the next day.

Daily newspapers will be transported from the island of Dengtian to the Kingdom of Sky for distribution. No matter what is reported, it will be shipped to the Kingdom of Sky. Anyway, there is nothing to hide. Yake does not want the residents of Sky Island to have nothing to the outside world. cognition.

Today's newspaper is very interesting, and Jacques read it with gusto. Not surprisingly, Crocodile was still defeated by Luffy and buried in the yellow sand with his dream. It seems that it won't be long before Straw Hat Crew will come to the Kingdom of Sky God.

"Captain, someone who claims to be the Big Mom Pirates came to you and said they have something important to discuss."

Reiju sends a message to Yake through the phone bug. BIG MOM is one of the Four Emperors of New World. What will happen to Yake?

"Uh...bring them to God's House, by the way, did he say who he is?"

Yake asked curiously. Although there is no conflict with the aunt for the time being, there will be sooner or later. He wants to see what the aunt has to do and has to go to his site to find him.

"A man and a woman. The man calls himself Katakuri, and the woman calls herself Charlotte Bray."

"Oh, I see, let's bring them to the God's House! I just have time."

Ka Er and Bu Lei are very reasonable. Bu Lei is a mirror fruit capable person. The capable person can enter the mirror world by himself, so he can teleport in the mirror world and appear in a specific place through the mirror.

If there is no accident, the reason why Ka Er brought Bu Lei is that he can quickly come to the paradise through the mirror world. Yake himself is also very interested in this BIG MOM's deputy, the strongest child of Big Mom.

After a while, Reiju came to the shrine with a tall man and a woman who looked like a witch.

After Katakuri brought Bree to the Kingdom of the Sky, he never let go of his guard, and always protected Bree behind him to prevent accidents from happening. He is not interested in the strange sights of the Kingdom of God in the Sky, he just wants to complete the task as soon as possible, and then bring Bu Lei back to Ten Thousand Kingdoms safely.

In his perception, the woman who received them was very strong, and he always felt that someone was watching them secretly. It wasn't until I saw Yake with my own eyes that I realized that Yake's combat power was definitely not blown by Marine. This kind of power is no worse than that of his mother, and his whole body is full of danger.

Katakuri's body tensed instinctively, observing the surrounding environment, and after confirming that there was no danger, he spoke slowly.

"Your Excellency Yake, I am Katakuri, and this is Charlotte Bree. The reason why I came here uninvited is because my mother has something important to discuss with you. Please forgive me."

Neither humble nor overbearing, but also polite, is worthy of being the pillar of the Charlotte family.

"Don't be nervous. In the kingdom of the sky, as long as you are not an intruder, we are friends. Let's talk about it. What's the matter?" Yake said with interest, leaning forward slightly.

"I lost my temper, Lord Yake, please wait a moment, mother wants to negotiate with you personally..."

"Blu blu blu..."

"Mom, we have reached the Kingdom of God in the Sky, Lord Yake is next to me, you can talk to Lord Yake directly."

Katakuri nodded slightly to Yake, put the phone bug on the table in front of Yake, stood there silently, like a statue, and Bree hugged Katakuri's thigh tightly.

"Mumma, mama~ is it God Yake?"

"It's me, aunt, we don't seem to have much intersection, right? What can you do with me?"

"Mum, Mama, I have a tea party next week, you must come! Mama, Mama~"

Looking at the expression of the phone bug, one can imagine that the aunt is in a good mood at this time, drooling all over the floor, and Yake frowned slightly.

"It doesn't seem to be my business, does it?"

"Mumma, Mama, the protagonist this time is you, you are the most important guest, Katakuri, please give him the invitation letter!"

Katakuta took out a beautiful invitation letter from his pocket and put it on the right side of the phone bug. Yake took a look at it. The package was very beautiful, but the pattern on it was like a child's graffiti, with a few large characters written crookedly. , and then some inexplicable patterns. At first glance, it was painted by the aunt herself, and it must not be fake.

"I'm the protagonist, what do you mean?"

Yake has a bad feeling, aunt should not...follow him!

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Yake quickly shook his head and put this terrible thought behind him. If this was the case, he would rather rush to Wanguo and give Big Mom to Shark now.

"Mum, Mama, come on! You'll know when you're here, and there's a very delicious Chiffon Cake covered with sea salt and almond milk~ suck..."


Yake was a little speechless for a moment, the cake is so attractive, why not just send me some historical texts!

"Okay, I'll be there next week."

Yake is extremely tired. He is going to take the Ark Pirates to play in the world, and get some historical texts by the way, but if the aunt has any wrong thoughts... then fight! Who is afraid of whom!

"Mum, Mama~ That's great, I'm waiting for your arrival at Cake Island..."

Katakuri put away the phone bug, then put a permanent pointer on Yake's table, and bowed slightly to Yake again.

"Excuse me, Lord Yake, I am waiting for your arrival in Wanguo. This is my phone number. You can contact me at any time when you arrive in Wanguo. Let's go first."

Katakuri turned around and took Bree away without any hesitation. His respect for Yake was only because Yake was strong enough, not because Yake was the king or god of a country!

"Auntie, hahaha, you dare to invite me to her place... Forget it, just treat it as a relaxation!"

Meanwhile, Gaya Island.

"Uncle Lizitou, will there really be a soaring current to take us to Sky Island tomorrow?" Luffy asked excitedly.

"That's right, if you're not afraid of death." Cooley Guy extinguished a cigarette and exhaled pure second-hand smoke at Luffy.

"Yo Xi~ let's head towards Sky Island tomorrow!"

"Luffy, think about it again, you can go to Sky Island through the Sky Island, why risk your life to take the soaring ocean current?" Nami tried to persuade Luffy to choose a safe route, with a slightly crying voice, holding on tightly Luffy's arm.

"That's right ~ Luffy, you have to think about us too! Woohoo!" Chopper hugged Luffy's thigh tightly, and plowed a brown furrow on the ground as Luffy walked.

"Hey~ Let me tell you, I have a disease that will kill me as soon as I go to Sky Island..."


"No, I'm going tomorrow, I must know what Uncle Shanks said!"

Luffy looked at the straw hat in his hand, looking forward to tomorrow's adventure.

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