Sky Island, Angel Island.

The residents have disbanded, but the voice of discussion has never stopped, because Gamfur has posted detailed regulations on every inhabited island, so that every Sky Islander can understand.

After a hasty lunch, Reiju was sent by Yake to take over the army of Sky Island, and he and Robin went to meet the chief of Sandia.

"Respected God Lord Yake, I am the chief of Sandia, it is an honor to meet you!" The chief of Sandia, wearing a crown, saluted Yake respectfully.

"You are here for Apayado!"

"Now Sky Island belongs to my territory. You can live in Apayado. I have no objection, but correspondingly, you also need to obey my orders. Is there a problem?" Jake said lightly.

Chief Shandia didn't have much hope at first, but Yake's words really gave him a big surprise.

"No, no problem. We will be satisfied if my people can live in Apayado. From now on, we will be at your service."

"Very well, then go and join my army selection, from now on you will only have to fight for me."

In fact, Yake still has an idea in mind, which is to send Gaya Island directly to Sky Island with the flame cloud, but the current territory seems to be enough. Sky Island has not many residents and does not need so many land resources.

"Yes, Lord God Yake, then I will retreat first."

Chief Sandia left with a face full of excitement.

Yake put the golden clock on the ground, and on the base is the text of history, and Robin is translating the content.

The general content is information about the location of Ancient Weapon Poseidon, but even Shirahoshi himself has seen Ancient Weapon himself, so there is nothing to say, just rubbing it to complete the second phase of the historical text collection task.

The only thing worth noting is a sentence engraved next to the base of the golden clock.

"I came here to bring this article to the end of the world. -----Pirate Gol·D·Roger"

Robin calmly said, she is not surprised that Roger of One Piece came here, after all, Rayleigh is the crew of One Piece, a little association can get the result.

"Robin, please engrave a sentence for me!" Yake suddenly became interested.

"No problem, Captain, what do you need me to engrave for you?"

"Hmm~ let me think about it... yes!

I conquer this place and bring the Kingdom of Sky God to the world. ----God Yake"

Yake racked his brains to come up with a sentence, and Robin couldn't help covering his mouth and laughing, what a strange desire to win.

"Robin, please carve slowly, I will go find the lost gold in the Golden Land."

Yake flew over Apayado, where the ancient ruins of Shandora lay dormant on this island, containing countless gold treasures.

Soon, Yake met the strongest creature in Sky Island, a giant python with a length of 100 meters, and Yake was going to subdue it as the guardian of the sky kingdom.


Yesterday's bell reminded the giant python of the scene when he was a child. He lived in Apayado since he was a child, and he was good friends with the great warriors Calgara and Rolando until Apayado was sent to the sky by the current. Sky, then lived alone for over 400 years.

For 400 years, its only mission is to find the golden bell, firmly believing that as long as the golden bell is rung, friends will return to it.

Today, I met an uninvited guest. Although it looks like an ant, it hurts to beat it. As for the ant, of course it is Yake himself.

Yake punched the long snake, no matter whether it was subdued or not, it was right to hit it first to let it know how powerful it was.

Soon, the long snake was beaten all over the head, and tears glistened in Kazilan's big eyes, pitiful, weak, and helpless.

"You will be my pet from now on, nod if you understand!" Yake raised his fist.

The long snake nodded frantically, splashing a cloud of smoke and dust, for fear that Yake would punch him again.

"Very well, from now on, your name is Jormungandr, the worldly python Jormungandr!" This is the only better name that Yake can think of.

"Okay, Jormungandr, open your mouth!"

The long snake didn't seem to understand the meaning of Yemengard, and looked at Yake cutely.

Yake sighed, hammered it, and continued to call its name.

He refused to listen and continued hammering, and soon the snake finally realized that Yemengard was his future name.

Walking into the belly of the snake, there are ruins inside, and some treasures scattered in every corner.

"This snake really eats everything, and its teeth are really good! Forget it, let's help it." Yake put all the precious metal treasures in the storage bar, and then put things like ruins, stones, and other things in the storage bar. In the storage compartment, Ye Mengjiad was given gastric lavage. Fortunately, the ruins and sundries only occupied one storage compartment, otherwise they really wouldn't fit.

"Open your mouth!"

Ye Mengjiade obediently opened his bloody mouth and let Yake go out.

"Very good, don't eat indiscriminately in the future, you should live here first, and I will come to you after a while!" Yake sent Ye Mengjiade to leave. It is really inconvenient to communicate with snakes, but don't forget, Nine Snake Island The person in charge is a snake expert. After the preliminary preparations are completed, Yake will move the Nine Snake Island up.

Yake took out the ruins from the storage bar and quickly piled them up into a hill. Now the storage bar is full of gold. Yake preliminarily judges that the value of the gold is at least 100 billion Berries, and most of the money will be used to build the Kingdom of God in the Sky.

I continued to search on the island, and found that there was still a lot of gold on the ruins of Shandora. Enel was dead, so the gold was not used to make the Ark Proverbs, and Yake naturally accepted all of them unceremoniously.

After collecting all the gold, Yake returned to Angel Island. To be honest, Angel Island is still too small compared to Apayardo, let alone Birka, but after moving the islands in Qinghai to the island one after another, it should be able to accommodate more citizens.

"Captain, you're back, how's the harvest?" Robin, who was reading a book, raised his head and said.

"Here, that's all." Yake raised his hand and released a small golden mountain, and the whole room was suddenly resplendent.

"Wow~ That's too exaggerated meow!" Anna has lost the control of facial expressions, but fortunately Nami is not there, otherwise she can be drawn on the spot.

"This is just the tip of the iceberg. The gold I collected today is worth at least 100 billion Baileys, maybe more!!" Yake has no feeling for gold, and the trouble is how to change it to Baileys.

There is another problem with Sky Island, which is the currency. Sky Island has a currency called Ike that is still in circulation. Although most of it has been traded in Bailey, Ike is always a big problem.

Yake is going to ban Ike tomorrow, and let the people of Sky Island exchange Ike. There are not many residents in Sky Island, and Yake still has more than one billion Baileys in cash. It should be enough, really. No, there is gold.

"By the way, Reiju, how is the military situation?"

Yake remembered the task he gave Reiju.

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