scarlet beside him... honestly handed over the Infinity Gauntlet, and lay down on the ground to rest for a while.

Surprise held the Infinity Gloves and dived towards the van. Everything in front of him collapsed in front of the iron-headed baby. Thanos, who was being beaten by Yake, shrank his eyes, saw the Infinity Gloves in Surprise's hands, and looked at the van behind him. , he instantly understood what they wanted to do.

Taking advantage of the gap between Yake's attack, he threw the war blade in his hand, inserted it into the van, and a violent explosion occurred.

Yake: Alas~ what the fuck! ! !

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