"Super lottery system?"

Yake, who once thought he was a cheat, couldn't help but shed tears of emotion, and finally came, after waiting for more than ten years. However, the trigger conditions are too harsh. Of course, Celestial Dragons can be killed with guns, but how to escape Admiral's pursuit? Fortunately, Yake waited until this day.

"Successfully activate the system, reward novice gift packs, release main missions and side missions."

"Standing on the top of the sea --- Series 1: Set up your own pirate group. The number of pirate groups is required to be more than 1. Completion will reward you with a chance to draw a lottery."

"The seeker of the historical truth (1/5/10/30), complete the phased task rewards corresponding to the number of draws."

Empress Hancock has already gone to prepare a dinner to welcome Yake's arrival, and Yake is quietly thinking about the newly activated system.

Opening the novice gift package, Yake said silently in his heart.

"Congratulations on getting the storage slot: 100

Obtain a Devil Fruit Enhancement Card

Get a Devil Fruit Fusion Card

Dozens of lottery draws

Please pay attention to check"

There is no weight limit for storage slot owners, only item type restrictions, which is very economical and practical.

"Check the effect of Devil Fruit Enhancement Card and Fusion Card."

Devil Fruit Reinforcement Card: Reinforce Ability Effect/Enhance Negative Resistance

Devil Fruit Fusion Card: Fusion with any Devil Fruit to generate a new Devil Fruit based on the two abilities.

Yake burst into ecstasy. The effects of these two cards are too strong. Although the fusion card is not used yet, the enhanced card can be used immediately.

"Use the strengthening card to enhance the negative resistance." Yake chose to enhance the negative resistance.

"During use, resistance to seawater and seastone is increased by 50%"

That's it? Yake didn't feel any big changes. If it weren't for hallucinations, the system would definitely not lie. Don't think about it anymore, Yake started ten consecutive draws.

"Congratulations: Thank you for patronizing *6, Marine Six Styles Grandmaster Card, Weapon Embryo, Physical Enhancement Card, Bailey 500 million."

"Wow~ It's so ordinary...Physical strengthening card, so-so, you can already know the six styles, and the weapon embryo is a bit interesting." Yake used the strengthening card with the Grandmaster cartoon, and it became a little bit stronger, and then began to play with it in his hand. A mass of black fluid, this is the so-called weapon embryo.

"Can it turn into what you want? Interesting." Yake silently thought about the shape of the sword, and the black fluid gradually transformed into what Yake imagined. The whole body was black, the blade was curved, and the back of the sword had three sharp corners, and then the shape was fixed. no longer change.

"Just call you Tensa Zangetsu." Yake nodded with satisfaction.

"Yake, the banquet that belongs only to you has begun, come quickly!" Hancock walked in, took Yake's hand and walked out.

A few months later, Nine Snake Island.

In the queen's bedroom, Yake got up from the bed, surrounded by Hancock who was sleeping soundly. Yake, who has grown up, naturally broke through the last boundary with Hancock and became a real man. Hancock has also become more beautiful and attractive, full of charm.

Dressed and standing on the balcony, Jacques sighed that it had been too long, and Hancock was too charming. A pair of hands hugged Yake from behind, and Hancock's chin rested on Yake's shoulder.

"Are you really not going to stay for a few more days? Yake, what should I do if you leave?" Hancock murmured reluctantly.

"Hancock, it's okay. It's not like I won't come back forever. I'll visit you often." Yake took Hancock's emerald green hand and put it in his own, rubbing it lightly.

"When I form my own resident, you all come together, so that we can be together forever." Yake comforted.

"Okay, Yake, then you must visit me often..."

Jacques had already left Nine Snakes Island, carrying a huge package on his back, flying in the air relying on elementalization, and after leaving Hancock's sight, he put the package into the inventory, which took up more than 30 It can be seen that Hancock has prepared a lot of items for Yake.

Next stop, Yake is going to Alabasta to find his crew. That's right, it's Nico Robin. As the only woman in the pirate world known by Yak who can understand the historical texts, she should also remember a lot of historical texts she has read. It is very helpful for completing side missions, although there are few rewards , but it is still meat anyway.

Yake came to the port of Albana.

There was a lot of people, and the vendors shouted and drank the pedestrians coming and going, which seemed very lively.

Yake inquired a little bit, and heard about Crocodile's deeds. Here, Seven Warlords of the Sea-Crocodile is called a hero.

Yake smiled and said nothing. It seems that he can go directly to Crocodile. After asking passers-by for the direction of Yudi, Yake set off again.

Walking through the atmosphere in the form of lightning, Yake found the rainy land not long after, and observed the city with the color of knowledge, and soon Yake found an unusual breath.

"Mr. Sand Crocodile, according to the information of Arobana's agent, he found the trace of Yake who is suspected of offering a reward." Nico Robin reported to Crocodile.

"God Yake, what is this kind of person doing here? Hurry up and ask someone to find out his purpose!!" Crocodile ordered.

"No, I'm already here, Sand Crocodile." A mass of lightning formed a human form, and Yake's body appeared directly in Sand Crocodile's sight.

"Many people in the world want your head, Yake, dare to come to my place, do you want to die?" Crocodile said viciously.

"You want to kill me? Hahaha, just rely on your 81 million bounty?" Yake seemed to hear some big joke, and tears of laughter almost flowed out.

"Since when has bounty become the criterion for judging strength? Underestimate me, you will die?" Crocodile gritted his teeth and stared at Yake. The yellow sand had already begun to escape, and he would launch an attack immediately if there was any movement.

"Don't be so nervous, I'm here to negotiate a deal with you, give me Nico Robin, you continue your grand career of stealing the country, and I will treat it as nothing happened."

"Or, kill you, and I'll take Robin away." Yake calmly said terrible words.

"It seems that you already know something, so I can't keep you, Desert Diamond Sword!" Crocodile immediately launched an attack, and Yake was bound to be taken down in one fell swoop.

"It seems that you still don't understand the gap between us, sand crocodile."

Yak instantly activated the Conqueror's Haki.

"As pirates, you and I are not on the same level."

"Ray Armor!"

The thunder and lightning formed an armor attached to Yake's body, easily resisting the attack of the sand crocodile.

"How... possible!" Crocodile couldn't believe it. The attack he was proud of was easily blocked, which made him unacceptable.

"The good show has just begun." Yake smiled provocatively and disappeared in place.

"I got you." Yake appeared in front of Crocodile in an instant, punched him in the face, and Crocodile's cigar flew out with a few teeth.

"Gunnir's Gun"

A thunder spear pinned the sand crocodile to the ground, unable to move.

"Stop making unnecessary struggles, Mr. Sand Crocodile, you should understand the gap between us! I'll take Robin away." Yake didn't intend to kill Crocodile, the main task was to take Robin away.

"Kill me! Yake." Crocodile saw that Yake saw him abandoning him like a shoe, and sat up forcibly like an ant. A piece of flesh and blood was taken up by Gungnir's gun, and the blood flowed out, with cooked The smell of meat.

"It seems that your spirit is still there, continue chasing your dreams in this yellow sand, Crocodile, or, on the sea, defeat me." Seeing Crocodile's behavior that could be called suicide, Yake left as if he had never heard of it, Pick up Robin who was stunned by Conqueror's, and leave this place.

Gungnir's gun dissipated, Crocodile struggled to get up, but fell to the ground again due to the severe pain of the wound, and the only sound left in the huge room was Crocodile's painful panting.

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